Part of understanding it, so that you can utilize your understanding is that Redemption is for the Unredeemed (debtors). I am adding the word to the website dictionary/spellchecker - unredeemed.
This Bill of Exchange only has effect on debt.
Look at the new price of gold! - $42.22/fine troy ounce. It is funny how easy it is to build a library and construct a portrait so different from reality out of the Five components of Illusion; parable, hallucination, legend, myth and fable. - And you will think you have an accurate picture all right; and then you try convincing somebody bound to rules of evidence, who examines your source material compared to Page 4;
Well, I am just reminding most of you; dropping the price of gold like that "will feel" like a crash! If it feels like a crash, then is it really crashing?
If you are God, meaning you understand how Creation works (e=mc2) then just go love those folks down at the government worship 501(c)(3) on the corner, redeem them; after all, you are God YOU ARE. For a moment you might find a glimpse of satisfaction in owning that nice building... You redeemed it while all those corporate officers were busy worshiping their attorneys...
P.S. Call this - Redeemed in the Mind of God.