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Thread: Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

  1. #1

    Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

    Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

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    The Justice Department has been advocating for bank tellers across the US to call police on their customers who withdraw $5,000 or more in cash.
    "A senior official from the Justice Department spoke to a group of bankers about the need for them to rat out their customers to the police," said investor and financial blogger Simon Black.

    Banks are already required to file a "Suspicious Activity Report" (SAR) should they suspect an unusual activity. But now the feds are saying these suspicious reports are not enough.

    "[W]e encourage those institutions to consider whether to take more action: specifically, to alert law enforcement authorities about the problem, who may be able to seize the funds, initiate an investigation, or take other proactive steps," the official told Black.

    So, how do these institutions know when to take action?

    {All you have to do is be a bigoted, hateful, spiteful or envious teller --the Feds will help you mask all of your psychological problems under a facade of 'concern for public safety'!}

    As stated in the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council handbook, banks are obligated to file a SAR when "transactions conducted or attempted by, at, or through the bank (or an affiliate) and aggregating $5,000 or more…"

    Such order justifies the banks’ submission of these suspicious activity reports for perfectly legal actions as simple as withdrawing cash, especially that they are required by the federal government to submit a certain number of SARs a month for investigation.

    Banks could lose their banking charter and face fines if they don’t meet the quota.

    Banks like Chase are imposing other capital control strategies, such as mandating identification for depositing cash and banning cash deposit into another person’s account.

    In 2014, banks filed more than 700,000 suspicious activity reports.


    Florida Cops are Taking Tons of People's Property!
    Last edited by allodial; 07-06-16 at 02:56 AM.
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  2. #2
    Sounds to me that if there are rules and restrictions on what you supposedly can and cannot do with "your" "money", then it isn't "your money".

  3. #3
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    Sounds to me that if there are rules and restrictions on what you supposedly can and cannot do with "your" "money", then it isn't "your money".
    A license is required [operators license to traffick] to hold public property for private use. Without a license then the property is held in trust in adverse possession by a trustee de son tort. The possession is actually a purchase [temporary possession] whereupon the Owner is actually an End User under Color of Law overseeing Trustees. As such a license is required and a bond is required. The title was given in the issue of the birth certificate. The bond is issued in the SSN.

    Federal Reserve notes are only to be in the possession of licensed trustees. "Your money"?, hardly. That is public money understood by the United States (Ref Title 12 USC Section 411). In trust law a trustee is always presumed guilty.

    Who SURNAMED you? Very important concept.

    BTW when public property is held for private use as USE FEE is exacted upon the Trustee. The Trustee must make a filing to the dejure Trustees regarding the use of Public property - this is done yearly. On the other side of the ledger - Isaiah 52: 1-3 there is no debt. The debt [sin] is paid. It is finished. Ceasar defaulted when Pilate gave Jesus a Title. One who had NEVER registered and never received a title, was found innocent of Ceasar's Law. Therefore did Pilate ask "are you a king?" and Jesus responds "thou sayeth". No claim of Title to Ceasar's World. In the World but NOT of the World. KING OF THE JEWS is a Title in International Law but this was foisted upon one who exercised Will to stand without Ceasar's World. Therefore is all the debt cancelled on this side of the ledger.

    Two trusts! Easy to see now. The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you. Luke 17:21. Dare to believe! God Is - that is all. Ceasar does not exist outside of God. Babylon/Ceasar is the SERVANT of God.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-22-21 at 10:13 PM.
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  4. #4
    I miss Allodial. If anybody can, encourage him to write here.

    Thank you MJ! This reminds us all that non-endorsement removes us from contributing voluntarily to the SDR's and should also, but not practically so, keep your paycheck from registering on the national debt.

  5. #5
    Babylon/Ceasar is the SERVANT of God.
    Indeed, this finally became clear to me on my 1,000th reading of the book of Job and reading the words of Elihu. Thanks for pointing it out.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    Indeed, this finally became clear to me on my 1,000th reading of the book of Job and reading the words of Elihu. Thanks for pointing it out.
    Jeremiah 27:6-8
    King James Version

    6 And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.

    7 And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the very time of his land come: and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him.

    8 And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the Lord, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand.


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  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    A license is required [operators license to traffick] to hold public property for private use. Without a license then the property is held in trust in adverse possession by a trustee de son tort. The possession is actually a purchase [temporary possession] whereupon the Owner is actually an End User under Color of Law overseeing Trustees. As such a license is required and a bond is required. The title was given in the issue of the birth certificate. The bond is issued in the SSN.

    Federal Reserve notes are only to be in the possession of licensed trustees. "Your money"?, hardly. That is public money understood by the United States (Ref Title 12 USC Section 411). In trust law a trustee is always presumed guilty.

    Who SURNAMED you? Very important concept.

    BTW when public property is held for private use as USE FEE is exacted upon the Trustee. The Trustee must make a filing to the dejure Trustees regarding the use of Public property - this is done yearly. On the other side of the ledger - Isaiah 52: 1-3 there is no debt. The debt [sin] is paid. It is finished. Ceasar defaulted when Pilate gave Jesus a Title. One who had NEVER registered and never received a title, was found innocent of Ceasar's Law. Therefore did Pilate ask "are you a king?" and Jesus responds "thou sayeth". No claim of Title to Ceasar's World. In the World but NOT of the World. KING OF THE JEWS is a Title in International Law but this was foisted upon one who exercised Will to stand without Ceasar's World. Therefore is all the debt cancelled on this side of the ledger.

    Two trusts! Easy to see now. The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you. Luke 17:21. Dare to believe! God Is - that is all. Ceasar does not exist outside of God. Babylon/Ceasar is the SERVANT of God.

    Who Surnamed you - part II
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

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