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Thread: How to use this Lesson Plan.

  1. #1

    How to use this Lesson Plan.

    This upper area of Categories (Forum Page) is primarily what I requested of the Admin for walking a new reader or member though remedy as it exists in America today. Once I have populated the topics I will get them arranged in the order I think best for an easy introductory course through the threads that develop around these topics, according to my opening threads.

    This will be an Instruction Set, to better understand how the 'saving to suitors' clause and diversity may be utilized to enhance your property rights in America.

    I will be spending some time editing the first posts of many of the Lesson Plan threads. I want this website to be concise and updated with current and useful information.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-13-12 at 11:29 PM.

  2. #2
    An A to Z, start here flow chart works best, for me at least...

  3. #3

    I have been thinking about that. Building the Category though, that has been important. My initial objective was that any one subcategory on the Forums Page would be equally edifying as any other. Just the same though; I am thinking the videos might be best for a Newbee here.


    David Merrill.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-10-11 at 09:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member logjam's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Somewhere in Virginia
    May I also suggest hyper-links to a wiki for definitions, &c...

  5. #5
    I've studied the writings of Henrickson and others, I understand the Fed and the flaws in the monetary/central banking system somewhat, but I don't find this easy to grasp.

    A simple and easy course would be appreciated -- do you have any idea when that might happen or what to do meanwhile?.

  6. #6
    This is the Course - the Category 'Saving to Suitors' Club. Read the first posts in each thread by me and then you might get on that thread with questions and comments please.

  7. #7
    WONDERFUL!!! ... I NEED SUCH! ... I'm just returning here from a COPD Pneumonia hospitalization that began, the very day you posted this, and ended the 11th April, and today I'm planing to attempt opening a lawful money account, using My SSA check with 'DEMAND IS MADE FOR LAWFUL MONEY, per 12 USC Sect. 411, ___ hal-richard ___: d.b.a. TRANSMITTING UTILITY' on the bank's "Signature Card".... I'll NOT be leaving here for this effort, until +/- 3:30 p.m. CT, so PLEASE give My any feedback you may have
    Last edited by hal-richard; 04-18-11 at 03:56 PM. Reason: cited wrong problem

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by hal-richard View Post
    WONDERFUL!!! ... I NEED SUCH! ... I'm just returning here from a COPD Pneumonia hospitalization that began, the very day you posted this, and ended the 11th April, and today I'm planing to attempt opening a lawful money account, using My SSA check with 'DEMAND IS MADE FOR LAWFUL MONEY, per 12 USC Sect. 411, ___ hal-richard ___: d.b.a. TRANSMITTING UTILITY' on the bank's "Signature Card".... I'll NOT be leaving here for this effort, until +/- 3:30 p.m. CT, so PLEASE give My any feedback you may have


    I see some Strawman Redemption theory that I disagreed with - you should be a TRANCEIVER UTILITY if anything. I think you best just write in:

    All transactions demanded in lawful money Title 12 U.S.C. §411.

    Then sign your demand:

    Marshal Richard (me assuming)

    That is to say, on your Signature Card.

    On the backside of the check write:

    Redeemed in Lawful Money pursuant to Title 12 U.S.C. §411

    above your signature -

    Marshal Richard dba Marshal Richard LAST
    (signed) ......................(printed)

    If they make you sign the Signature Card with your legal name add dba Marshal Richard LAST and they will likely make you open a non-interest bearing account and/or insist that you open a business account - get it? dba= Doing Business As.

    Stay calm, especially with your condition. Even if you fail to get your account opened the way you like, your demand will be on the record. The law says:

    They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand...

    If you can get your demand for lawful money on the record on the Signature Card and the Check you are doing great! Even if you have to strikethrough your demand, that will reflect that you made the demand - get it? You can strikethrough the demand and that is still evidence you made your demand and were coerced into striking it through. Of course, leave the bank with copies of everything - especially your demands.


    David Merrill.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-18-11 at 04:23 PM.

  9. #9
    THANKS MUCH and God Bless!!!! ... This is exactly what I needed! ... As an aside here; I feel I comprehend this 411 remedy, but I'm not so clear on the aspect of things in code that relieve us from the IRS USAGE FEE, by virtue of the 411 claim. Please enlighten? ... Also I need to know exactly how and where - if at all - the SSN / EIN # fits into this process. FYI I have a UCC-1 lien against the ALL CAPS NAME and #, on file with Texas SOS, April 1, 2005 - April 1, 2015, for whatever that's worth.
    Last edited by hal-richard; 04-18-11 at 06:04 PM. Reason: ADDED INQUIRY

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Of course, leave the bank with copies of everything - especially your demands.
    Starting the first of the year, my employer's bank refused to make copies of my paycheck, unlike before, when I would get front and back copies of the transacted check with the damand on the back.

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