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That's what I figured , keep all my money all year and then at years end still file a 1040, stating all money was redeemed in lawful money and praying that it is excepted and I get back a "have a nice day" letter, lol.
Make my notice to what bank? I have no account.
Notice and Demand to the nearest Federal Reserve bank then? If you take your non-endorsed paycheck to your boss's bank or the supermarket, notice to that receiving bank is given on the backside of your paycheck.
I photo copy all my checks front and back.
Good. The Lesson Plan is:
1) True Identity
2) Record Forming
3) Redeeming Lawful Money
Don't care for the benefits, I have been buying precious metals for my retirement, and job security is not an issue.
That is something on my mind lately. The morning after the next Bankers' Holiday the price of gold is going to be $42.22/troy ounce according to asset reports and Amendments to the Bretton Woods Agreements. Rather than print up new bills this means that the bills in our wallets will be greatly discounted in value. The supermarket will likely take Spot from before the Holiday, divide that by $42.22 and just multiply the total at the cash register by that factor. Anybody investing in gold by contract will be out by that ratio too. People who are holding the actual metal will be all right; like nothing happened.
- None of my business but my guess is you are skilled in the medical field. I am pleased my concerns were unwarranted. Confidence goes a long way in metaphysics.
I'm just sick of paying $12,000 a year in taxes in hopes of getting $3,000 back just to pay my property taxes. I'd rather be in complete control of all my earnings now and in the end again just let them know lawful money has been redeemed. And with more reading now about the difference between independent contractor and employee, I'm starting to get nervous reading about all the BS involved with it....
There is a way to use your Demand on the W-4 by checking the box that you do not anticipate owing any income tax. I don't know how long payroll/personnel is willing to make these adjustments for you but you sound needed, essential personnel.