On their way to school, Christina Ormerod and her daughter usually take the same route - and the same mode of transportation, with young Emily riding on the back of her mom’s motorized wheelchair. She even wears a seat belt on the journey, which is less than half a mile.
“That child is my absolutely life,” Ormerod said of her daughter. ‘I would never let anything happen to her at all.”
But now Ormerod said family services wants to take her daughter away, because they don’t think the way Emily gets to school is safe.
Ormerod said the complaints come from Emily’s father, who now wants full custody of their daughter. When asked why she doesn’t simply let her daughter walk beside her, she was told that would be even more unsafe.
Ormerod has more than once pointed out that people who are capable do that all the time. Ormerod has spina bifida.