I found a great poem by Helen in The Gifts of God, page 66:


The world can be to us a shining star,
Because it represents a Thought of God.
In truth it has no form. But seen in time
It lies between His fingers, and is still
Within the sure protection of His hand.
His face shines down on it, and in response
It sparkles up to Him. There is no care
In anyone who dwells upon the land
His hand has covered, and His Voice assures
Of everlasting holiness and peace.
His Son abides where He would have him be.
And not one beat in Heaven's song is missed
Within the quiet shining of the star
That is the silent Answer to the quest
The world has set, but which does not exist.

When it is recognized there is no quest,
No hand, no Voice, no Answer, and no thought
Apart from God, the star will disappear.
For what it now reflects will take its place
For just one instant more. And then the dream
That is the world is over. Sun and Moon
And all the stars are happy thoughts with which
The sad illusion of the world is lit
And interlaced. The star that is the form
It takes until the One Creator is
Accepted as the Source of everything,
Is not eternal. Yet the Light of God
Still shines on it, until there is not time
And stars have vanished. Then the stillness comes
In which there is no form, no sound, no dream.
There was a cross, but it has disappeared.
There was a world, but there is only God.