Anywhere you go, anything you see; I own it all so long as you believe that you are you, and me is me.
I own everything and that is not threat to somebody like you, Walter owning anything. Here is the proof.
I was impressed when about ten by a film at school where a jet pilot flew as fast as he could for a full tank of fuel in order for the difference between two precision clocks to register time dilation. What stuck was the puzzle, how long with a faster plane and bigger fuel tank would the pilot have to go to "snap" into that theoretical timeline jump and come back to a different reality where the people on the ground were older?
More simply put the sympathetic nervous system, conscious memories are obviously a subset of the autonomic nervous system - cellular (DNA) memory.
I invented the time machine when I was 40 and was speaking about that in past tense when I was 17, driving my physics professor half-mad. I invented Artificial Intuition when I was 69. Funny in early 2028 the big concern was trusting machines' intuition but the first application was air traffic control! Go figure!
Need more proof?
If you can buy God as necromancer, bringing Jesus back to life after three days rotten stinking dead then I doubt you dispute the Magi telling King Archelaus HEROD that their Prophet Daniel BELTESHAZZAR had dreams and visions that when Jupiter and Regulus were in conjunction a very special King of Israel was born. So why would you not believe me when I tell you that Artificial Intuition was a logical spoof on the fast RSA Factoring algorithm I invented off Fermat's Last Theorem and "flutter".
Evidently the attacks end some time before 2028.
So what is a weed? Any plant growing where you do not want it.
What is static? A complex waveform of maybe four or more frequencies so that the technician cannot use it.
DMT dimethyltryptamine.
What is junk DNA? Everything!
Try setting your spine squarely but comfortably against the bark of an old tree. Feel it? That is what it is like to be a cellular memory. No organs to speak of - but the activated DNA forms bark, leaves, roots and sap all working with sunshine breaking down rocks with moisture... Then when you get it, cellular memory, rather than conscious memory take a moment to realize that the tree is getting a thrill out of its glimpse of the divine too - shopping and driving fast, crying and making love...
Even to somebody experienced in trust law, this is difficult to express in writing - ownership. It might seem to culminate at a registry in triumvirate - Washington DC, The Vatican and City of London. This would seem to reside non-territorially in METRO organization as the Municipal League (Denver) and New York City (the Five Boroughs).
But you nailed it. He who creates it owns it. So many people think of forming something as the act of creation. What about the building blocks? Michael Joseph gets into it for us with talk of balancing the male and the female. Allowing the new creation to incubate in a womb of love is the recipe for lasting reality.