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Thread: I Must Take a Closer Look at This

  1. #71
    If they can pass it on to you using equity (i.e. you paid it so you must owe it), they just might.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #72

    Gods plan?

    What is Gods purpose in all of this?
    Where do we fit in who wish follow Gods plan?
    Are we just chaff in the wind subject to every whim of Government?
    Please give us some direction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post

    Survey First
    Claim Second
    Once Claim is established in the cognizance of all nation states then
    Grant Property Rights to Lords, Earls, Barons, etc [those clothed with Royalty]
    Estates are carved out of Property.

    Thusly Land is property but Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Religious, etc. are estates.

    Those who hold property rights historically could collect Quit Rents. The Estates and their uses were created and let out to Tenants called Terre-Tenants. The terre-tenants [grantee] are trustees subject to the bylaws which govern the use. For the consideration of the transfer of the estate the trustee pays a FEE. The terre-tenant does not have true Ownership and Dominion over property but only over the Estate subject to the bylaws that govern the uses. The terre-tenant is allowed to buy/sell the Estates and to take profits, rents and avails to his own but the property remains vested in those who hold the property rights.

    When you begin to see this as a mathematical formula, then you can easily see if the State has been mortgaged then other districts form whereof uses and rents are established within those Collection Districts = Hell = Debt. Dis-trictus. The Claim is upon the THING and said claim is in regard to who has the right to use.

    The actual name matters not - in the end those Property Rights are going nowhere unless the Heads of State decide to alienate said Property Rights. Good stuff walter - you are right on target!

    Trump is talking about bringing money back to America. And many of the masses are backing this plan but then again these have no idea of the ESF and its purpose. If they did they would realize how ignorant is such a plan. In order for the global population to accept a one-world government there must be a one-world catastrophe - money bubble explodes! Yep, that would do it!

    Have you read Genesis 47 lately? Maybe you should. For it foretells the end from the beginning. An inversion "V"

    On the "Carolinas" originally 8 shares were issued in this PROPRIETORSHIP - the Crown held 6 shares and Earl Granville and Earl Carteret held the other shares. These Earls were vested with property rights and granted the ability to administrate government. Later all 8 shares were returned to the Crown. And Corporations such as THE VIRGINIA COMPANY and THE DUTCH EAST/WEST INDIES COMPANY - were vested with property rights of the Crown. The latter corporations fly the Red, White and Blue colours of the Crown. So what is new under the sun? Nothing.

    Best Regards,

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post

    Survey First
    Claim Second
    Once Claim is established in the cognizance of all nation states then
    Grant Property Rights to Lords, Earls, Barons, etc [those clothed with Royalty]
    Estates are carved out of Property.

    Thusly Land is property but Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Religious, etc. are estates.

    Those who hold property rights historically could collect Quit Rents. The Estates and their uses were created and let out to Tenants called Terre-Tenants. The terre-tenants [grantee] are trustees subject to the bylaws which govern the use. For the consideration of the transfer of the estate the trustee pays a FEE. The terre-tenant does not have true Ownership and Dominion over property but only over the Estate subject to the bylaws that govern the uses. The terre-tenant is allowed to buy/sell the Estates and to take profits, rents and avails to his own but the property remains vested in those who hold the property rights.

    When you begin to see this as a mathematical formula, then you can easily see if the State has been mortgaged then other districts form whereof uses and rents are established within those Collection Districts = Hell = Debt. Dis-trictus. The Claim is upon the THING and said claim is in regard to who has the right to use.

    The actual name matters not - in the end those Property Rights are going nowhere unless the Heads of State decide to alienate said Property Rights. Good stuff walter - you are right on target!

    Trump is talking about bringing money back to America. And many of the masses are backing this plan but then again these have no idea of the ESF and its purpose. If they did they would realize how ignorant is such a plan. In order for the global population to accept a one-world government there must be a one-world catastrophe - money bubble explodes! Yep, that would do it!

    Have you read Genesis 47 lately? Maybe you should. For it foretells the end from the beginning. An inversion "V"

    On the "Carolinas" originally 8 shares were issued in this PROPRIETORSHIP - the Crown held 6 shares and Earl Granville and Earl Carteret held the other shares. These Earls were vested with property rights and granted the ability to administrate government. Later all 8 shares were returned to the Crown. And Corporations such as THE VIRGINIA COMPANY and THE DUTCH EAST/WEST INDIES COMPANY - were vested with property rights of the Crown. The latter corporations fly the Red, White and Blue colours of the Crown. So what is new under the sun? Nothing.

    Best Regards,

    Thank you for bumping that. One item I interject into your question about God's plan is that I would reconsider the "Crown" the Crown Templar Society from the City of London in the post, rather than the Crown of England.

    The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below.

    I should explain that the Canadian government asked the author to please take the article down. But it was too late and the article was circulating widely, but almost always with some editing - even malicious intentions and agenda permutation. So this is the original article here.

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-26-16 at 03:41 PM.

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