Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post

if Accepted For Value is a myth, then why has it been effective?

I have never believed that it is effective. In other words, for every example or demonstration you might show me, I would probably be convinced that it is something much simpler; usually fair debt collections policy or law.

One might be behooved to understand how inherently Trebilcock v. Wilson allows for anybody who refuses to accept legal tender for a payment, especially for services has waived the debt. Also there are flaws with MERS and other consideration-less transactions that will cause a bank to back away and cut losses, making A4V appear to have been successful.

Then there is the pure mythology, people who believe hearsay success stories. It is not worth arguing about really. If you can show us a coherent demonstration that will not take much time to be convincing, great!

My advice is to study Rules of Evidence and apply them to any demonstration other than your own direct experience.