That sounds like you concluded business. For a while anyway.
The descriptors used tell me about Right to Travel Patriot mythology. - And that you are a known "troublemaker". Which is to say that the News reporters were there to catch you being a nutjob. The bottom line is that the state wants you to register the vehicle but still to put the liability of a constructive trust, the illusion you own it back on you by legislating that you have to insure the state's vehicle out of your own stipend. You object.
But now you are in a position where you cannot do business with the state, even if you want to. But worse, if you smack a child on a bicycle with your (whatever you call it) while you are (whatever you call it) you should by all right pay for that broken arm, not his parents. Since you do not contract with government then you do not have the competence testing for operating a motor vehicle and thus you cannot have the benefit of insurance.
This is really the breach of trust that is being exposed. This is the state's complaint. By being a private vehicle and outside regulation you endanger the public assets around you and the state will have to take responsibility for its property. Idaho is likely a No-Fault state though, and it is the insurance companies lobbying for enforcement of "equal laws for everybody" that encroaches on your freedom on the byways. It is lopsided, this equation, that you contain equal risk of breaking that chattel minor's arm but the parent's insurance company will have to foot the bill.
I have been there. That is how I recognize it.
I am not going to predict the eventual outcome for you. Me, I spent 120 days in jail and then about 20 years on electric bikes. Finally I just figured it out. I was already known as David Merrill, so I signed the Driver License "David Merrill." I keep comprehensive insurance on it and do not use it for identification purposes. I keep the card in the glove box. It is there to prove competence and that the insurance company is good for any reasonable claim. This keeps everybody happy.
There is even an advantage. I have two trusts. FULL LEGAL NAME and FIRST MIDDLE names. I get to pick and choose which trust to use. - Like two email addresses; I can categorize business by the trust name.