Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
So I find it confusing now...

Do women destroy nations, or do they restructure them for female ownership rights?
My opinion: transgenders posing as women and the straight women who jump on their political bandwagon do both. Transgender men and regular men help, too. BUT... neither can reproduce. All they can do is adopt children and turn them into transgenders.

Transgenders in the entertainment industry follow satan, this is the trade off of "making it big", they imitate the baphomet, and satan is all about deception. To be both man and woman at the same time is deception. Leading a straight man or woman to believe a transgender is straight is deception. To destroy God's design is their goal. Their fishing lures are music, movies, beauty, sex, politics, etc.

If pastors were smart, they would study this stuff and expose it to Christians. But no, they bury their head in the sand. Too bad. If a man was addicted to porn, and it was destroying his marriage, tell that man that he's been pleasuring himself to trannies and prove it to him. I bet that truth would stop things faster than any pastor's guilt trip could.

That man might plea, "But my wife had 5 kids and she just doesn't look the same down there!" Tell that man: "The movie/magazine you're looking at -- that "woman" gets $$$$$$ worth of plastic surgery done down there and the industry pays for it. It's all silicone, nip tuck. And that's not a woman you're looking at. Why do you think plastic surgeons are a dime a dozen? This is why! They're not just for some lady who wants a nose job. The stuff you never hear about is where they make their money.

The man might say, "But Michelle and Barrack Obama have children! How can they be trannies?" Those are not their children. George Clooney and Amal Amudin are not having a baby like the check-out magazine says. It's ALL fiction designed to get you to believe these are real couples. It's so people will identify with them and emulate them. "Oh, Amal Ammudin is so beautiful I'm going to name our first daughter after her!" Lady: you're naming your daughter after a tranny.

See how it works?