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Thread: Why the Angels Rebelled: A Perspective

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Couldn't have summed that up that notion any better...

    Therein lies the danger of treating ALL of scripture as merely allegorical (though even the allegorical spin doesn't apply in this case). If you knowingly rebel against the God of the Bible and Creation, intentionally make war with God's set-apart nation of people (true Israel) and reject Jesus the Christ as LORD and Savior, there can be no brother or sister in that camp.
    Amazes me how people think that because you can interpret something on multiple levels and that somehow that defuses "everything" to illusory, wobbly, malleable allegory-symbolism (the same tactics are used on state constitutions). Reality is not an illusion, though holographic it is hardly an illusion. Very likely, the reason we can read something on multiple levels is because we exist on more than one level.

    ârûwm, aw-room'; passive participle of H6191; cunning (usually in a bad sense):—crafty, prudent, subtil.
    The serpent was the most subtil beast of the field, therefore its tactics for throwing someone off the rails are subtle (they aren't designed to be obvious so things would be presented in a way to prevent the victim from being alarmed). "Oh if you incorporate these doctrines into your reality its just fine because you shall be deathless (athanatos)" or "Ya know its all just symbolic". Perhaps its fair to call a tractor trailer bearing down at someone at 100 mph 'symbolic': symbolic of potential destruction, death or injury.

    Nedry perpetrates evil. Note, the first thing that the dragon does is blind him before that he loses his glasses. That's not sunshine and wisdom coming out of the dragon's mouth.

    You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me. John 5:39
    Note, the Serpent spoke of 'deathelessness' to Eve, later you find some searching the scriptures for 'deathelessness'. I wonder if they were looking for codes and allegories and ignoring the actual plain text?
    Last edited by allodial; 10-08-16 at 05:45 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #32
    Somehow the serpent was upright and walking when he beguiled Eve since the APPLE is European how bout a grape or wine as this makes for poor decisions.What literary adversarial effects are definitely scripture and whats allegory if meaning the opponent of scripture.Begotten Son vs creation the sons of god both angels and Adam were created So anything god created is a scriptural son of God Seth's begotten sons and the daughters of Cain the Angels corruption of sons of god as they were already corrupt all creation was getting corruption.putting enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will. enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed.mixing seed was forbidden Cains daughters were forbidden . Josephus said Man gave names to all the animals and they had a common language in Eden explanation for the snakes punishment to grovel on his belly suggests he was walking once .Dying a mortal death must have slipped the snakes mind he was giving half truths or was knowledge immorality or immortality just freewill eve made a choice Adam made one and God made one for all three. Egyptians were following what script bad behavior but not after Noah then Moses Genius the genome or serpent DNA still cant shake the snake the staff turns into a snake or a walking Cain. A Symbology or forming rabbinical enmity scripture written for the created being.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Somehow the serpent was upright and walking when he beguiled Eve since the APPLE is European how bout a grape or wine as this makes for poor decisions.What literary adversarial effects are definitely scripture and whats allegory if meaning the opponent of scripture.Begotten Son vs creation the sons of god both angels and Adam were created So anything god created is a scriptural son of God Seth's begotten sons and the daughters of Cain the Angels corruption of sons of god as they were already corrupt all creation was getting corruption.putting enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will. enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed.mixing seed was forbidden Cains daughters were forbidden . Josephus said Man gave names to all the animals and they had a common language in Eden explanation for the snakes punishment to grovel on his belly suggests he was walking once .Dying a mortal death must have slipped the snakes mind he was giving half truths or was knowledge immorality or immortality just freewill eve made a choice Adam made one and God made one for all three. Egyptians were following what script bad behavior but not after Noah then Moses Genius the genome or serpent DNA still cant shake the snake the staff turns into a snake or a walking Cain. A Symbology or forming rabbinical enmity scripture written for the created being.
    Someone pointed out that just because Eve was told she would bring forth children in pain (or whatever it says) doesn't mean it wasn't the case before. However, the notion that the Serpent (Nahash) was actually the two-legged priest of an Ophitic cult doesn't seem out of the question. Just as a lamb could be representative or typifying of an organization, the Serpent could be too.

    re: the Ophitists (Serpent Worshipers)
    In America I have seen in immigrants from India who had been so heavily involved in serpent worship back were they came from, though they were dressed up and groomed American-style, one had split his tongue down the center about an inch. Seriously, bizarre as it may seem, he could not help but periodically dart his tongue out of his mouth and wiggle it around in the air like a serpent. I've seen it with my own eyes. The unmistakable presence around the men and particularly that man just..seemed off.

    re: Moses' Staff
    The significance of the serpent and staff shows the one named at Exodus 3:14-15's power over all of the manifest realm should he so desire to exercise it. Moses casting down the rod turning into a dragon/serpent may have been a prefiguring of the Great Dragon being cast down in Revelations. Old Dynasty Egypt may have lacked the serpent worship factors. The reason why the Egyptian royals "did not know Joseph" during the time of the Exodus could be that the religion of the royal court in Egypt had become compromised in comparison with the Old Dynasty.

    Related: Moses Was Not A Magician.

    re: Apple => Fruit
    Also, the apple is a generic stand in for 'fruit' of a tree. So perhaps we could conceive of two types of trees {or schools of thought}: [1] one that puts forth life-giving, wholesome and holy doctrine truth and wisdom; [2] another which puts forth perverse, death-fixated, filthy and corrupting doctrine.

    The Left Hand Path

    re: Adultery Spiritually & Sexual Symbolism
    If Eve perpetrated adultery (idolatry) in the Garden of Eden with respect to her adhering to the Serpent's will rather than that of the Godhead, the sexual symbolism would make sense because adultery and idolatry were likened unto each other (fornicative).
    Last edited by allodial; 10-10-16 at 06:23 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #34
    we could conceive of two types of trees {or schools of thought}: [1] one that puts forth life-giving, wholesome and holy doctrine truth and wisdom; [2] another which puts forth perverse, death-fixated, filthy and corrupting doctrine. This seems the only transparent explanation for knowledge OUR rabbinical enmity between all EGYPTIAN BABYLON ZOROASTRIAN Paganism (idolatry)and(fornicative) is a crafty seduction .I have know doubt scripture has registered everything but for know greater undertaking than being set free.If immorality is the prison we are casts of that misconduct being cast down .The truth is the thrown and the footstool or the head and the heal.Grapes on a vine/ serpentine
    move or lie in a winding path or line. Symbol of appearance is idolatry

  5. #35
    Emotional Nativity identifies how much success one has in life dealing with a savior and a self destruction of that savior .The heart of Christ beats in the wicked between good and evil everything has its place or needs to be put in its place.Who can access darkness without light? Forming a following is waking as one .A balance of knowledge is spiritual then physical . A secular world is a material world that is void of light Satan rules material darkness in everyone Christ rules the spiritual light in everything emotionally borne . INSTRUCTIONS to physically harm you're brothers and sisters is the oldest idealistic idolatry alive. Sacrifices burning witches who created witches killing christian s who created christian s Man has created as much evil as good. Freewill and Adam we all got a long walk home taking a ride with a stranger and begging for one are separating . The truth about freewill can freewill be hidden not in emotional hearts .Once the truth mentioned means something like exile the forgiveness is sought again just one light or Christ earth became void then the begotten light but the war in heaven started over light with INSTRUCTIONS. The appeal to impart is the written whisper or breath of God. The words of God destroy adversarial words. God has reminded Adam that and he received INSTRUCTIONS the same ones i understand .Dont stray from my light.He doesn't respect persons so being one identifies a material being .That darkness follows around, admitting you have a person is the truth. Assigning physical damaged too a person isn't Gods affair .The war in heaven is over not sidelined just exiles on material main street .

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