This is a silver bullet for anyone that really wants to know what's going on & how the world criminal banker cartel muppets have stolen our rights away, print these government certified letters & carry them with you always !
This is a silver bullet for anyone that really wants to know what's going on & how the world criminal banker cartel muppets have stolen our rights away, print these government certified letters & carry them with you always !
That Letter is a classic! Thanks for the link too, Billy James.
Notice in the last paragraph that the Arizona Attorney General, Bob Corbin, cleverly only addresses "that no individual citizen is a 'sovereign'; all citizens are subject to lawfully enacted state and federal laws."
He did not address the substantive question that Hon. Wayne Stump originally asked: "Can unenfranchised individuals who constitute the sovereignty of the State, with unalienable rights, be compelled into a diminution or forfeiture of those rights by administrative regulation or legislative enactments."
One can only assume that had Mr. Corbin addressed the substantive issue, that it may have been a politically unwise act to do, given his position of power in the fictional entity from which he was claiming authority.
Maxim of law: "The laws sometimes sleep, but never die."
Common Law Remedy To Beat Traffic Tickets (and a whole lot more!)
With statists and attorneys, the devil is always in the details.
Watch what they say and see if it squares up with the question you asked. It rarely, if ever, will. Nevertheless, you have to stay within your court of competent jurisdiction if you wish to successfully rebut their subterfuge and discredit their claim or allegation.
It is all about whose perception is going to prevail. If they can sway your perception of reality over to theirs, they will. And once they do, they will have obtained your consent. That's really all they are after is your consent. And you have to be ever vigilant not to provide it to them.
Last edited by KnowLaw; 10-26-14 at 03:51 PM. Reason: additional commentary
Maxim of law: "The laws sometimes sleep, but never die."
Common Law Remedy To Beat Traffic Tickets (and a whole lot more!)
Yes I agree, also ordinary people should ask them to put the proceedings in plain English. That way there's an additional level of protection, so many of these Justices, Judges, Magistrates, etc... love to obscure what they're doing with Legalese garbage. A copy of Black's Law Dictionary or Bouvier's should be on everyone's wish list if they don't already have a copy handy. It's totally within your rights to look up definitions right in "court" from a law dictionary to help rebut their unlawful claims against you !