Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Having a conditional usage of "all property" delivers a distinct illusion of ownership. That illusion is quite convincing.

I tried to warn everybody about examples - that they never meet up to rules of evidence, even if they contain all the private information they can be doctored and photoshopped etc. Cyberspace has its shortcomings.

Johnny, defending and reacting to skepticism simply weakens your "examples". Allow people to be skeptical please. Continue to skim some member's and let it go.
Yesssssss. Years ago there was a skeptic in our small band that would always pester me for evidence. I tried and tried to explain to him that he either trusts me or he does not. So then we come back to liability. Am I willing to take liability for myself such that I learn and then implement what I learn. But once I act it is no longer the process or doctrine of another it is solely my deed. I own my deeds. My choices are my choices.

So then proof - what's that? Especially in a cyber arena. So then a wise one considers but then my deeds are my own and I cannot say this is David Merrill's process. It is my own the minute I act. All mine. For I am with the liability of my deeds. For me to point the finger at another is to be in limited liability - well that is the problem now isn't it?

Thank you for this response David Merrill. You are right. Some folks come for the teaching and others come for the "free fish sandwich" - 5 loaves and 2 fishes. In the end, we hold court at our own table - what to do - only the man in the mirror can decide.

So here's what you should do....... [written in jest - I can't answer that for you]

you get the point. Of course there are always those who are handicapped in some nature or degree and I think there should be those who should stand in the gap for those. However, in general, we broadcast upon a candid world and the world can choose what it shall do.

When I was a child I spake as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things. Test and weigh all matters in the balance - in the courtroom of your own mind. You decide and quit from placing your full faith and trust in other men. Jeremiah 17:5/17:7; Psalms 91: 1-2

Should you wish to place your trust in me, then ask of me what is my will and I may tell you what you should do. But then what will you do? Will you obey or rebel? You did place your trust in me, yes? Oh no? Then why are you asking? This is the heart of the matter - the crux.

Says the skeptic: Something for free has no value.

Is that true? Dear Reader: Only you can know. FEAR is a terrible enemy. It traps us into stagnation - someone should do some thing about this or that. And nothing ever gets done. Therefore CHANGE comes but not for good. Pushing thru fear one finds a house of cards. A system built upon CONSENT. Sign here and here and here and become the Guarantor / Surety. Benefit received with obligation required.

What you are ignorant of banking - does that nullify the benefit of banking? Hardly. To the Student: keep going.

Your servant in Christ,