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Thread: Protection from statue seizure.

  1. #21

    Anywhere you go, anything you see; I own it all so long as you believe that you are you, and me is me.

    I own everything and that is not threat to somebody like you, Walter owning anything. Here is the proof.

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    I was impressed when about ten by a film at school where a jet pilot flew as fast as he could for a full tank of fuel in order for the difference between two precision clocks to register time dilation. What stuck was the puzzle, how long with a faster plane and bigger fuel tank would the pilot have to go to "snap" into that theoretical timeline jump and come back to a different reality where the people on the ground were older?

    More simply put the sympathetic nervous system, conscious memories are obviously a subset of the autonomic nervous system - cellular (DNA) memory.

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    I invented the time machine when I was 40 and was speaking about that in past tense when I was 17, driving my physics professor half-mad. I invented Artificial Intuition when I was 69. Funny in early 2028 the big concern was trusting machines' intuition but the first application was air traffic control! Go figure!

    Need more proof?

    If you can buy God as necromancer, bringing Jesus back to life after three days rotten stinking dead then I doubt you dispute the Magi telling King Archelaus HEROD that their Prophet Daniel BELTESHAZZAR had dreams and visions that when Jupiter and Regulus were in conjunction a very special King of Israel was born. So why would you not believe me when I tell you that Artificial Intuition was a logical spoof on the fast RSA Factoring algorithm I invented off Fermat's Last Theorem and "flutter".

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    Evidently the attacks end some time before 2028.

    So what is a weed? Any plant growing where you do not want it.

    What is static? A complex waveform of maybe four or more frequencies so that the technician cannot use it.

    DMT dimethyltryptamine.

    What is junk DNA? Everything!

    Try setting your spine squarely but comfortably against the bark of an old tree. Feel it? That is what it is like to be a cellular memory. No organs to speak of - but the activated DNA forms bark, leaves, roots and sap all working with sunshine breaking down rocks with moisture... Then when you get it, cellular memory, rather than conscious memory take a moment to realize that the tree is getting a thrill out of its glimpse of the divine too - shopping and driving fast, crying and making love...

    Even to somebody experienced in trust law, this is difficult to express in writing - ownership. It might seem to culminate at a registry in triumvirate - Washington DC, The Vatican and City of London. This would seem to reside non-territorially in METRO organization as the Municipal League (Denver) and New York City (the Five Boroughs).

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    But you nailed it. He who creates it owns it. So many people think of forming something as the act of creation. What about the building blocks? Michael Joseph gets into it for us with talk of balancing the male and the female. Allowing the new creation to incubate in a womb of love is the recipe for lasting reality.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-20-16 at 01:36 AM.

  2. #22

    Safety from Statue Seizure

    That last part about METRO organization goes to show how if we create the universe out of a womb of fear, we will live in those temporary delusions. State Court Prayer. Now please consider that odd title for that file. And that the original notebook is filed in a property case in Denver.

    Back to ownership and safety from statute seizure. More accurately, let's pretend that when we create out of fear, we create idols. [ACIM imagery comes in handy, always.] If you worship idols who owns the idols? Love = God or Fear = Oppressive State? I am studying Tai Chi; and the concept is called eat bitterness. No pain - no gain. David Merrill also means Beloved Bitterness of God, the well at Mara (bitterness) was poison until Moses plugged a tree (charcoal?) into the outlet for a filter.

    Page 56 - I will never attack your ego. But I am trying to help you understand the thought system from which the ego arises.

    Now I may get this off my mind on to the forums. Forums equals Forum. This is my vehicle of creation - I love you. Do I nurture the spectrum of emotions - sure! My Maleness is my ego and the nature of my ego is to fear that my identity will be absorbed into God upon mortal death. E=mc2.


    That describes centrifugal (centripetal) force. Why? Because Mind (of God) is so powerful that a light ray (God is Love/Light) supposedly destined by Einsteinium Physics to go in a straight line at 186K miles/second can actually be bent into a little tiny circle called an electron valence shell. We might pray through an electron microscope but then, the one thing that an electron microscope cannot quite see is the electron. But it can make out the genome memory - in the shape of a double helix. - Which is a transform of both Fibonacci (Table of naturally occurring isotopes) and the "song" of bliss, the dodecahedron. Check out this thread for more about that. Dan WINTER honors some other perspectives about genome (like the Paladin wars) but his mathematics seems impeccable. For space I am going on about the State Court Prayer.

    I am focusing on the fact that this man, as a servant/master is left alone in the midst of METRO organization:

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    METRO organization apparently cannot even find him at any address. This suitor is left at peace.

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    Unity. My ownership of everything in no way, shape or form threatens his ownership of anything. These distinctions and special causes are all fear-generated illusions caused by ego trying to perceive "death" as the ultimate identity theft.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-20-16 at 08:13 PM.

  3. #23
    P.S. For all intents and purposes administrative process has defaulted, as of yesterday.

    From now on out, I sign in any capacity. The fraud going on with the oaths of office vitiates all contracts (breach of trust) ab initio; including the constitutions. More specifically the trust agreements in the Preambles. Any justice worth his salt, who paid attention can ignore me as OWNER and view me as US citizen or worse/better yet STATE BANK and remedy applies according to diversity and 'saving to suitors' clause'.

    Go figure! That is the name of this virtual club!! Saving to Suitors' Club! I am the First Trustee of the Resulting Trust.

    Attachment 3722
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-20-16 at 12:32 PM.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    He who creates it owns it. So many people think of forming something as the act of creation. What about the building blocks? Michael Joseph gets into it for us with talk of balancing the male and the female. Allowing the new creation to incubate in a womb of love is the recipe for lasting reality.
    I wrote this to the Brethren this morning in hopes to encourage them to Love each other without conditions of Faith [Trust]. One will say if there is no Honor how can I love? And that is a very valid point but consider do we love only because we are members of the same Societal Trust or can we love on a higher plane of existence - in the Providence of God?

    So in one model Faith marries Love and here too we see the Moon [Faith] submitting to Love [Sun]. But in reality these two heifers are used by one man to plow the field.


    Passover Seder this year is the evening of April 22nd.

    We look up to determine the "moon cycle" over the place where we are on the Earth. Remember that God gave unto Man two luminaria [great Lights] and these Lights are in fact one. These two great lights are symbolically the Sun and the Moon but what is really being meant in these symbols is Firstly LOVE and Secondly FAITH and these two are one. For the Most Ancient Church [Adam] did not know what Faith was only that all of their deeds were derived out of LOVE.

    Thusly we celebrate the Passover under a FULL MOON - for it is impossible to please God absent Faith. But we must search ourselves to determine the nature of our faith. If our faith is devoid of love and is merely duty it is nothing. Let it be the Sun [Love] which rules and shines from our Heart [inner being].

    If love submits to Faith then this is the result of Cain "tilling the ground" which is a statement regarding the development of Religions. But if Faith submits to Love then this is Abel keeping the "flocks of God" and these flocks of God are indeed the thoughts and the desires of the Kingdom of God. Therefore it is the Shepherds abiding in the field [this world] who by night [under the light of the Moon] who were keeping watch over their flocks [their thoughts and desires] who were FIRST to see Christ. In another place we see take every thought captive....

    Son 3:9 King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.

    Son 3:10 He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.

    Question: What chariot do you know of has Silver Pillars? And a golden bottom? This is ABSURD and clearly this is symbolic language.

    The Silver is of the Moon and therefore is Faith it is also the greatest extent that the outer man may be purged. For the inner man resides within the outer shell. and it is thru the inner man which God communicates and the outer man is thereby transformed.

    The Gold is of the Sun and therefore is Love. The Gold symbolizes that which is of the Divine Mind. And notice the BOTTOM of this chariot is Gold and the bottom is supported by the highest part of man which is of Silver [remember the Silver Cord?]

    What is being said in symbolic language is that the highest part of man's consciousness touches the lowest part of God Mind. But indeed they do touch. When we are regenerated from Natural to Spiritual we are pulled up and made FRIEND OF GOD. This Friend of God is one who comes to perfect Faith [Ref Hebrews Ch 11]. But there is another Estate.

    The last estate is the 7th day Celestial Man. And it is in this estate where all is done from Love. There is no comprehension of Faith therein or thereof. For all the goods and truths established from the Celestial Estate are rooted in Love.

    Friends the GREATEST is LOVE. Notice that King Solomon "paved his chariot with LOVE. Daughters are DESIRES and Jerusalem is the King's City. Thusly the Desires of God are understood in Love. but notice the pillars which stand under this chariot are Silver. This is the perfect image for it shows that Faith submits to LOVE. Faith is therefore the Woman and LOVE is the Man. United together He covers her and they two are one. She is no longer seen for He covers her and it is understood that LOVE is the foundation.

    Now then it should be very clear what is now meant by this Scripture:

    1Co_15:41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

    The glory of the Sun is Love
    The glory of the Moon is Faith
    The glory of the Stars are Virtues

    And these are Estates in Regeneration as the natural man is regenerated from Esau into Jacob and from Jacob into Israel.

    But now I digress and intend to show that King Solomon did not make a Chariot as the scribes developed in the text. Look again. This so called Chariot is not something that is pulled by a horse rather this is the vehicle of KINGS. This is the tent that is carried on the shoulders of men. What is on your shoulder? Your head - I hope. Let it be refined as Silver. And notice the gold is on the bottom of this so called chariot - this is the place where your mind touches God Mind.

    Is this not beautiful when the keys are understood then the King no longer "peeks thru the Lattice but now there is a face to face with full understanding and knowledge. What a difference.

    But back to CHARIOT how did they come up with Chariot? This shows that one must really do their own work to study to show thyself approved unto God - else if we rely upon the Minds of the Scribes which interpreted the words, we can end up in confusion.

    For example:

    BDB Definition:
    1) sedan, litter, palanquin
    2) (CLBL) chariot

    Notice the meaning could be Chariot, but does that make sense to you? But now we see the image of a palanquin and it makes perfect sense.

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    When the Ark of the Covenant was carried was not the Ark covered in Gold? Did not the Priests [Silver] carry the Ark upon their shoulders? Did not the King of kings dwell in the Ark? And what is being said refers back to the DMG call on 3/13 - Jesus must wash our feet so that our lower nature may be Silver but that the Gold references the Head of the body. And it is the Bridge [Neck] whereupon the Lower UNDERSTANDS or is a pillar for the Higher. Thusly the pillars of King Solomon's "chariot" were made of Silver.

    King Solomon obviously is a reference to Christ. [Sol] Light- [Om] Light- [On] Light in all three chambers of the Temple. Peter is the Thought [Son] and his feet [place where he touches the Earth] must be washed. Our knowledges must be washed so that our understanding might be complete. This is True Baptism of the Inner being. And if we are to have a part with Jesus - consider a Law Boundary in Trust - to have a part with is to be a member of the same State [Commonwealth of Israel]. Thusly there must be a Live Birth record whereupon we are Born anew in the Spirit. This being born anew is the work of the Holy Spirit in man. For there is only one Life and that is God. We, of course, see a mirror image of the golden truth reflected poorly in the states in the Earth. For when one is born into Ceasar's Kingdom - flesh - one is immediately registered in the Registry of Live Birth and a Certificate is issued evidencing the entering of that one into the particular kingdom or state.

    He who is called friend of God is no longer a servant but a friend. For said one now knows the Will of the Kingdom and said one works under the Administration of the Executive Branch of the Kingdom = Holy Spirit. For those who are LEAD by the Holy Spirit may call themselves the Sons of God. And thusly Son of Man = 6th day Spiritual Estate.

    It seems today that the Sun is going dark and the Moon is turning Red [to blood] which is merely a statement that Love is diminishing and Faith [Trust] is all but gone. We indeed do see that there seems to be no trust left in the world and that each one is out for his own selfish gain. Brethren let it be Love that rules in your heart - a Inner Center - of SERVICE to each other for our common good. We must lead by example for clearly the Sun is going dark and the Moon is turning Red.

    Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

    Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

    Act 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

    Morning has Broken [let the Light has dawned] - Sweet the Rain's New Fall, like the first dew fall

    Psa 133:3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

    Look at the symbolic nature of two women [Love and Faith] plowing the Field UNDER Kether [Crown] = Binah and Chochmah the two wives of Jacob [Mind]

    So as you can see it depends on how you FRAME your standing on Jacob's Ladder. Let it be LOVE. Let us Create by placing the Thought [seed] into the State of Being [desire] for She receives and conceives and brings forth the child. Let it be the Womb of Love from which is birthed the new beginnings for no effect ever came to be without primary cause.

    Hold not up the unclean thing. Halleluyah

    Make it a great Day, for he called the Light Day,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-20-16 at 06:18 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    I wrote this to the Brethren this morning in hopes to encourage them to Love each other without conditions of Faith [Trust]...

    What is being said in symbolic language is that the highest part of man's consciousness touches the lowest part of God Mind. But indeed they do touch...

    What is on your shoulder? Your head - I hope. Let it be refined as Silver. And notice the gold is on the bottom of this so called chariot - this is the place where your mind touches God Mind...

    But back to CHARIOT how did they come up with Chariot? This shows that one must really do their own work to study to show thyself approved unto God - else if we rely upon the Minds of the Scribes which interpreted the words, we can end up in confusion.

    For example:

    BDB Definition:
    1) sedan, litter, palanquin
    2) (CLBL) chariot

    Notice the meaning could be Chariot, but does that make sense to you? But now we see the image of a palanquin and it makes perfect sense.
    In practical energetic terms, that lump between the shoulder blades seems to be the common place for toxic energy to be perched. To me, the chariot references movement. It is a torroid shape and in the Torah, notice the similarities in the sound, this is like a willow tree that fully healthy, will touch the ground. So you might see that men are like trees - looking spiritually. The energy goes up through the heavens and then outward into the ground - as above so below.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Psa 133:3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

    Look at the symbolic nature of two women [Love and Faith] plowing the Field UNDER Kether [Crown] = Binah and Chochmah the two wives of Jacob [Mind]

    So as you can see it depends on how you FRAME your standing on Jacob's Ladder. Let it be LOVE. Let us Create by placing the Thought [seed] into the State of Being [desire] for She receives and conceives and brings forth the child. Let it be the Womb of Love from which is birthed the new beginnings for no effect ever came to be without primary cause.

    Hold not up the unclean thing. Halleluyah

    Make it a great Day, for he called the Light Day,
    Michael Joseph
    I have wanted better ways to explain what Mount Herman is doing on this Fibb Spiral. Thank you MJ:

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  6. #26
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    In practical energetic terms, that lump between the shoulder blades seems to be the common place for toxic energy to be perched. To me, the chariot references movement. It is a torroid shape and in the Torah, notice the similarities in the sound, this is like a willow tree that fully healthy, will touch the ground. So you might see that men are like trees - looking spiritually. The energy goes up through the heavens and then outward into the ground - as above so below.
    So then this "vehicle" must be led by a particular horse. If it be white then it is of Spirit for at that time Christ is FORMED. If it be Red then it is desire. This is akin to our Eve nature going to another Man [Mind] and inquiring "what do you think?" For the head of the woman [emotion] is the man [mind] and the head of the man [mind] is Christ. The Mind [Adam] was not fooled but the desire nature brought back the opinion of another Mind at that my friend is the beginning of the end. For at that point they [we] begin to externalize the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is not of this world. It is as Jesus said "it is within you".

    Be sure to tell your sweetheart this one - she will love you for it - that is until you tell her what it means - then she will shower you in love -

    Son 1:9 I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.

    Which Horse leads you? Are they white, black, pale or red? These are different states of consciousness and different stages of regeneration [development]. I have seen the "white torroid" in my meditation - the white light was so bright I could not hardly stand it. My wife at the time could not get a blood pressure in me and she thought I had died.

    I am willing and confident to be absent the body. For the Bible declares that condition is acceptable. As St. Paul tells us....

    So we know St. Paul is not talking about the flesh body dying at the end of its days...

    2Co 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

    2Co 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight

    2Co 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.


    There are two flaming swords that guard the way back to the garden. These are the Cerebrum [two] which from Heaven's perspective FLAME as electrical impulses fire reflecting in thought/desire and E-Motion [energy in motion]. But to the "men as trees" are these not dendrites? When the electrical impulses [two flaming swords] are ceased, then the one standing in the temple of God ceases from activity.

    For while the Silver Cord is still intact we can travel away from this body. For behold OUR BED IS GREEN - Astral Body Consciousness - the Clouds.

    If you have seen the white light and heard the voice - then you too have experienced your "road to Damascus". Let us put down our pom poms and let us realize these stories are intimate concerning a very personal relationship.

    I like that you seek the Knowledge of God [Gnosis]. For years scared little children kept me from looking under every rock - not any more. I had to leave the "outer court" and venture into the Sanctuary. Rock on my brother!

    For we walk not subject to the senses and its history for the historical stories profit very little.

    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-20-16 at 10:25 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  7. #27
    Get a look.

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    I think that we have both seen that pillar of light. I have not let my hand off the doorknob back though. It sounds like you did.

  8. #28
    The Courts are fearless at one thing BANKING arrangements and arguments. What light or lack of trust should anyone illuminate a pathway with arguments the pillars of justice is well lit.What light one might hold is a candle nothing like a brilliance or a pillar. Why light a candle in a brilliant room being out shined thanks for the humility 101.

  9. #29
    Yes. Thank you.

    It takes a whole mess of lies and gobs of energy to generate the heat in order to keep people from looking into it with revealing love in their hearts. According to this paper, the fraud began at the onset of our War Between the States, by the Crown Parliament up in Canada. Therefore what you assert is quite believable, the objective of any attorney attending law school is to master the art of mental drudgery, in order to keep the lie. All law schools support NLPFU.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-22-16 at 01:17 AM.

  10. #30
    Management we are trying to function under a defect turning too a Record is a solid light you're pillars are turning the trustees on themselves its a decision no Man must live without the truth.So is the truth defined as a defective judgment or a legitimate opinion .The indulgence that industry we call the light is outwardly and inwardly a Commercial Corruption of a living soul.

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