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Tisha Edwards, the Syracuse City School District's independent monitor of the district's discipline procedures, gave her first quarterly report at a school board meeting in March 2015. She is expected to give another report to the board at the Jan. 13 general meeting
An expert charged with curing the discipline inequities within the Syracuse City School District told the community it's normal to want to kill each other now.

Suspensions are down and appropriate policies have been put in place within the district, Tisha Edwards said, but the most difficult work -- changing the district's culture -- remains. And the district has yet to hire the two people charged with changing that culture.

Edwards was critical of a recent protest regarding Superintendent Sharon Contreras' contract, during which issues of race and safety surfaced.

Protesters said the safety of teachers and staff has been compromised as a result of the changes to disciplinary procedures. A survey conducted by the teachers union backed up some of the protesters' claims. Many of those issues again surfaced at a school board meeting.

Edwards said she was "emotionally and mentally exhausted" watching the events related to the protest unfold.

She encouraged adults in the community to set a better example for the children in Syracuse. All teachers and staff have to be more open-minded, aware of their biases, and willing to acknowledge what they don't understand about the students they teach, Edwards said.

WOW, things have really gotten bad in the USA for educators to say stuff like this! It may as well be Fort Apache The Bronx...