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Thread: Government as company

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    hi skikamaru,

    thats not my "government", I am striving to keep mine between my ears. i now think government is another word/term for mind control im sure youve probably heard that before, no? govern=control, ment= mental. seems to fit! according to Karl Lentz, Obama was quoted as saying "America is a self governing nation"

    the way i see it now is that the incorporated one is set up for those of us who fail in self governing. those who cant control their own minds will still have it controlled.
    The psychological perspective of government from the perspective of an individual, I had not considered. Thank-you for this.

    My focus was on the financial aspect of government.

    : A company is an association or collection of individuals, whether natural persons, legal persons, or a mixture of both. Company members share a common purpose and unite in order to focus their various talents and organize their collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific, declared goals. .... [Link]
    .... as to "whose" government it is or claims to be is a whole other ball of wax .....

  2. #12
    Greetings george the 90k sits and draws no interest if it is in lawful money it cant draw interest I explained to the lady that thats a good thing the Bank it seems have a better idea as it has to pay the youngster 90k in lawful money in 9 years if it was interest bearing it would be 160k after 9years it also might be 0 too i think its safe at 90k unless the kid can demand the 160k payme in lawful money the bank has its own interests not the explaining how the 160k is a #on a computer screen what the bank cant explain is the matter would u leave the trust order in lawful money or take a banks investment babel just asking
    Last edited by xparte; 06-21-15 at 05:18 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Greetings george the 90k sits and draws no interest if it is in lawful money it cant draw interest I explained to the lady that thats a good thing the Bank it seems have a better idea as it has to pay the youngster 90k in lawful money in 9 years if it was interest bearing it would be 160k after 9years it also might be 0 too i think its safe at 90k unless the kid can demand the 160k payme in lawful money the bank has its own interests not the explaining how the 160k is a #on a computer screen what the bank cant explain is the matter would u leave the trust order in lawful money or take a banks investment babel just asking
    Punctuation, periods, and paragraphs would go a long way towards understanding what you are attempting to convey here .....

  4. #14
    Sorry its not intentional.Why would a bank thats holding a trust account in lawful money under a court appointed order and all parties agreed upon the order.Bank wanting the lady to invest the Money.She would have to get a Judge to change the order to facilitate the way a new trust is structured as the Bank has suggested this option . Whats prudent for the long haul is the security lost if order is varied. thanks

  5. #15
    The most important function of government under the premises of the initial post is its ability to create pools of capital as well as its ability to raise funds.

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