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Thread: Why the Angels Rebelled: A Perspective

  1. #11
    I have no description of scripture its of this world or in it how transparent can good be.Evil explanations for people doing good mysterious organizers hardly.I have faith in good when it comes without explanation.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    My point is integrity in interpretation Grammar being greek then latin the great lengths ROME went on with commercial conquest crusades then Protestant colonialism was invented from this.King James Bible is a document of the Catholic Church allegorical the protesting of Catholicism its monopolies on Gods word or inspiration of the literary.BASILICA Greek for Court royal house.
    Good points. The idea of there existing this "Christendom" divided between Protestants and Roman Catholics I find questionable since the true ecclesia existed before Constantine's time. There were those among the British Isles and other locations who had known the doctrines of the Apostles long before Augustine or any Roman missionary had arrived. The third category: the orthodox bible-believer, bible-observant saints who don't necessarily have anything to do with either Protestantism or Roman Catholicism. The third category I have found to be more rare to find but they do exist and I have witnessed amazing things and much great love among them. However, overall I have found true believers to be scattered throughout a variety of congregations. Technically Baptists might actually be outside of the classification of Protestant. Protestant organizations would be ones that specifically protested against the Roman Catholic Church.

    The idea that Protestantism became a wedge to destroy the integrity of orthodox Christian societies, seems plausible: the doors opened for usury, mammon worship, etc. Thirty Years War, Colonialism, Darkside Occultism using pseudo-gospel as a front door...WWI, WWII, etc. That there were those co-opted the Reformation who had insidious intents, plausible also. A war against the saints de jure: stopping the manifestation of the sons of God on the planet has been a major objective of those who until recently primarily lurked in the shadows.

    re: the KJV
    I recall someone suggesting that in the KJV was a point made to specifically legitimize a system of clergy-laity. While I don't necessarily take their viewpoing, it might be that I found myself unable to actually find the word 'bishop' in the Greek. There is the role of the elders or an elder in a congregation. The Episcopalians simply kept the word in tact.

    To reiterate, I could not in all of my learning find the proper resolve of the word 'bishop' and how it could quite be derived from episcopos except with a bit of creativity. However, at one point I came to learn that the word 'vishap' in Armenian means dragon. The best wikipedia gives on the word 'bishop' is that it is:

    (seen by many as an interchangeable term with episcopos or overseer)
    The parenthesis appear in the Wikipedia article. Taking a look at even they are flipping through loops to arrive at how episkopos becomes bishop (especially consider that Yeshua becomes Jesus in Greek--but yet somehow with episcopos we find a 'sh' carrying into bishop somehow. 'Episcap'..could make more sense, no?).

    Name:  etymoline_bishop.png
Views: 803
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    They're knocking themselves out to try to get to how 'episcopos' become 'bishop'. OK sure, in a way, I could see how something or another could be lost in translation..maybe more like 'bischap' became 'bishap'. But with 'bi' 'epi' is lost in the sense of 'overseer'. That 'vishap' means dragon in Armenian is....hmmmm. Isn't that Grand Vishap or Grand Dragon what members of the KKK are called? Anyways, ya know how languages can be. I've seen words in a RTL language become common words in a LTR language but the only difference they are pronounced and written backwards.

    Nonetheless, the word 'bishop' was a generic term for a high priest so it would make sense if in a given locality they used terms with which they were familiar. However, the word 'elder' or 'overseer' would have sufficed.


    Any way you look at it blaming innocent third party with the results of a conflict in which they are not necessarily effectively involved doesn't seem quite right.

    Last edited by allodial; 10-03-16 at 12:51 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Yes, I agree when the Scripture was placed in the hands of the people that was good and bad. For when the priest went astray, like Eli sons did, then they lost the ability to teach and they only show now in ritual. Nevertheless, when I consider Genesis 6 and I consider the Internal Man, then I consider the "Ben Ha Elohim" to be the THOUGHTS OF GOD. And a very strict reading of the texts will show that the abstract term "daughters of men" is way to vague. For in fact it reads DAUGHTERS OF HA AW-DAWM. Which renders DAUGHTERS OF THE MAN.

    When one then sees daughters are akin to Desires and sons to Thoughts then one can see that the giants born are philosophies or religions. And one can now see the Religio-Political bodies arising in the Earth - GIANTS. Whether or not giants in size and stature actually walked this earth is not my concern. For how does that relate to our condition this day? I see no 12 fingered beings on the Earth today. Nevertheless, I do see systems of control which are GIANT in regard to the manipulation of billions of people.

    If one relates a Man as a Church or a State, then one can get an understanding on "Men of Renown." When one focuses their attention to the external only, then in my opinion, one misses the boat. And now later we read that the Angels are returning and already one who is looking to the Internal Man can already sense the RIVERS OVERFLOWING as doctrines are being propagated all over the Earth. This information propagation may only breed more confusion [BBL].

    Since an Angel is a Messenger in relation to the Word we can see now of John the Baptist that he relates to the External Sense of the Word as a Representative of the Word and thusly the Lord. And therefore when his head is removed so too is prophecy concerning the Lord for now is the Lord manifest.

    Concerning John, Elijah, Moses and Elisha, E. Swedenborg wrote : Click Here

    Concerning Nephilim: Click Here and Click Here
    Is it possible to believe that GIANTS really means actual GIANTS and still comprehend that the systems of control manipulate millions of people? You seem to opine that these two ideas may be mutually exclusive whereby belief in actual events being depicted results in "missing the boat" of understanding.

    Why can't both be true? Why be so dismissive of these events depicted in scripture as being actual occurrences? What is the benefit of discarding these events as actual?

  4. #14
    The Simon Magus perspective was of a special, exclusive school of OT interpretation when in fact the literal events are telling the story. its already a given that the worlds were framed by the word of God (word meaning truth and wisdom) and it is rather well known in certain circles that words and writing are expressions of will and thoughts. Consider interpreting Adam and Eve as merely conscious mind and subconscious mind respectively. There are those who regard the conscious mind to be "God" therefore you have worship of the feminine. When in fact, it is very obvious that the feminine was made to be linked up with the masculine by design. The soil doesn't own the crop the farmer does. The soil doesn't own the farmer, the farmer owns the field.

    Sure you'll have those that say that the idea of men owning women to be terrible or antiquated but believe me, I've yet to come across an unregenerate female who has a problem with the idea of owning a man or with the idea of fleecing a man of his resources and then regarding him to be 'stupid' if she gets away with it. Furthermore, the state blatantly claims ownership of its female persons. In other words, liberation of women was to 'liberate' them in the sense of freeing them from the protective coverture of the lawful private household to the public harlotry of state animal farm ownership.

    Its important to realize why it is possible that Eve sinned but Adam was not responsible wholly: because they were made twain, the idea of Adam and Eve as a couple is false. Lawful marriage doesn't result in couples it results in merger of the male (mostly conscious active incarnation of mankind) and the female (mostly subconscious passive incarnation of mankind). They were a unity and that is plainly stated in Genesis. They were joined together as one, Adam went with Eve.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-03-16 at 11:30 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15
    In the beginning God had his first thought, his Ennoia, which was female, and that thought was to create the angels. The First Thought then descended into the lower regions and created the angels. But the angels rebelled against her out of jealousy and created the world as her prison, imprisoning her in a female body. Thereafter, she was reincarnated many times, each time being shamed. Her many reincarnations included Helen of Troy, among others, and she finally was reincarnated as Helen, a slave and prostitute in the Phoenician city of Tyre. God then descended in the form of Simon Magus, to rescue his Ennoia, and to confer salvation upon men through knowledge of himself. --Epiphanius of Salamus's Panarion
    The Simon Magus (see quote from Panarian above) perspective was of a special, exclusive school of OT interpretation when in fact the literal events were telling a story much like a dance in a royal court or a ritual conveys a story or meaning. Its already a given that the worlds were framed by the word of God (word meaning truth and wisdom) and it is rather well known in certain circles that words and writing are expressions of will and codification of thought. So that means a chair or an aircraft is the result of thought.

    There are those who regard Adam and Eve as being merely conscious mind and subconscious mind respectively having nothing to do with any real men or real women. But consider that which I was taught long ago: that Adam and Eve seeing themselves as naked may have been evidence of injury eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil had done: they began to fail to see the distinction between themselves and their bodies which are likened unto garments of flesh (spiritual death started setting in). There are those who regard the subconscious mind to be "God" and perhaps this relates to the idea of worship of the feminine or passive. However, it seems rather obvious that the feminine was made to be linked up with the masculine by design. The soil doesn't own the crop the farmer does. The soil doesn't own the farmer, the farmer owns the field.

    Those who promote the idea of the subconscious mind being "god" seem to miss or disregard the significance of the will, emotions and imagination. The vagina is 'god' how? Consider that the female nervous system has to yield part of its subconscious (sympathetic?) function for 9 months for gestation and birth to occur. But yet nothing occurs unless the male acts or wills to act first. Does that suggest the female be disregarded? Of course not. But the significant point highlighted pertains to one of male and female coming or acting together in harmony: one/unified.

    Sure you'll have those that say that the idea of men owning women to be terrible or antiquated but believe me, I've yet to come across an unregenerate female who has a problem with the idea of owning a man or with the idea of fleecing a man of his resources and then regarding him to be 'stupid' if she gets away with it. Furthermore, the state blatantly claims ownership of its female persons. Think: Police State having a strong correlation to State husbandry. In other words, liberation of women perhaps served to to 'liberate' them in the sense of freeing them from the protective coverture of the lawful private household and removing them to be mere breeders in the Public Animal Farm. And I'm not suggesting it to be either good or bad.

    Its important to realize why it is possible that Eve sinned but Adam was not responsible wholly: because they were made twain, the idea of Adam and Eve as a couple is false. Lawful marriage doesn't result in couples it results in merger of the male (mostly conscious active incarnation of mankind) and the female (mostly subconscious passive incarnation of mankind). They were a unity and that is plainly stated in Genesis. They were joined together as one, Adam (mostly conscious/active) went with Eve (mostly subconscious/passive).

    Dark side occultists know this. They know that when a man and a woman have sex there is a connection that develops. This a method of control. The masters of the coven gang bang the female member with the intent to spiritually link with the female's body (in science there is a phenomenon called 'action at a distance' to which this correlates). Then they deploy her as a weapon to defeat the unwitting male victim's hedge. Men who are sexually chaste they seek to try to get them with a hooker or the like of their choosing. The politicians who think they are 'getting something' when they are delivered a hooker are being actually given a trojan horse: the prostitute's nervous system will link with the target male and the dark side occultists will use this to gain control.

    It must be first understood that when a manchild is born there is a protective hedge. In simple, the promotion of sexual promiscuity is designed to defeat this hedge.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-04-16 at 02:49 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #16
    The Church of the Holy Sepulcher Vs. The Garden Tomb Simon Magus was a powerful magician/sorcerer from the region of Samaria. Luke tells the basic history of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts Chapter 8: “But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

    "bishopric" in British English
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  7. #17
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Is it possible to believe that GIANTS really means actual GIANTS and still comprehend that the systems of control manipulate millions of people? You seem to opine that these two ideas may be mutually exclusive whereby belief in actual events being depicted results in "missing the boat" of understanding.

    Why can't both be true? Why be so dismissive of these events depicted in scripture as being actual occurrences? What is the benefit of discarding these events as actual?
    Yes it is possible. And in the past, I did studies [attached] using the Scriptures to explore the Angels and their offspring. Said study is LITERAL based and does not consider the other three translations of Allusion, Allegory and Hidden Knowledges. But then one day I thought to myself, how does this truly help anyone today? Concerning the Four levels of comprehension of Scripture, I wrote the following yesterday to the Suitors and maybe it is appropriate here too:

    Yes, we are blowing the trumpet now to those who would listen. In fact, now I see what you mean by withdrawn consent. When you consider the triple crown [3 testamentary trusts] established by the Pontiff as Grantor, and you contemplate the beneficiary, it is clear the Christendom benefits from the Charitable Trust. But the builders rejected the truth and settled on an image. Therefore how can one lodge their trust in an image? Once knowledge came, I just had to let it go. Thanks John.

    I was reading Psalms 119 this morning and I was struck at the Aleph section and then the Beth. He who is in Aleph DOES the Way. He who is in Beth is building - returning to the Path. Thusly when Aleph meets Beth the result is a strong Mind [man] of the House. A founding Father able to create. A house divided has no Aleph [Leadership]. Comes next Gimel which is a camel of strength. Is it pride or humble charity? So we can see that Gimel means to "Lift up and to Give."

    The "city of Jerusalem" is of the One River - Wisdom - God Consciousness. I speak to Jerusalem Above - the MOTHER of us All. One who is riding a Gimel of Pride must first unpack his camel and get on his knees [penitent and humble]. The prideful five sense limited mind cannot enter. This fact is evident in:

    James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.


    God is Spirit. Father is AB. So Father is strength.

    Num 6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: [added by MJ: Aleph]

    Num 6:25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: [added by MJ:Beth]

    Num 6:26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. : [added by MJ:Gimel]

    Connected to Gimel is the number three - for in the 3rd day our Lord rose. So we see in Gimel the rising of a King!

    Then the Door [Daleth] will be opened. It is the number four. It is a Gateway. the Four: Yod He Vav He.

    P'shat - Literal
    Remez - Allusion
    Drash - Allegory
    Sod - Hidden or Secret [as in the Voice of God]

    PaRaDiSe. The water bearer is pouring out now - Receive Ye the Holy Spirit. As Jesus BREATHED on them.

    Eze 41:23 And the templeH1964 and the sanctuaryH6944 had twoH8147 doors.

    Eze 41:24 And the doorsH1817 had twoH8147 leavesH1817 apiece, twoH8147 turningH4142 leaves;H1817 twoH8147 leaves for the oneH259 door,H1817 and twoH8147 leavesH1817 for the otherH312 door.H1817

    From H1802; something swinging, that is, the valve of a door: - door (two-leaved), gate, leaf, lid. [In Psa_141:3, dal, irreg.]

    Notice Four parts to the two doors. Daleth is an OPEN door! The door is open TODAY. Therefore the Humble Man who is in need appears before the Door at JUBILEE.

    Yehoshuah is the Door. Thusly we BUILD upon the Foundation which is Christ!

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    He is the Door. He is the Aleph which built the Beth. He is the Gimel [King] which emptied himself in Love for a true relationship in HOPE.

    2Co 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich [Gimel], yet for your sakes he became poor [Daleth], that ye through his poverty might be rich.

    Daleth - Lamed - Hey means Impoverished or Poor.

    So we see in Daleth the one in need is offered a doorway of Hope - we are wrapping up the Jubilee. We need only ask of our Father [not man] and an OPEN DOOR will be created for our Father to work in Us. For we can become FULL and being found FULL we may freely give. Therefore Jesus said "of myself I can do nothing ..... it is the Spirit that works in me...."

    Daleth - Mem means Blood.

    Daleth - Door
    Mem - Water

    Water is symbol of Truth and Truth brings LIFE. For Jesus said "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free."

    Aleph - Daleth - Mem - ADAM. This tells the whole story. God with Us restoring and transforming as we are washed in the Waters of Truth.

    And now we find one who TILLS THE GROUND... [Adamah] - who is a Husbandman [Trustee] sometimes called Pastor

    Gen 9:20 And NoahH5146 beganH2490 to be an husbandman,H376 H127 and he plantedH5193 a vineyard:H3754

    Husbandman = Ish Adamah

    Aleph - Strong Leader
    Daleth - Door
    Mem - Water
    Hey - Revelation

    And now we can hear Jesus to Peter: Flesh and Blood did not reveal this to you Peter, it was revealed by REVELATION. As the Door Opened. NOW IS THE TIME - to open the Door - and claim Jubilee in Sincerity and Truth.

    So we see a Rich Man who is Proud to give generously to an impoverished poor man. But the poor man mush choose to OPEN THE DOOR. Behold I stand at the door and knock.

    We see a perfect picture of Love in giving and lifting up as the Strong Man of the House stands before the door and knocks in hope of relationship - a turning of the nature - from worldly to Spiritual. We are all called to be as NOAH. For the Ark is our Consciousness. And the animals our clean and unclean thoughts and desires. For Noah built the Ark but God shut the door. Thusly the Ark is a MerKahBah - a Light Body.

    If you consider the letter Daleth - we can see a Daleth word in Da'at - which is the Hidden Knowledge found in Sod. The VOICE of one crying in the Wilderness!


    So I considered the Giants and said to myself how does that help me today? And finding that it does not help me today, I am more interested in that which gives life. The letter of the law is as St Paul relates - gives death. I am more interested in life!

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    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-04-16 at 02:17 PM.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Dark side occultists know this. They know that when a man and a woman have sex there is a connection that develops. This a method of control. The masters of the coven gang bang the female member with the intent to spiritually link with the female's body (in science there is a phenomenon called 'action at a distance' to which this correlates). Then they deploy her as a weapon to defeat the unwitting male victim's hedge. Men who are sexually chaste they seek to try to get them with a hooker or the like of their choosing. The politicians who think they are 'getting something' when they are delivered a hooker are being actually given a trojan horse: the prostitute's nervous system will link with the target male and the dark side occultists will use this to gain control.

    It must be first understood that when a manchild is born there is a protective hedge. In simple, the promotion of sexual promiscuity is designed to defeat this hedge.
    It is generally sick to me how sexuality is used as a weapon. I was giving some thought the other day concerning a statement one made to me about sexual repression by a certain church. Said one was very angry and as such, I generally do not give too much credence to an angry man. On and on he went about oppression and suppression. After he left, I considered his statements and I thought when something is taboo it is EXCITING. Now if something is "generally accepted" as okay according to the mores and norms of society, then the "fun" and "excitement" is generally removed. So now, reflecting upon this angry man's words, I thought he is a bit double minded. I mean, why does he need someone else to "grant" permission for what he desires to do in his own bed? While I admit there is a fine line to consider, I got a good laugh afterwards. I think said man just likes to be angry. I am sure he would choke on a gnat if I asked him was his sex life exciting.

    I think it was you allodial who showed me a book years ago titled "The Rite of Sodomy". While it is a horrible tale, it is quite enlightening in regards to controlling the mind. Furthermore, those who practice sodomy to activate the Jupiter chakra do so to "blow open" all seven chakra's at once. If memory serves me, I believe in that book the practitioners called Sodomy the key of David. In relation to opening and locking doors. Since a door is a gateway one can even see that it may be used to create multiple personas.

    But this is all generally sick and perverted and I speak to the man and woman in a pure state without perversion. I certainly do not think of the woman who married me as beneath me. In many ways, she is my teacher. And in other ways she is my leader. When it comes to her strengths she leads and vice versa. There is always that "sick mind" which wants to dominate another be it male or female. Unregenerate is unregenerate regardless of form.

    Mind is created - a tool. For it is said to those in the way of being "let this Mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus....who did not count it robbery to be thought equal with God." As such, a River flowed out of Eden; and, it is obvious the River is not Eden.

    Regarding sexuality, I am reminded of copulins and how a man is rendered helpless under her influence. It is a fascinating study concerning copulins.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-04-16 at 02:50 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  9. #19
    Phillipians 2:5 is in a larger context pertaining to humility:

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
    That even being aware of his own Divinity and who he was at the time:

    [1] made himself of no reputation;
    [2] took upon him the form of a servant;
    [3] was made in the likeness of men;
    [4] he humbled himself; and,
    [5] became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    It is generally sick to me how sexuality is used as a weapon. I was giving some thought the other day concerning a statement one made to me about sexual repression by a certain church. Said one was very angry and as such, I generally do not give too much credence to an angry man. On and on he went about oppression and suppression. After he left, I considered his statements and I thought when something is taboo it is EXCITING. Now if something is "generally accepted" as okay according to the mores and norms of society, then the "fun" and "excitement" is generally removed. So now, reflecting upon this angry man's words, I thought he is a bit double minded. I mean, why does he need someone else to "grant" permission for what he desires to do in his own bed? While I admit there is a fine line to consider, I got a good laugh afterwards. I think said man just likes to be angry. I am sure he would choke on a gnat if I asked him was his sex life exciting.

    I think it was you allodial who showed me a book years ago titled "The Rite of Sodomy". While it is a horrible tale, it is quite enlightening in regards to controlling the mind. Furthermore, those who practice sodomy to activate the Jupiter chakra do so to "blow open" all seven chakra's at once. If memory serves me, I believe in that book the practitioners called Sodomy the key of David. In relation to opening and locking doors. Since a door is a gateway one can even see that it may be used to create multiple personas.
    It has been suggested that 'immortality' is being sought through sodomy, i.e. stealing access to a body so they can jump to that body after death of their existing body. If they didn't believe in hell or expect bad, bad, bad after-death Karma, they wouldn't be trying to escape disembodiment.

    Left hand pathers trying to use the Bible to justify their orgies (in the sense of secret rites worship) is nonsensical. When everything and all flow of thought becomes deemed merely allegorical and symbolic that placing an order for steak and eggs at a restaurant takes the staff 10 hours of meditation and study--no matter how many Koans someone quotes to make it sound good--something is wrong.

    The key of David has to do with command over doors and access to things spiritually and physically. Has nothing to do with chakras and buttsex. I actually met someone who a pastoring elder of a congregation said he obtain a powerful vision of having the key of David when he attended a congregation meeting. Now through the years, the stories he has related: people who wanted to screw him over never could, he always had doors open for him and anyone attempting to shut him out of access to things he needed or required could not. They could never stop him from accessing treasures from God's storehouse. Also, he was able to shut doors for protection too. Proof of concept no doubt.

    The Key of David in operation: "what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open."
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    But this is all generally sick and perverted and I speak to the man and woman in a pure state without perversion. I certainly do not think of the woman who married me as beneath me. In many ways, she is my teacher. And in other ways she is my leader. When it comes to her strengths she leads and vice versa. There is always that "sick mind" which wants to dominate another be it male or female. Unregenerate is unregenerate regardless of form.
    Just as a husband's own emotions ought be subjected to holiness and orderlines, so ought his wives'. The husband protects the wife and children assets/valuables. It is the husband's place to protect her from adverse emotionalism and from outside adverse emotional influence. The children are also in the care of the husband. The husband is the head of the wife, he is the most responsible. An admiral in charge of a fleet does not necessarily think lowly of his suboordinates, he is responsible for them and is their protector: his service makes is what him the greatest of them all. The suboordinate who threatens the welfare of the fleet is dealt with accordingly, not necessarily for the admiral's (husband) sake but for the fleet (the children)--the admiral himself is responsible to a higher authority a trustee. Teaching men to lend their power to an emotional and irresponsible being has gone on for too long. It can be rather dangerous.

    Its amusing how many teenage boys these days (brainwashed) speak of equality of their girlfriends and equality of women but when faced with the fact that they are expected to risk their lives even give up their lives for a woman (who might be more liability than asset) should she face danger, the theory of equality goes out the window. Many women will look down on the man who allows her to dominate. If equal then you'd flip coin to see who has to deal with the bear that got into the house, wouldn't you? Be not deceived.

    If I put A in charge of B, C & D and A yields his authority to B, C or D, A will be responsible for what happens. If you don't think the typical female gets this principle, think again: this is why so many men these days have found themselves raked over the coals with the State.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-04-16 at 11:47 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Eze 23:25 And I will set my jealousy against thee, and they shall deal furiously with thee: they shall take away thy nose and thine ears; and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall take thy sons and thy daughters; and thy residue shall be devoured by the fire.

    Regarding Nose: The nose is on the face - it extends away from the face and thus the nose is as a mask as in it speaks to a PERSONA - and person speaks to office - as the nose is first to greet another.

    It is interesting that according to Brown Driver Briggs dictionary: the term "nose" can even be rendered as "face"

    BDB Definition:
    1) nostril, nose, face
    2) anger
    Part of Speech: noun masculine

    Regarding Ears : we have two. One physical and One Spiritual. When most look around or read they only see the literal as such they only have one ear. In a sense Peter has cut off the other ear. Peter is the Church/State holding the Key. Jesus heals the other Ear so that the "hidden Voice" may be heard. There are FOUR levels of understanding in Hebrew and the last is Sod - and it reflects the Hidden Voice - as in "my sheep hear my voice" and also "to day if you can hear his voice." You get the picture

    Regarding Remnant : the remnants of your life are the special times where you knew love. Unconditional love unequivocal and true. These remnants remain to you else you [we] would all plunge head first into hell - as our Carnal existence would overtake Love and Faith and the truths and wisdom that come from these [Sun and Moon] respectively.

    Regarding Sons : pure thoughts unadulterated by touching duality [the white sheep are gone] - Jacob is left with spotted cattle and these are all his to keep [Jacob is the lower Mind].

    Regarding Daughters : pure desires from inside the House - the two virgin daughters of Lot. These are removed and replaced by emotion [woman] and this woman is as DeLiLaH - and we see in Daleth - Lamed - Hey the root which means Impoverished and Poor. Thus the lower mind intercourses the emotion and the child that is brought forth is Desolation - Ref Isaiah 54:1.

    Regarding Fire: [Shin] All that is left is devoured by Fire = experience. This judgment speaks to those who will not OPEN THE DOOR in turning back to their Creator. For these believe they are The Elohim, and NOT in The Elohim [Acts 17:28] - not realizing they are a elohim. For does the Father need the son or the son the Father? Of course it is the latter. Our God is a consuming Fire.


    Personas of State are founded in the Estate created in Testamentary Trust [Testa or Testes]. Therefore a NAME in State reflects an office. Is it an office of trust or profit. Therefore a NAME is a Way of Being. Thusly Jesus said do all things [deeds] in my NAME. Jesus or Yehoshuah means YeHoVaH Saves! The Way of YeHoVaH saves! Jesus said I AM The Way!

    Name is Hebrew is Shin-Mem [Fire - Water]. Baptism is first by Water then by Fire. We see the Earth was first cleansed by Water [Noah] but later according to Peter [by Fire]. Earth is External Man. Heaven is Internal Man [without regard to body]. And the Life is in the Blood [Daleth-Mem] and God with Man [Emmanuel] Aleph-Daleth-Mem [Adam]. For God the Father Aleph-Beth is the Strong Man of the House. The Testator! He who gave of himself freely in order to have a true relationship with Man. In other words, so that we might be transformed into God-Kind [body, soul and spirit].

    Regarding Lot - which means to Veil. AB-ra-Ham had to send Lot away before he might ascend. Lot went into the valley [the desert place of lower consciousness] as in "yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death....." In the analogy the Mind is male and consider now that the Lower Mind [sodomites - thoughts] desired to have intercourse with the Divine Mind. That is a homosexual deed. Since the Angels which are messengers carry with them the Ben Ha Elohim or the Thoughts of God the Lower Mind [thoughts] desired to break into the House [Super Consciousness] for intercourse. You will notice that before Abraham ascended the mountain that he left his servants and his asses at the base of the mountain! That is saying the same thing! The lower mind may not and cannot ascend until it is transformed by the regenerated Spiritual Way of Being [A Sixth Day Man].

    Lots two virgin daughters are the Divine Desires of God. They are virgin because the lower mind refuses, and for that matter CANNOT, intercourse with them. Notice when Lot sent them without the house, the so called "sodomites" [lower thoughts] refused to engage them in intercourse. Of course this story is steeped in allegory. Can you image being a so called Godly Man and sending your two daughters outside to have sex with a perverse crew of weird dudes? I think, rather I know, I would introduce these perverts to my two friends, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson and maybe Mr. Winchester! When one sees the story is about consciousness, then one can now understand that when Lot ascends the Mountain and is in the Cave he then can drink of the New Wine and he, as Noah, gets drunk on the New Wine. This is not literal Wine [Yah-Yin], this is Divine Knowledge and Wisdom and Understanding. As in Jesus turns the Water into Wine! For Lot is in the Cave of Luz - Metaphysically speaking. And then this so called man of God gets drunk and has sex with his daughters and they each bring forth a child. Horrible story of incest, until one realizes the daughters again are the Divine Desires [Emotion] and Lot is the Regenerated Spiritual Mind [a 6th day Man].

    We see the complete opposite playing out at Genesis 6 where the Ben Ha Elohim [thoughts of God] intercourse the Desires of unregenerated Man. Here now the "child" birthed is Religion or control mechanisms which pilot the world - these govern the mind [government] - and these children are GIANTS.

    Thusly the world chooses BAR-ABBAS [the child of the Fathers]. The world is in love with its History and the systems which are in operation. But consider can the problems of today be resolved with the same consciousness which brought us to the current problematic state of being? I think not! So the world [Carnal or lower mind] puts to death the Divine. And we see it in - Crucify Him! The same ole tale - for Cain killed Abel. Abel kept the flocks of God [white and pure] - Cain was a tiller of the ground [he created religious and political systems - a city builder].

    Wherever two or more are gathered in my Name - has nothing to do with calling on a Moniker. It has to do with the Way of Being. For a NAME refers to an office which is resident within the Estate. So a Legal Name is a Mask pulled over the FACE of Reality. Whereby reality is The Way [Psalms 119] of Life. As Jesus relates so wonderfully - I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life.... Thusly to be in Jesus' Name is to be in The Way of Being, in Truth and therefore In Life.

    Act 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

    We are His children - think about that in relation to The Way and thusly The Name. Thusly regenerate mankind is Mary. And St. Paul said "I wish to present you as a Chaste Virgin." Therefore we Honour our Father and our Mother. For we are his offspring!

    We therefore may choose how we build. Shall we build according to the Divine Principles and therefore Life or shall be build according to what our five senses explain - and therefore death? For what we can perceive thru our five senses has a beginning and therefore an end. What I mean is consider a marriage based on outward attraction. It is over before it starts. When beauty dies, then what of the marriage? It was built on the foundation of lust. Therefore it was over and in vanity and is the house of vanity or Beth-Aven. It is "Ai" [wasteheap] and is no bethel [House of God]. Therefore granted God is Self Existing without start or end, that which is born of God has no end. And thusly the Carnal Mind is NOT allowed access to the "tree of Life" which is to say the "thoughts and desires of God".

    And if the Carnal Mind tries too hard to break into the House, then it is blinded! It can only see the tales! Like some talking snake or a hungry whale or some strong dude made weak by a skillful barber. Blind indeed. Just as Jesus said "the blind lead the blind - right into the ditch."

    Peter is the unregenerate Mind or the Spiritually Dead church. It cuts off the other Ear - for it desires only Self. Showing itself to be somewhat is just a false mask [name]. This Church calls on the sound of the name of Jesus - and thinking to speak a name [moniker] they have no knowledge of the Way of Being. For they are dead in their traditions and fruitless ways. If the church was alive, then explain the condition of the world today.

    The woman who touched his Hem - DID SOMETHING in faith. It was her trust in action which healed her! And Jesus reports "who touched me?" For he felt power flow thru Him. That indicates that Jesus in terms of a being did not consciously make a decision to heal the woman! Rather that power flowed THRU him. She decided that she was going to be healed! And she had the faith to act upon her belief!

    The more I experience life, the more I am convinced that BELIEF can alter matter. I have seen the power of the Mind heal from far distances. Let the weak say I AM strong! If Belief can alter matter, and I believe it can, then it can alter DNA. Thusly we should guard our mind from the potential of false belief systems of thought [magick and sorcery]. Said false belief systems become intimidating giants which bar the way into the Promised Land.

    THEREFORE, Legal Names are for the External man in Society. They can be moved in Charity or Profit which is the choice of the internal man.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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