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Thread: No pleading.

  1. #1

    No pleading.

    This is a very lively topic indeed.

    Let's just start with the idea that misnomer is cause for no arraignment. If one handles identifying himself correctly then, the clerk must correct the name on the court case or the defendant avoids arraignment indefinitely.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Exploring the nature of 72 hours acceptance or reject the offer made from the FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS ("FRD's"). What then is judge? Is he just upholding a Contract? in Banc The New Deal - FDR making banking available to the Public - it is just they are mostly unregulated banks. Most are endorsing the Federal Reserve, yes? I mean if they were not then the debt would not be spinning wildly out of control.

    the de-jure re-venue officer in the FRD's wants to make merchandise from you. Will you remain silent and agree to be charged? I have heard many a judge say "we try John Doe all the time". I even saw a judge attempt to try DAVID MERRILL when DAVID MERRILL VAN PELT failed. Fact is any judge has complete authority to hear any matter around cestui que vie trust (CQVT). Will you appear for it and grant putative jurisdiction? Will you agree to be fiduciary to settle the account - why not let the Trustee settle the affair?

    This is where I get a real kick out of those who claim dejure vs. defacto officers. If that sort of claim is made, then one must go to venue and jurisdiction and even to agreement via silence. If an officer begins to act and not a peep in opposition is heard well then even thought he is defacto in nature his actions stand because the citizens agreed by silence.

    Motla68 - where are you?

    Many times at chattel court, the attorner knows he is dealing with ignorant men and women so they form a line outside of the court room for each man and woman to "sign in" - that is "sign their name" just after they "Understand" they have been given a right to have an attorney or they agree to be representing themselves. Plus they sign their name in acceptance and consent to be given a benefit. No, you don't want an attorney - just sign this waiver - and agree to the benefit.

    You did come for judgment, yes. I mean you did fall silent and accept the offer. What have you done to set yourself apart? Nothing? Well there you go.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-27-11 at 01:52 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Motla68 - where are you?
    Answering a bunch of questions and providing assistance privately, very busy sometimes. It seems to be more productive then try to prove out my beliefs here.

    I could provide argument here, but what would be the point if not everyone cares to study and test out the concepts in which I speak of publicly here. The best one could do is start looking up the terms and de-constructing them to see where they come from to find out for themselves.

    "Plead in bar" or one of my favorites " Law of Mistake". Break it down in more simple terms, stop making it so complicated with their private statutes corporate government used for themselves, not you. We have acquiesced into these rules from another term called Tacit, there is verbal tacit and silent tacit.

    What came first man or government? Did Adam have knowledge of government the moment he come into this world or did it come after in the "form" of an offer?
    Whom has the higher law, man or government upon this earth?

    I am hearing more successes in confidence privately so I cannot mention names, today I got word a foreclosure was handled with information put together in Coresource Solution and it was done so simply I almost cannot believe it myself. Much the same way the traffic tickets were handled recently spoke of in other posts, only that they were actually in court and the attorney asked to speak to the man who was there to help settle the matter, after he did the paper slide and she looked at the paperwork she was so pissed she was shaking, after consulting with the judge she just left the courthouse without telling anyone he eventually found out and when checked with the clerk of court the case had been dismissed.

    Why do we make things so complicated when it can be handled so simply by just calling things what they are for better lack of words which MJ is attempting to do here.

    Peace to all and a good day until we experience a new day.

  4. #4
    That may be way too complicated for most folks. I say you give the clerk of court ten days to correct the name on the case and if he fails to do so, default him.

    I have a true judgment in my favor to the day. It is beyond me to think that the chief judge could not see it right there in the case jacket! The only reason to try a John DOE would be if the defendant would not give his true name.

    Keep it Simple.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-27-11 at 03:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Sometimes they try Mickey Mouse

    but why let it get to trial. Handle your affairs - you chose the path. But whatever path you chose you are expressing your trust or distrust.

    I like this one: by Paul Simon

    "The problem is all inside your head
    She said to me
    The answer is easy if you
    Take it logically
    I'd like to help you in your struggle
    To be free
    There must be fifty ways
    To leave your lover

    She said it grieves me so
    To see you in such pain
    I wish there was something I could do
    To make you smile again
    I said I appreciate that
    And would you please explain
    About the fifty ways"
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-27-11 at 03:42 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Exactly the point. you chose a particular path that worked for you. Some might even go as far to create a new State. Another path all together. And others find that repugnant and not necessary. To each his own. Therefor we must discuss construct regarding venue and jurisdiction. Why did this work for you?

    The foregoing goes to survey - residency, citizenry, etc.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  8. #8
    You cannot form a state within a state - not in America. It is against the Constitution.

    Your identity depends on the truth, and how you identified yourself. If the court is proceeding in misnomer, that is a fatal flaw to be taken advantage of with an abatement for misnomer.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    You cannot form a state within a state - not in America. It is against the Constitution.

    Your identity depends on the truth, and how you identified yourself. If the court is proceeding in misnomer, that is a fatal flaw to be taken advantage of with an abatement for misnomer.
    Constitution is Law within a particular State that says you cannot form another State within the Borders and Boundaries of that State. Another Survey may be made and Claim may be made on the very same Land and a new State is formed INDEPENDENT of the State you reference. So in reality you are defending your claim within a particular surveyed Property. And Property is never the object or idea it is the Right of Use.

    Also I do not understand the term America. The Organization of American States

    Misnomer is a path, agreed - "I have no trust in you" is another. I love to tell attorney's I have no trust in you. The look is priceless.

    Yet, I digress, as I now realize that this thread is about misnomer. So then, I agree, you form your identity. You may even decide to change your name it is really just up to you. But if you want relationships that other men and women can trust, there needs to be consistency.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-27-11 at 04:38 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  10. #10
    Senior Member motla68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    You cannot form a state within a state - not in America. It is against the Constitution.

    Your identity depends on the truth, and how you identified yourself. If the court is proceeding in misnomer, that is a fatal flaw to be taken advantage of with an abatement for misnomer.
    How about when one makes declaration of their own right to self determination of status, thus creating a State of mind? Would this be inside the state or outside the state?

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