Do You Worship "The Great One"?
The Great One is tall, strong, mighty and ancient. Do you worship him? My point is that the significance of names over titles cannot be overemphasized IMHO when it comes to knowing who or what you worship (i.e. serve).
I have made the point over the years that the following:
- He
- Him
- God
- King
- President
...are not necessarily names. And in case you are curious, by "The Great One" I'm referring to a horse. But imagine sitting in the pews of a 'church' for a decade and hearing the alleged "church leader" refer to "The Great One" and how you should give money to the great one and how you should go out and serve the The Great One and bring more people to join the flock so that the coffers of The Great One shall be full! ... only to find out...The Church of the Great One is..well...
...the church leader has a racing horse named The Great One. Alternatively, the church leader has a high view of himself so in his eyes, he'd be "The Great One".
If you ever visit a 'church' and time after time and never hear mention of Jesus, Yeshua, YHWH, or and only "Christ", "Him", "The One", "Lord" etc. just maybe what you don't hear and why you don't hear it might surprise you as to the reason why.
Attachment 3777
P.S. Ancient can refer to something over twenty years old.