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Thread: I Must Take a Closer Look at This

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    It seems to me, any agreements within the purchase contract, are only between the parties. Who can point to the contract and have standing if they are not even a party to the contract? I do remember seeing something in my mortgage about property taxes, but I paid the loan off. The money I paid with is no concern to anyone outside the contract. And that does nothing in showing a better claim or title. That contract is fulfilled. It seems maybe de-registering maybe the way to go. Owner of record becomes non-existent with that, and I think many of the statutes require an owner of record. This all seems to be a product of secret deception to me. Every bit of it is against the interests of the people.
    Secret? I dunno. A lot is plain and obvious in the contracts. "The Purchaser agrees to pay all taxes due and to abide by the laws and zoning restrictions of the municipality where the Property is situated." What's secret about that?

    Let's take a look at it from another way:

    1. you believe corporations aren't living souls and cannot be greater than men?
    2. yet you make a purchase from a corporation to acquire its rights and interests
    3. you say its a secret deception because you presume that someone should just presume that you intended something even though you neither said nor did anything to the contrary of evidencing your being being satisfied with the level of rights and interests of a corporation (after all how can a turnip give you onion juice?);
    4. you say its a secret deception because you failed to take action and people took you your will and freedom of choice seriously by taking it as face value that you failed to assert a claim any higher than a corporation;
    5. you say its a secret deception because the clerk didn't treat you as a mentally incapacitated infant and do things for you that you did not do yourself and if she did those things or said those things on your behalf you would be perfectly OK with it.

    Do get this: this is not to be derogatory or insulting I am very plainly laying out the perspectives and facets so as to edify.

    The operating presumption is that you know everything there is to know about trusts, real estate law, etc. In the field of commercial law everyone who signs a check is presumed to know everything there is to know about commercial law. The conspiracy: the widespread failure to place reading law books at a higher priority than watching the Super Bowl.


    Once a woman approached me because she wanted to get out of her rental agreement. I said that sure I'd love to see her get out of the agreement and into a better situation but she was asking me to do some things that she wasn't aware she was asking. The exchange went something like this:

    I said to her to imagine herself in the place of a landlord and you have an agreement with a tenant that if they do not mow the grass every month, there will be an additional $100 fee (i.e. to pay a landscaping service, etc.). So what would you do if they did not pay the $100?

    She said she would expect payment, etc.

    I said so if I were to sit as a judge and say "Well I like this nice lady, she is pretty and I feel bad for her so you I wont allow you to collect your $100." I asked her how would you feel?

    She said that she would not like that.

    I said "There is another perspective. You are also asking me to treat your agreement and your word and your intellect as something easily dismissed and disregarded, to trespass and defecate upon the idea that you are a grown woman, a being with volition and free will by saying your ability to contract, your right to contract is trash and not worth anything, to regress you to the level of a child." So I said "Try to understand, that is what you would be asking me to do as a judge: to trivialize you and to trivialize the rights of the landlord.

    So let me put this in words as if I might address the court and the world adding in the trivialization of you and the landlord's rights: "Well I like this nice lady, she is pretty and I feel bad for her so you I wont allow you to collect your $100. Her word is garbage, she effectively mentally defective and an incompetent eggplant. Contracting with her are like contracting with a bowl of grass and the landlord should have known that. No one should contract with her ever." I asked her how would you like that? She did not like that.


    If your property is registered in that State or County, and you took the corporations rights (i.e. to hold the property and as long as you pay the tax), sounds like you involved other parties: including but not limited to whomever the tax is owed.


    Name:  KREC_Land_Purchase_Contract_Clause.png
Views: 646
Size:  34.2 KB

    The above is from a contract published by the Kentucky Real Estate Commission. Anyone who signs that contract is given plain and clear notice as to the obligations that go along with it.
    Last edited by allodial; 04-06-16 at 10:50 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    Keep the transaction amount private.

    OK, now something useful maybe? I have noticed that very early land purchases were still recorded at the court house, but all the info that was given was, 'for $20 in gold coin and other valuable considerations'. I have asked about un-recording the land. I was told at the recorders office, first it had to be recorded, so I asked for the law, came back a bit later and they said they were wrong, no obligation to record. So I asked how to un-record, they told me the only way they knew was to sell it, record that, then buy it back and do not record that sell. I also see how 'owner of record' would be unobtainable. Are these property taxes just one commercial fraud for the fee for the recording?
    Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?

    I admit this suggestion is untried as far as I know. I did it and suitors have done it with automobiles. But since this registers the vehicle in the new name/owner then that might answer your question.

    Another possibility is grab the County CAFR. After purchase break out your per capita share of the services you want and pay it itemized.

  4. #24
    "Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?"

    My brother lives outside the State, and their only recourse against him is to seize the land. An affidavit from him, that he sold it by private contract should suffice. I would think anyone trying to record myself as the owner of record might require proof, like maybe the private contract.

    "Secret? I dunno. A lot is plain and obvious in the contracts."

    There is an intent here, and it includes fraud. They detain the people in an unfavorable position by withholding information and they do it without placing anything you are mentioning into evidence. It is an obvious fraud. It is nothing more than a justified method of theft. To encumber any property against the will of the owner is the basic definition of theft. They have no interest in the property (and admit it) and no standing without any claimed injury. This is basic civil rules.

    "Another possibility is grab the County CAFR. After purchase break out your per capita share of the services you want and pay it itemized. "

    If these bastards followed the rules of court, I could probably do that.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?
    The following is not broadcast directly upon BLBereans or any reader. I make no derogatory comments or judgments upon any reader. Let us Give God the Glory for God raises up little children unto Men.


    Exploring real estate or real property if the tax is not paid then foreclosure in the first and refusal to renew registration/tags in the latter. In both cases a whole lot of problems will ensue. For at once why is the property registered at all on the State Registry if it is not part of that closed law boundary? For at once, if the "would be" king knew what he was doing at all, then the "would be" king would have his own courts, his own great registry, his own laws, etc. etc. And that would of course mean that the "would be" king would have his own flag and therefore his own Honor. Thusly the "would be" king would be able to contract with all the other nation states by way of treaty. And therefore travel under His own Warrants!

    But no, me thinks, this is no argument at all for there is no "would be" king. For why would a king freely alienate property into another kingdom unless he is totally crazy and his will is compromised. Certainly his Understanding is faulty. Thusly his Will is too. And this is double-minded and unstable IN ALL his ways. If said property is security for a contracted debt, then that makes a bit of sense, but otherwise, no property ever leaves the State.

    Real = Royal

    1. Survey
    2. Claim
    3. Grant of Property Rights from Established Claim
    4. Establish Estates [as in Real Estate]
    5. Enter into quasi-contract with grantee/trustee

    If one is at 5, then how then will that one even think about not paying the quitrents [taxes - see Millage]? Where did the would be king establish his great claim? Where is the evidence of his Special Particulars which set him apart in the Earth? Where is his Great Registry?

    Do the heads of State of China record their vehicles/records in the United States Registry? Why not? Isn't the answer very obvious? If their exists an international treaty, might the Embassy members record their vehicles in a United States Registry? Maybe! Depends on the Treaty.

    Look at your own body - do you see another FLESH body grafted into your body? Or is your FLESH body a closed system? Does your FLESH body have a head to rule it? Does your FLESH body have many members to submit and give maintenance to the overall FLESH body [I mean kingdom]? No wait now I have switched back to Kingdom - see how the Kingdom of God is within you. Look within and you will know what is without you. Can you say the same in regard to the Spiritual Body? No you can't! We are Eternally ONE Exceptions NONE.

    The head of the woman[emotion] is the man [mind] and the head of the man is Christ. For Jesus Christ is King of kings. Therefore it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the honor of kings to reveal a matter! And we see by John in the Revelation, that "He who overcomes as I overcame" - that means there is GREAT WORK to be done - for he who overcomes will Jesus give the right to sit in His throne. Consider what it means to sit in a throne - that is a Vassal king - subject to the King of kings! A Celestial Man sits in the Throne of Christ!

    While Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this World" - meaning it is not birthed from the principles "of" this World [Flesh = Carnality] - one can clearly learn of the Inner Kingdom by examining Self. For if the "body" is subject to the "head" and the "head" is subject to Christ, then the learning is WITHIN. The big toe on the flesh I occupy within is on the flesh body that I occupy in - it is not located on another body! Thus the body is a closed boundary. An Estate granted to me by a Maker who is NOT me. How wonderful is God's Word.

    There must needs be a way to intercourse other bodies - now I switch back to the external analogy of kingdom - enter a State Constitution.

    Unfortunately the politics of the modern State is born out of Emotion - mostly Fear. And their so called mighty voices are raised as the electorate dance in great joy about how their superman just kicked the rear end of another group's superman. Yippee, our man is great. 1st Samuel 8. But WAIT - I thought - I think - why should I have a superman to do for me? Why would I lay my power on an alter and die, except at my core, afraid am I. Enter the smooth talking salesman saying its alright baby, daddy is going to make it okay! But then later after many usurpations and constant rape[ings] the citizen [wife] is befuddled and confused - does He love me and if so, why all the abuse? MKUltra- you bet. Thusly their exists a Schism. Obey your God Government! And the TV shows - albeit in subliminal messages! For adept are the salesmen - enough to put her in a trance before violently abusing her inner core! She argues concerning the leaves - but the roots remain undamaged!

    The State is beautiful in construct - but Carnality in Greed, Lust and Fear has perverted what is beautiful and made it a den of thieves. Thusly one becomes dis-enfranchised and leaves what could be beautiful for the "Wilderness" and hopefully it is there one finds their Maker. I give praise to Yah for the oppressor and for the very good for in fact I most likely would not seek the face of God until I was made to experience the lowest of eating the Hog Slop of this life.

    Simply put, unless one is willing to establish a new Estate in Righteousness and Truth with Honor and Love as a SERVANT KING, then one should submit to the administration of the State where one finds him/herself occupying within! Yes, I know I make myself quite popular. I say submit but not to just accept any trite non-sense - submit to the laws of the venue. Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Those who do so "live long in the land". In one outworking, is meant that a State which is undivided is strong under God and will remain.

    Nevertheless we are commanded to "Get Knowledge' and in doing so, "Get Understanding". And with experience comes "Wisdom" and when Understanding [Binah] and Wisdom [Chochmah] are married then comes a CROWN. Get it? No child will be allowed to rule. That is not a derogatory statement. That is a fact. And this has nothing to do with age! Why is the man of white hairs [hoary] devoid of knowledge and understanding?

    Deu 32:25 The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.

    For it is only the Celestial Man who is allowed to wield the Sword [actually two - Temporal and Spiritual].

    For Jesus DISCIPLINED his disciples! And then he SENT [power of direction] them outside of his closed system. Their nativity was in Understanding and Wisdom and then these were sent as Ambassadors clothed as Christ Men - in the Way of humility and service to all their ignorant brethren. One Man plants another Man waters, God gives the increase! Honor thy Father and thy Mother.

    For the knowledge of the Inner Kingdom is closed to those who established that Kingdom. Dear Reader you may think me now crazy - if so, please make known with specificity the meaning of all of the Capitalized Terms in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I mean the ones which do not follow the commonly taught rules of grammar. Like "Honor" for instance. See at once that you can't do it! Why not? Because you did not Create/Settle the Claim [Declaration] and Contract [Constitution] and Trust [Preamble to Constitution].

    Thusly one who comes of age is supposed to then leave their Mother and Father and TAKE a wife. This is not necessary speaking to fleshly relationships. Rather, a Celestial Man is able to show competence in acknowledging his Nativity - and thus is acknowledged by the Nation States of the World [Consciousness] to sit down in the Throne of Christ. For all kings sit at the Providence of God. Exceptions eternally NONE.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-07-16 at 03:00 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  6. #26
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    One who leaves [right of self determination] Mother and Father and takes a Wife [citizens or people of the kingdom] sit in Royalty clothed in the "Beautiful Garments" protected by the "Golden Candlestick" whereupon at His head is Christ. That is the beautiful image of the Kingdom of God - Heaven on Earth. The term Heaven is Inner Man the term Earth is outer Man. Both aspects married acting as One in Christ - unwavering, determined and sitting in a Sabbath of Rest. It is ONLY to this Man who has rights as a Usufructuary for Property is vested in this Grand Man. Carnality no longer rules the House but is subject to Wisdom/Understanding and the Will is perfect with no Schism.

    Eph_5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
    Col_3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

    I know I make friends. I mean no harm any any fault on anyone living in vault but it's alright Ma, it's life and life only! And we shall move on IF GOD PERMIT.

    All Honor, Glory and Praise unto Yah in Yahoshuah - I AM. Let the Celestial Man think I am equal with God. The mirror of the mind judges each - so look within. For we create our own prisons with the manner of which we judge.

    Natural Man - Outer Self - Carnal Minded - Esau
    Spiritual Man - Inner Self - in IMAGE of God [NOT FORM] - Called Friend of God - Jacob
    Celestial Man - Both Inner Self [Heaven] and Outer Self Redeemed [In the Form and Likeness of God] - Israel

    Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    Php 2:6 Who, being in the form [likeness or nature] of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    Gen 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness [nature] of God made he him;

    Gen 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

    Male [Head] and Female [Citizen/people] and called their name Adam [name of Kingdom or Man].

    For the Celestial Man is a king sitting in the Throne of Christ - Vassal to the King of kings! It is my honor, in Christ, to reveal hidden manna - with reverence and understanding that all Wisdom is birthed of God in Man.

    The Natural Man is dead in Christ. The Spiritual Man is MADE, FORMED in Image of God. The Celestial Man is MADE, FORMED, CREATED in the likeness or nature of Yehovah God. Did you ever notice that? And this we will do IF GOD PERMIT.

    Shalom and Blessings brethren, let it be Love,
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-07-16 at 03:08 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    "Secret? I dunno. A lot is plain and obvious in the contracts."

    There is an intent here, and it includes fraud. They detain the people in an unfavorable position by withholding information and they do it without placing anything you are mentioning into evidence. It is an obvious fraud. It is nothing more than a justified method of theft. To encumber any property against the will of the owner is the basic definition of theft. They have no interest in the property (and admit it) and no standing without any claimed injury. This is basic civil rules.
    I'm unaware of all of the merits or particulars of the case. However, if any of those clauses were present in the original purchase contract and the elements of situs and such are there there is much implied by situs and the terms used. The property registration probably says a lot too. A fee simple requiring payment of tax just might create an interest in the property. The key is "against the will of the owner" is not applicable if the agreement is in the purchase contract.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Usually the "tax collectors" seek out the last registered "owner" to collect the tax. What would protect the party who you sold it to, and then bought it back from, and then did not record that sell, from being sought after for the tax that will not go unpursued?
    Deregistration of property in the right way wouldn't create that kind of situation. If the process perhaps (I posted the entire process once but seems no one paid attention to it because its too simple) involves a new assignment which is recorded there would be zero reason for them to go after the previous owner. In Missouri, if a car is being sold or assigned to a person that is not liable for registration then one can AFAIK simply provide a Notice of Sale (Form 5409). If you or the previous owner were to fail to notify (report the sale or assignment) the state why would the state have any reason to believe the vehicle or automobile wasn't still owned by the previous owner?

    Name:  missouri-vehicle-bill-of-sale.png
Views: 616
Size:  119.3 KB

    P.S. Ya know, when kings did things they actually bothered to notified their subjects.

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    "Secret? I dunno. A lot is plain and obvious in the contracts."

    There is an intent here, and it includes fraud. They detain the people in an unfavorable position by withholding information and they do it without placing anything you are mentioning into evidence. It is an obvious fraud. It is nothing more than a justified method of theft. To encumber any property against the will of the owner is the basic definition of theft. They have no interest in the property (and admit it) and no standing without any claimed injury. This is basic civil rules.

    ...And this is the thing why I might throw a bit of water on the general smoke and fire of conspiracy in this case because:

    #1 at least one state SPECIFICALLY publishes in their statutes how to end registration;
    #2 I posted it many times;
    #3 There are probably thousands of free law books on conveyancing, real estate and land registration available with a G**gle search;
    #4 the clerk pumpkin mentioned basically outlined the process and/or admitted to there being one (and its not secret--but if you try doing it while a mortgage is in place don't be surprised by an invitation to the Graybar Hotel).

    If I had read The Sporting News and Cosmo everyday but couldn't be bothered to read the instruction manuals for my life and inheritance, if it were a conspiracy I suppose that would have made me involved. Now, its a conspiracy when you study to show your self approved, follow the process and they interfere: then you might be talking about a very appropriate reason to go "gloveless"; but in the meantime you might want to take a different approach...


    If you search out the process and law first and they interfere with the process, then I might agree with you on conspiracy. They are telling you the truth and admitting the truth. But if you registered it, they presumed you wanted it registered. Be mindful, that you might lose some county or city services unless you pay for them itemized or the like as David Merrill most wisely mentions.

    I mentioned to David Merrill about someone purchasing a property associated with an HOA with obnoxious rules. When the would-be purchaser said he could not in sound mind sign the agreement without reservations the real estate agent (tied into the shady racket) ceased communications. David Merrill rightly said IMHO that he would not be willing to convict them of fraud or anything. With hesitation admittedly, I agreed to this extent: if the would-be purchaser had made the reservations and they sought to ignore the reservation THEN we would be talking fraud IMHO on the seller's part for holding the property out as fee simple when the HOA agreement amounts to a situation for the property owner with lesser rights than an apartment renter.

    That the clerk is telling you basically HOW to de-register, doesn't sound like a conspiracy and it doesn't sound like he/she should be seen as an enemy. Consider for a moment that his or her power might be more limited than yours. So why look at someone who might be your honorable servant as if he or she were the master and cause of the undesirable situation?

    There was a guy who was interested in a gal. He and I had a private face to face talk once and he was perplexed about the way things went. In sum I said you're a rather tall and muscular guy and she is looking at you like "He is strong" and it attracts her and she is dreaming of you being her protector and being swept way by you and your deep voice but you are begging and pleading acting like a little tiny scared dog and she realized it--your voice is deep but because of how you approached her it might as well be like *puts on squeaky little kid voice*, you have got the cart and the horse turned around the wrong way and she doesn't like it. Once he stopped reading Cosmo he probably came to have far better experiences.

    Captain: I don't like were we are. Actually, I hate it.
    No. 2: With all due respect, Captain, you gave the command and we followed you orders, so here we are.
    Captain: Those are the only commands I know so those are the ones I gave. If only we could go backwards.
    No. 2: But, sir, we can go backwards.
    Captain: Nobody told me we could go backwards.
    No. 2: But, sir, its in the Ship's Manual!
    Captain: *DOH!*

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I admit this suggestion is untried as far as I know. I did it and suitors have done it with automobiles. But since this registers the vehicle in the new name/owner then that might answer your question.

    Another possibility is grab the County CAFR. After purchase break out your per capita share of the services you want and pay it itemized.
    One can pay for one's portion of services and even contract with the county instead of the municipality for security. Its done all the time with unincorporated areas.


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Exploring real estate or real property if the tax is not paid then foreclosure in the first and refusal to renew registration/tags in the latter. In both cases a whole lot of problems will ensue. For at once why is the property registered at all on the State Registry if it is not part of that closed law boundary? For at once, if the "would be" king knew what he was doing at all, then the "would be" king would have his own courts, his own great registry, his own laws, etc. etc. And that would of course mean that the "would be" king would have his own flag and therefore his own Honor. Thusly the "would be" king would be able to contract with all the other nation states by way of treaty. And therefore travel under His own Warrants!

    But no, me thinks, this is no argument at all for there is no "would be" king. For why would a king freely alienate property into another kingdom unless he is totally crazy and his will is compromised. Certainly his Understanding is faulty. Thusly his Will is too. And this is double-minded and unstable IN ALL his ways. If said property is security for a contracted debt, then that makes a bit of sense, but otherwise, no property ever leaves the State.
    You're making 'too much' sense there, MJ!

    Attachment 3793

    The right to keep and bear arms also extends to the right to bear coats of arms. (A thing called a "writ of arms" was issued to carry weapons such as in the presence of the king.)

    Name:  coat-of-arms-flag.jpg
Views: 635
Size:  100.7 KB
    Last edited by allodial; 04-07-16 at 04:54 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    When the wicked rise the righteous man hides himself, but the simple pass on and are spoiled.

    The following commentary on Trust, Understanding, Will, Emotion and Mind is a commentary on the human psyche. Many have scoffed at such a message thinking themselves to be comfortable in their undertakings and yet how then does there remain such a schism in their being? Mammon cannot save and neither can material possessions. Let it be Love Brethren which Understands our Deeds.


    I want so I go to buy of a Sellor / Grantor my hearts desires:

    The Grantor grants unto Me [grantee] upon acknowledging receipt of that which is coveted/desired a Allodial Deed in a FEE SIMPLE ESTATE. This is NOT fee simple property but merely an Estate. Now upon my receipt of deed - the deed is always filed FIRST upon the County Registry - I am now in possession by Deed but without Entry. I have not gained an Entry and I have yet to Take Possession. The lender by agreement desires that I secure the Loan with the Estate [interest in the Thing - typically a house and use of land]. Thus a Deed of Trust is created by guess who? You got it.....Me.

    If I am Grantee in the foregoing, then I as follows in regard to the Deed of Trust which I now Grant to another:

    - I am Maker, Creator, Grantor, Director and Trustor of the Deed of Trust established

    - I make the Trustee by said Deed and I acknowledge the Beneficiary as Lender or Lenders Agent [MERS]

    - I make all the terms granting to the "Lender and Borrower" a Contract whereby said Borrower may take possession of the purchase even though the purchase price has yet to be paid to Lender. I am so wonderful - and smart too. I feel so alive - I am almost in the house. Can't wait!

    - Tangent: The Lender issued funds to the Sellor, on Behalf of Me [I]. The Estate secures the Principal and the Contract is the agreement to the lender to pay back the Principal and Interest - between Lender and Borrower. Only Borrower need sign this Deed of Trust for it is an UNDERTAKING - a quasi-contract. I did it to myself! The whole collection of information in order to issue forth the Mortgage is about the issue of credit. The Estate covered the Mortgage the only thing left is to find out is if my credit is worthy enough to take the risk on the financial deal. The bank wants the Interest Payments.

    Guess who created those interest payments and the circulation of new Interest - Me - Yeah Me. I am so good to myself. The Mortgage is understood completely by the Estate - but the paper is valuable due to the Interest Rate. One says "what value" but this is just another lie told to self - for look in the mirror and be honest what is in my wallet? Can I obtain real substance with those notes, yes or no? If someone else will accept those notes in exchange for good and services, then they are valuable - otherwise we are all INSANE.

    - I digress.... I created this entire chain of events in my wants. I, name the Beneficiary as Lender and grant unto lender by my Will a Contract which stipulates that I will grant unto the Lender an Insurance Policy to secure the Lender's asset. For indeed the asset belongs to the Lender. The Lender is Beneficiary and the Trustee which I named holds the Legal Title. I give unto the Lender and Insurance Policy which I too went out and created - I am so good to myself. Now I acknowledge Insurance as value. For I established the policy and I granted the insurance policy FOR VALUE unto the Lender so that my little heart my be satiated.

    - The Lender has the ability to assign and even sell its interests in the financial transactions and this is usually done within a day of the closing of the deal. And typically WITHOUT RECOURSE. Those who comprehend Trusts will see this merely as an ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST and since this is a private transaction for the legal title has not changed hands - the Assignment can occur thousands of times in the private without the public having one clue who is the true owner.

    - I release and quit all of my remainderman rights SAVE one RIGHT which is the "Right of Redemption" which is in Equity - should I default on my given Word. Now according to the Contract of which I established in my Will and Deed as witnessed by my hand and notary - WHEN, or IF, I perform my Word, THEN I have redeemed the Estate. If I look carefully, I may notice that I freely agreed to pay the property taxes in the Deed of Trust. For the Trustee pays the Property Taxes and since I just granted the Legal Title, I was so good to myself to even pay the property taxes. I am just so good to that poor ole boss man.

    - After I finished making this Deed of Trust granting to the Lender rights, titles and interests in the Estate, I then leave my office of Grantor, Trustor, Maker, Director and Creator and take the office of slave [borrower].

    There may be some such non-sense that I placed in the Deed of Trust about being subject to an H.O.A. in such Rider called P.U.D. or other such language that I may decide to strike - I don't know why I would write such a thing in my Deed of Trust. I must be crazy!

    The Lender does not trust me one bit - because I am double minded - as clearly evidenced in this entire transaction - so the Lender hires the attorney and said attorney has both a Legal and Ethical duty to the Lender as the Lender is paying the attorney out of the funds which I agreed to bring into existence as consideration for my being able to satisfy my carnal desires. The attorney has NO DUTY to me. I am not paying the attorney. The Lender is paying the attorney out of the transaction which I requested.

    ALL STOP. I "applied for Benefits" in form of a petition or request to a Lender - why it's just poor ole me, Mr. Lender - won't you spare a dime? Are you credit worthy boy? - says the Lender. Let's check how you have performed so far on the Plantation. For everything is done in the Public don't you know - for that is how you were taught from your BIRTH. Oops - you mean Mom and Dad didn't know? Hmmmmmm.

    I digress. Therefore why should I be strong armed into signing anything that I do not agree with? Is my Will corrupted? Am I insane? All Aboard! Do I have any Understanding of what I am being driven to by my Emotion?

    So alas, with sighing heavy heart, I admit that I constructed my own prison. I did it to myself. I made the deed. I did the thinking for the other party. I never made an offer - I just accepted everything in blind trust. I knew something is wrong, at least I thought I knew for something just didn't seem right - why am I so abused? Did I need or was it a want? Am I programmed to buy, buy, buy, consume and buy some more?

    What is it in me which causes me to do what I do to myself? I do love me, right?

    I created and caused to be [de] - livered to Grantor what said Grantor perceived to be valuable. Why did I do it if I did not get something of value in return? Am I crazy? Perhaps I did get value. A house to shelter me from the elements - light to read - warmth to make the flesh "feel" better. Hey, you know, I DID GET VALUE. I got exactly what I desire - excuse me deserve.

    And that Lender - actually took me at my Word and allowed me to take possession in Contract - which I created by the way. Ref. Usage and Custom.

    I was cut off from the land as a slave - and I did it to myself - for I paid homage to the alter of Usury - I did it - no one else - just me. No one forced me - I choose to make me more comfortable. Did I help to sustain a market bent upon my own death? Does my slave master even need to place bars on my prison house? No. If I don't pay the PITI then, dun, dun, dun.... Foreclosure of all equity and that includes my ONLY RIGHT of Redemption in Equity - and if I don't keep my Word, then it is like the Back Street Boys sang my rights, titles and interest in that Royal Estate is going "Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye."

    Isa 42:22 But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-07-16 at 06:42 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

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  9. #29
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth

    To argue whether or not the Notes [Loan] hold value is a fools error and this argument is at the height of double mindedness. I mean come on that would make me REALLY CRAZY for then I have to look at myself and say why did I do it to myself? Seems I sold myself for Nothing - that is if I believe those notes had no value. But in reality I don't really believe those notes have no value. But that house sure does feel good - I am so emotionally happy - it sure is a good thing that my mind was fast asleep else perhaps the man of the house might have stopped me.

    Ah geez.

    Applying the Mathematics in Daniel we find the year of 1980 with a 1.484 multiplier and those who know - know what I speak of - and looking back now came the days of HEDONISM - where "Happiness Machines" are created by giving Her what ever Her - excuse me [My] - little heart desires.

    Later after I did all of this to myself - after I built my own prison and after I signed and sealed the Presents before God and Man as witnessed by a Notary of the Grand Man, I then decide to not pay property taxes of which I agreed to pay. Or I now agree not to abide by Riders of which I agreed to abide - well again - double minded natural [carnal] man - a dead estate = slave.

    Now then, whereupon did I make a contract with Grantor without a Mortgage [Lender] of which I required of the Deed that I was NOT going to pay property taxes and whereupon I agreed that I was NOT going to be bound to any H.O.A.? Now then where and how did this Lot/Parcel come into existence? What were the contracts entered into which convey with the Land? Let us Return to FIRST PRINCIPLES. For if the Developer agreed to certain conditions that would RIDE upon the Land upon every deed, then the Grantor conveys all of the ORIGINAL OBLIGATIONS AND ENTITLEMENTS with said Deed.

    What of the First Deed from a Throne - every deed thereafter is subject to said first deed. Successors in office, as it were.

    So you want your Common Law do you?

    Well here you go: Levi tithed to Melchizedok in the Loins of Abraham. You got a handle on that one? Levi was SUBJECT TO Abraham's Deed.

    Now then where is the fraud? Who created this entire process? For one day I was sitting and then along came a desire - get up and go look for something to buy - maybe it will make you happy. So I obliged myself and went a searchin for my heart's desire. I found it - but how to get it - ......... Then while Adam slumbered Another Man gave me the Fruit I desired and I took it to Adam overjoyed and said look Honey - I am so very very happy. Adam not aware slumbered on and in his silence allowed Eve to engage this 3rd party. Thus lowering both to the status of slave. For My Mind [Husband] went silent and thus let the SUN SET on the engagement that Eve [my Emotion] made. Thusly WE are agreed in debt. It is our Will. But it is all Natural [Carnal] and thusly a dead man's estate. WE are Mort-gaged [until death in debt].

    The debtor is slave to the lender. Who can give this dead man life? Rhetorical question of course.

    Hebrew [Eber] = cross over the river Jordan from death to Life. The natural man is a dead estate. The Spiritual Man is awakened to Life by the Graces and Mercies of God and the Celestial Man receives a Crown in the Throne with Christ by the Mercies and the Graces of Yehovah God.

    Melchi = King
    Zedek = Priest

    Remember friends Jesus DISCIPLED the disciples. A washing of Peter's feet. Who will say with me RESTORE? To your success.


    Deu 32:6 Do ye thus requite [repay or recompense] the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not He thy Father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee?

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-07-16 at 06:45 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  10. #30
    Inheritance and a Delivered Estate Deeded and Deemed. The Louisiana parish purchase very important transaction nowhere near transparent.Stakeholder or claim jumping. taxman is a taxpayers writ.Temple tax being exempt or is assessment on a commercial property. and private estate is real or dead.

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