I once knew an angry man but I had to walk away from him. Until this very day he remains in anger fighting against an enemy of which he does not comprehend. He says - it just isn't fair. He refuses to learn about the mechanisms which bind him and in reality what was just said was he refuses to learn of his own self. And since he knows very little about his self, he can know very little about the ties that bind. He always looks outside of himself for others to justify him. He looks even now to society to give him satisfaction - if he continues in this path, he will never be justified or satisfied. He will always be searching and pointing at others for he looks in the wrong place. And so he continues to maintain he has been defrauded by others but he is never willing to accept his own liability. This fact is clear in his rhetoric as he always points to others who rule over him - judges and the like.
He always goes back to the ties that bind him searching for some hole in the "fence" of which he might technically escape. If only he could escape. But he never really bothers to consider that perhaps he is the problem. He is his own warden. He subjects himself to that which he hates and thus he remains on the wheel of hatred and thus angry at the world for his sad state.
So he became a hermit. And he escaped from all interaction with the world - or so he thought. Long ago decided that he could trust noone and that all were brain dead. He never considered that perhaps he was in the same judgment pot. So he solved the problem by not engaging anyone - but this is only a lie he tells himself. For now he is on the "teat" of government - sucking the milk of welfare from the very system that he hates! He makes a USE of all the systems of which he professes to hate and then turns around and calls the benefit fraud.
Said man takes from "silly women" as he scares them into thinking the sky is falling and then he takes from them everything he can steal. So now, he takes from Society - that which he considers dead - and he justifies himself by thinking "they" are all asleep and he is the only one awake. But in reality he is in a sadder condition than they for he willingly and knowingly takes of those who are giving to support their societal forms. They are asleep but he is a raving lion - seeking houses to destroy. Depressed, manic and lonely, he goes thru life complaining and unhappy and worst of all angry.
And now he just withholds from himself for to deal with self is akin to appearing before a judge who withholds information. He defrauds himself. As such, the "mirror of the mind" turns upon him and he is his own worst judge. For while he constantly looks outside his window casings [eyes] for justification, in reality he constantly judges himself worthless. For if he had any value at all he would look within himself to find truth and then said truth would set him free from what is without. So then he pardons that which is unpardonable thinking himself to escape judgment but this is just another lie he tells himself so that he can cope with the hell he has built.
Said man thinking he has faced Goliath as he has stood before judges and won his cases, remains confused and angry. In reality he has yet to confront himself as he keeps going back to the same authority of which he hates. It must be a miserable existence to suck at the teat of a woman one hates. And now we come to "a house divided cannot stand."
I will not suffer this man any more of my time. I had to cut him away from me and move on. I don't judge him good or bad - simply I cannot with him anymore. One will say his doublemindedness is caused by a system which pushes folks to such a sad state of being - but I say - he does this to himself. He refuses to look into the "mirror of the mind" to meet himself. And thusly he always looks outside his "windows" at what others give unto him. Finding only takers - he has become what he hates - a chameleon.
This state is of course avoidable. Consider the following language carefully:
I AM HAVING POSSESSION - that statement agrees in totality with the two pillars - I will it and I have it [Jachin and Boaz]. Said another way in another place - Light Be.
There is knowing and expressing a truth and then there is doing truth. The latter is freeing the former is just an observation. The former is like looking in the mirror and beholding one's image and then walking away and forgetting what one looks like. Doing the truth sets one free.
One who seeks freedom as a grant of another [judge] is not free at all. He who would be free sits under his own Palm Tree.
Jdg 4:4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
Jdg 4:5 And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.
Nevertheless, what is freedom? I wonder if anyone can define it? For when I look at my own body, I notice that my hand is not free, it is subject to my mind and all that is the body. But then, I noticed another thing - that which is within my skin is not subject to my mind- it does work absent my thought. Consider the heart - it takes no thought of the brain in order to do its work. And yet it works. So it must be subject to a higher power within that is unknown to my Mind.
Now I look without and find that everything without is subject to my Mind. Therefore my Mind is a judge regarding that which is subject to the senses [external sensations] of and unto the body. And i looked again to discover my mouth. And I found that my lower jaw is only constrained by the ligaments of the jaw - otherwise the Mind allows the lower jaw to move [eat] which is akin to the lower mind - Carnality - or Carnal Mind.
Notice at once that the cells within the body are not able to exert will to demand a certain food. This is a great mystery! So we see many times what is eaten [external - lower carnal mind] has to be accepted and dealt with that which is within. We take thought regarding what is eaten without - and that which is within has no say in regard to acceptance or acknowledgment. Only that is to say if the food is sub-standard - the entire body becomes sick. So we see the Carnal Mind is at war with the Divine Mind - and it will remain as such, until we have the courage to look within and find ourselves.
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
The Carnal Mind eats what it wants to eat - subjecting that which is within sometimes to swine's flesh - which is full of sickness. We can see this physically but also meta-physically in terms of philosophy. Reference the parable of the one who builds on Rock vs the one who builds on sand.
But now I considered my upper jaw [Higher Mind] and found that it does not move - it is completely subject to the head [Divine Mind which is Spirit]. So in consideration of the body, I found that each cell is subject to higher powers. And finding that man-kind is constituted just like the body of a man - each cell with its own office - whereof said office is subject to a higher power - how then is individual man not subject to the Societal body of which he is a member?
So I ask again - define freedom. Is the best that can be achieved LIBERTY? I think that is so while man-kind continues to look without his windows. But one day man will begin to look within himself to find himself and then, also find Divine Mind [Spirit] and then Merge into Oneness - but as Man-Kind is the WIFE of the Eternal of Days, then it is said of the wife to submit to the Husband. So now, even the Scriptures do not help the Angry One who thinks he desires freedom.
In fact, as far as I can tell, given my limited knowledges, man kind is the only kind that does not make distinction between the male and female in name. For instance, consider the dog. While there are different specie of dog, there is only dog-king. And therefore there is male dog and female dog [with many different specie]. Now consider man-kind. Why is female-man called Woman? Therein is a great mystery hidden in plain sight.