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This is profound, in my opinion.
I seldom come across a discussion about how people exercising freedom might impact the non-free people close to them. One may keep it to themselves, but what if something unexpected happens and the cat comes running out of the bag? And when it does, the non-free will perceive the event from a slave standpoint, not a freedom standpoint, thus creating more problems.
This happened to me, and it was not pretty.
And it can be quite the challenge to "play along" at a dinner table full of relatives who are debating the latest defacto ploy. One can "drop a bee in their bonnet," but that doesn't mean they will wake up to the truth. Some may wake up, but others may kick the beehive. More like the hornet's nest. lol
And certainly there are people who got married, then years later, one found freedom, the other didn't, and wanted nothing to do with it. Imagine how isolating that situation was. Or still is. Maybe that's happened to some here.
Or, a man/woman was single, found freedom, but the only choices available from the dating pool were slaves. But the slaves had a great capacity for love, perhaps greater than a free single man. Then one would really have to "play along." Perhaps its better to stay single.
One thing I have observed during my freedom studies: not everyone is meant to be free. Not everyone has the capacity to manage themselves. Some people need to be managed and told what to do by a visible authority. And I do not say this from a place of arrogance. I know these people. So perhaps the defacto serves a purpose for them.
Your thoughts?