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Re: Femmes. Women/females tend to be geared up differently than any Man--they tend to acclimate to apparent authority, might or power even as children which gives the appearance of them "maturing more quickly" (i.e. they conform to the perceived power structure for their own maximum safety and protection). Women/femmes who are highly State indoctrinated are little different from the State when it comes to hunting/exploiting a Man or taking things from a Man for as little effort or price as possible: thus such women/femmes can be very dangerous. Also, such femmes/women tend to be afraid of Men from who they cannot easily escape if they abuse such a Man because they are (like rogue cops) ready to use the State's power to protect themselves even if such women are not only wrong but criminal in their act and intent. Women like that are threatened by a man who they cannot abuse then escape from by hiding behind the State's skirt--they do not want a moral society because the hijinx they love so much cannot fly. (It takes some maturity to see the truth of this paragraph: these days where hunting and robbing from Men is a sport, believe me little girls catch on pretty quickly and if they can use the State's firepower to uphold their con jobs... . There are honest and good femmes but it helps to honestly survey the landscape to see the similarity and potential symbiotic relationship between the Statist woman that hunts a Man for his resources and attorneys/cops/municipalities that make a living hunting men for their resources.)