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Thread: Has anyone here successfully made their Real Property Private, and EXEMPT from Taxes?

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post
    So, I think, if I have read this thread correctly, you are the one person who has answered my questions in the affirmative.

    If that be so, then is all that prior discussion of things that seem absolutely like a foreign language to me, stuff I have to be expert in to effect the goal of owning my own land and structures?

    If so, I will be busy.

    On a side note: I have paid $15,000 in one year for property taxes. I would think I can get a lot of legal work done for $15,000. What say you?

    Thanks for your input, even if I don't understand the majority of it.


    Part of understanding it, so that you can utilize your understanding is that Redemption is for the Unredeemed (debtors). I am adding the word to the website dictionary/spellchecker - unredeemed.

    This Bill of Exchange only has effect on debt.

    Look at the new price of gold! - $42.22/fine troy ounce. It is funny how easy it is to build a library and construct a portrait so different from reality out of the Five components of Illusion; parable, hallucination, legend, myth and fable. - And you will think you have an accurate picture all right; and then you try convincing somebody bound to rules of evidence, who examines your source material compared to Page 4;

    Name:  Public Law 94-5646.jpg
Views: 680
Size:  263.0 KB

    Well, I am just reminding most of you; dropping the price of gold like that "will feel" like a crash! If it feels like a crash, then is it really crashing?

    If you are God, meaning you understand how Creation works (e=mc2) then just go love those folks down at the government worship 501(c)(3) on the corner, redeem them; after all, you are God YOU ARE. For a moment you might find a glimpse of satisfaction in owning that nice building... You redeemed it while all those corporate officers were busy worshiping their attorneys...

    P.S. Call this - Redeemed in the Mind of God.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-26-16 at 06:53 AM.

  2. #32
    Examining title to oneself might be more important than examining title to one's stuff.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #33
    Jesus CHRIST is indeed Yehoshuah followed by MESHIACH. Or first and last name.

    But I feel that His Name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth also reflected His WORD, meaning the Office CHRIST is whole brain thinking. Neuroregenesis - I am calling it. The miracle of spontaneous healing, I call that biocosmetric sonoluminescence for now and may best be described as the shaping of another's EMF (astral/chi body) to conform to the natural DNA hologram so that health may follow. Traditionally this is done through decades of attentive training, but by assisting with transducers and modern electronics I see the ability to cut that training period way short.

    In other words, The ability to invent a star in the near future.

    And that is only a reflection - star creation and time travel.

    Congress already planned it out for you, pursuant to divine law:

    They shall be redeemed in lawful money by demand...

    All else, I am simply placing a lien...

    P.S. Funny how liens can only be placed against social delusion. - The social delusion that anything can function permanently outside divine law.

    Funnier is how folks might interpret my prophecy to be a Crash - or some kind of Book of Revelation apocalypse. Quite the contrary; the lien is there to prevent such confusion and loss.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-26-16 at 02:12 PM.

  4. #34
    Junior Member
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    A trust structure might have the same property tax obligations, simply because you cannot create a state within a state. However trust structures supply a lot more privacy.

    I have a friend, Warren Johnson, who has created a state within a state, the Sovereign Principality of Portosel. He makes Treaties with the US Government, and pays no IRS taxes. He can issue his own drivers license. So yes, it is possible to create a state within a state. He has done it.


  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post
    A trust structure might have the same property tax obligations, simply because you cannot create a state within a state. However trust structures supply a lot more privacy.

    I have a friend, Warren Johnson, who has created a state within a state, the Sovereign Principality of Portosel. He makes Treaties with the US Government, and pays no IRS taxes. He can issue his own drivers license. So yes, it is possible to create a state within a state. He has done it.

    Well it might do you well to consider that while states can have exterior boundaries (as many well know and agree) they can also have interior boundaries. A state within a state, technically, isn't an impossibility, it was prohibited in some jurisdictions ('men under arms'? might be a related terms). As in, the Sovereign Principality of Portosel might not necessarily be a a state within a state. If you really know the topic at hand well enough, I suspect it will make lots of sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post
    A trust structure might have the same property tax obligations....Cheers!
    What is the effect of registration in the Torrens land registration system? What is the difference between an estate and a state? What is the French term for United States? What is the Spanish term for the United States of America? What is the French term for estate? What is the Spanish term for estate? What area or specialization or subject of the study of law do the terms 'divided title' and 'equitable title' pertain? What remains of a trust when the trustee quits, dies or is incapacitated?

    Congress already planned it out for you, pursuant to divine law...
    Or, Congress realized that Congress could not contravene divine law without getting into deep doo doo.
    Last edited by allodial; 07-28-16 at 06:00 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Examining title to oneself might be more important than examining title to one's stuff.


    Criminal prosecutions in the District of Columbia1 and in incorporated territories2 must conform to this Amendment, but those in the unincorporated territories need not do so.3 In upholding a trial before a United States consul of a United States citizen for a crime committed within the jurisdiction of a foreign nation, the Court specifically held that this Amendment reached only citizens and others within the United States or who were brought to the United States for trial for alleged offenses committed elsewhere, and not to citizens residing or temporarily sojourning abroad.4 It is clear that this holding no longer is supportable after Reid v. Covert,5 but it is not clear what the constitutional rule is. All of the[p.1400]rights guaranteed in this Amendment are so fundamental that they have been made applicable against state abridgment by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.6

    Offenses Against the United States.—(Corporation - Not Land) - There are no common–law offenses against the United States. Only those acts which Congress has forbidden, with penalties for disobedience of its command, are crimes.7 Actions to recover penalties imposed by act of Congress generally but not invariably have been held not to be criminal prosecutions,8 as is true also of deportation proceedings,9 but contempt proceedings which were at one time not considered to be criminal prosecutions are no longer within that category.10 To what degree Congress may make conduct engaged in outside the territorial limits of the United States a violation of federal criminal law is a matter not yet directly addressed by the Court.11
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  7. #37
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonLawWarrior View Post
    I have a friend, Warren Johnson, who has created a state within a state, the Sovereign Principality of Portosel. He makes Treaties with the US Government, and pays no IRS taxes. He can issue his own drivers license. So yes, it is possible to create a state within a state. He has done it.

    If a State were to exist WITHIN another State then the former would be subject to the latter. And as such, the trustees and administrators would lack standing to treaty. Only an independent State may "sign onto" international treaties. And regarding drivers warrants and license - the international travel treaty in Vienna does not allow a suppliant or subject to sign onto its manor rolls.

    This Warren Johnson most likely has exercised the Right of Self Determination just as the founders did in the Declaration of Independence.

    Now a [e]State may be subject to a Kingdom as a "vassal" to the throne, and yet still be domestically sovereign in regard to its subjects. This we see everywhere.

    Writs or Warrants are the work of a Sovereign which indemnify the Acts of His Court as they are understood in the Treasury which naturally belongs to the Sovereign. Suppliants seeking justice within the jurisdiction of said Kingdom are subject to the King and are resident to the King's Dominion [Kingdom]. Said King's Dominion is established upon a Claim and Survey. And dominion is exercised at Law.

    In fact, it is only in the Magnus Regis whereby any Kingdom may treaty. If said King places in a plenipotentiary full power to treaty vested in trust by grant, and, in fact, this is how it is done; then one can easily see that Trust is UNDER Law. And therefore Trust is subject to the Administration of the kingdom. And that would include All trusts - even the "so called" cestui que vie trust. Therefore anyone claiming in Trust subjects himself to the Prince of which it is vested with the Administration.

    Even the Use of Law subjects one by benefit to the Kingdom of which said Law is used. I have listened to many who indicate that their inheritance is in the common law and that may be true [actually it is true] but think about that for a moment. If one inherits by birth then the disposition of the benefit begs Administration and Trustee. There is a reason why the Franciscans have the triple crown in their "Crest" - also we see that the Jesuits are also under or "work for" the Franciscans.

    So when one says "common law" one had best frame one's declaration. Which is to beg the question, common to which jurisdiction?
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 07-30-16 at 07:47 PM.
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