This is a bit revealing, and entertaining as while the Document says ORDER, the clerk has it registered on PACER as an "opinion". - Just a federal judge's opinion folks...
Click Here to View.
Here is my opportunity to share how delightful it is to check the account summary and find a balance of $00.00 even though I like to download suitors' process regularly. Somebody realized that PACER should not be charging at all, being a government publication service and they opened up a Cloud (I believe) calling it Public Archive. NOTICE: RECAP it turns out is not free. It loads to "Public Archives" and is free from there but PACER charges for the initial download! Once you download the free document it becomes available for free from this public archive too! RECAP is a browser tool you load on to your browser.
Read the clerk instruction and note the next time a suitor encounters resistance to publication (Record Forming) I will instruct that he or she add the demand the clerk publish it on PACER too. Notice that the R4C is marked as FILED by the US Clerk of Court. For now however, it would seem the clerk feels publication on PACER is at the discretion of the court.
David Merrill.