This I agree partially. The remedy of 12 USC 411 is for person. However, this does not negate the fact that WE, as man still have responsibilities "to do the best we can" and not add or create any harm, public or otherwise. I see no alternative that man HAS NO OPTION but to do commerce in today's world unless he wants to live in the mountains, island or amazon. Therefore, when man receives a check or payment in the name that is owned by the state, it truly is "money" he USES. The private script is not his nor the Name. His only option to endorse the back of that check is something like: Deposited for credit on account or exchanged for non-negotiable FRNs of face value. One can only do the best he can.

Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
I agree that is a good remedy to focus on if you are stuck as a 14ther with no other options. In my opinion, the better remedy is to not be a 14ther. Then most of those remedies and battles on a case by case basis are not needed. I think redeeming is always a good idea, no matter if you are a 14ther or not.