Something snapped into place this morning, in relation to how the IN GOD WE TRUST trust, and the 508(c)(1)(A) Mandatory Exception for churches and associations of churches relate to the proper bonding of judicial officers:
What would be the importance of the "living" God?
I will elaborate on this after some sleep. But I definitely saw upon waking how this So help me God, is the God of the Districts as in Federal Reserve debt God. To prepare yourselves for my point understand that I perfected a great $20M lien against SAMELSON's oath in 2009. The AG's corporation was bankrupted to avoid settlement but hours after SAMELSON swore out oaths for everybody without God at all, like David Gilbert MARTINEZ's oath.
Marla PRUDEK swears - So help me God. - Without specifying the living God or ever-living God. Her witness is a vacant office:
Gilbert MARTINEZ' oath is witnessed by SAMELSON who was properly bonded when I cured my Lien in early 2009, but executed a criminal syndicalism of the courthouse just after that.