Years ago in 2010 I had the following happen to me simultaneously:
1. A foreclosure action
2. IRS action
3. A man crawled under my house and tried to burn it down at midnight
4. Warrants issued for the arrest of my person for driving without a DL
5. Police officers banging on my door in the middle of the night shining lights in the windows and scaring my family
Now then, my immediate family while scared supported me [wife and children]; however let me be VERY CLEAR there were times when I was brought to nothing in tears of helplessness and frustration BUT I never showed that to my family. I always put on a face of confidence in the Lord to my family. Now let me be the first to say when police officers are parked in front of your house for an entire weekend, they are listening to your phone calls, they are banging on the door and windows and walking around the house at 2:30 in the morning, well my wife was NOT happy with me.
I remember one night in particular. Everyone was on edge because noone was sleeping well and the police came and banged on the doors, etc. My wife got up turned on all the lights in the house and screamed at me GO AND TAKE CARE OF THIS NOW. I calmly informed her that this is a commercial matter, I am the King of this house and that I was not going to allow myself to be arrested that day. [Remember the movie Tombstone? CLICK HERE]
I will not allow myself to be controlled by those who operate in low levels of consciousness. Those that are pawns are meant to be moved by the chess player! Those who would be as "another brick in the wall" they are hardened and not useful except to be controlled and TOLD WHAT TO DO. These are order takers.
Now then when my wife told my mother of these things, then the proverbial crap hit the fan. Now I could no longer "hide" my affairs now I was exposed and boy did the assault begin. When I say assault I mean the EMOTIONAL begging of those who are in the outer court who cannot understand why. They know the question but they don't understand Why the question needs to be asked. They comprehend a means but they don't understand HOW it is that they have arrived at the question. Thus they are doomed to repeat history.
Let me elaborate: She, my mother, begged me to just submit to whatever the "control freaks" deemed appropriate for my punishment so that the ordeal could be abated and peace could be re-established. But I notice she was only thinking about her societal womb, she was not concerned for my peace. See that I am not opposed to my mother, I love her dearly, but in this example she plays out the TYPE of the mother offering up her sons and daughters to DEATH. She is ignorant, I did not say stupid, but ignorant to what is going on and as such, she may as well be ASLEEP.
When I finally decided it was time, I placing my full faith and trust in Yehoshuah, overcame not in my strength but in total reliance of His Word and His Strength. That is what is so amazing. The same test that came to Abraham came to me. I had to overcome in Faith. So, like Esther, I walked into the king's court and instead of death I was met with all smiles. The case was abated and while the judgment was for a year of jail and 1k fine, I was met with all smiles and a word saying that the case file would be placed in V.R. I asked what that was and the response was I can't give you legal advice. You may want a lawyer to explain that to you. I then immediately had the KEY in my hand.
That is a closed law boundary - subjecting ONLY its Persons. I a conscious man exercised my WILL - I was not controlled - I freely exercised my WILL in faith. I was granted the victory. In fact I already knew I had the victory BEFORE I went to the court house. How? The night before I called up a brother and he and I prayed over the matter and he and I were in agreement that I had the victory and we TWO bound our judgment in Earth and in Heaven and therefore, all that was left for me was to walk out the drama as a witness to the events.
Now other associates had informed me that I had to file all sorts of paperwork, I had to embarass the powers that be, I had to do all sorts of things and I choose none of those paths. I chose to obey God. I choose Liberty. I choose FREE WILL. My eyes are open to the oppression and while I would like to open the eyes of my neighbors, I cannot. I can only expose darkness and stand against it.
Said another way another man showed me the door - BUT I HAD TO WALK THRU IT.
So I ask where are the Andy Griffiths of the world? Why does the world seem to be run by Barney? The answer is simple? Men choose to erect the pyramid in their own intellect. Their ego runs the show. I however, seek to tear down that pyramid. To tear down those RIDGID bricks so that the Light of Jesus Christ might shine.
One will say, I know, I will go to and build a new Kingdom. This is a dog returning to his own vomit. For in doing so that one creates a NEW system of control. Save the SERVANT - KING. Our laws are to our good. Thus to be without the law is to be without the good of the Kingdom. And therefore two choices exist - Judgment or removal from the Kingdom. Rebellion is indeed a horrible offense.
But I digress. Later, when others looked in to my situation they were confounded. Even my peers did not comprehend. I even met one of the police officers that was banging on the door. He said I don't understand why I never win with guy like you. I responded, if you can't win against one guy like me, then you really need to take a hard look at what you are doing. I was not going to tell him his job was of no use, that would be ridiculous, he indeed keeps the peace and is helpful to the community; however, I was hoping to impress upon his mind that to blindly follow and order without FIRST thinking and considering is this order lawful, moral and ethical is to be a controlled slave!
The latter is unfortunately the estate of most men and women today. They are agents for the enemy as they do not exercise their mind.
But how can one know absent an example? What then of men's processes, their paperwork? Will these work for me? My response to these are "WORK OUT THY SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING". I cannot rely upon another man. I must learn how to properly apply knowledge and this is WISDOM. She indeed is beautiful.
And She is the member of the Godhead that has been mistreated. She must be honored, she is the Glory of El Elyon. So I say, with Wisdom, Father El Elyon brought forth the Word. But does a man give birth? Hardly. A woman RECEIVES and CONCEIVES the child - the Logos. Therefore I shall "Honor my Father and my Mother".
Let us esteem others to be greater than ourselves. For, again I say, the one who says I will create a new Kingdom, places himself on the throne and what he sought to escape has now ensnared him which is to say CONTROL.
Illusion traps one in a Control paradigm - Fear seeks to keep the norm - the DESERT OF THE REAL. Their will always be violent aversion to the truth by those who live in the illusion paradigm. Society cannot abide an ESTHER mindset - She by her Will [deeds] exposes their consent to be slaves and noone wants to think they are slaves.
Oh by the way did you know football season just started....rofl...anything and everything to keep you from THINKING. You want to play baseball? Are you on the square in BASE Consciousness - Controlled. Let us CIRCLE the square - rise above in our consciousness.
Act 9:4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
Act 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
If the prick of the compass is moved there will be no PERFECT CIRCLE. Are you Saul or are you Paul?
The KEY is to just say NO. Learn to say NO.