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Thread: All Caps, Block Letters & CLARIFYING

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Some suggest Rome to be the iron rod that the manchild (ala Revelations) wields. The separation of wheat from chaff and good figs from bad figs isn't a diss. He delivered Israel. It is suggest that those who rebelled or who were in apostasy were punished.
    I refer to the political climate of Israel. There was a Babylonian occupation all along, since Nehemiah, chapter 10. The people seeking deliverance for Israel were that party, the People. They wanted the Temple Mount back from the Jews.

    Dr. Grattam GUINNESS I recall is quoted to have said, "If you don't know the difference between Israel and the Jews, then you are still in your prophetic infancy."

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  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Prior to that, the Hebrew alphabet went to 400[/URL], not 1000 and there were no "jots and tittles" - diacritical markings.

    This is why I have chosen paleo-Hebrew rather than Modern Hebrew:

    Attachment 4615 "The most widespread system, and the only one still used to a significant degree today, was created by the Masoretes"

    Masoretes = Masons?

    paleo-hebrew seems to be phonecian or derived from it, why not then choose that instead?
    Last edited by george; 10-20-16 at 06:00 AM.

  3. #23
    If you look closely at the 1787 Constitution and the U.N. Charter you'll see that normal mixed case was not utilized for reference to "WE THE PEOPLE" or "THE PEOPLE {OF THE UNITED NATIONS}". Title type font or uppercase was utilized.

    To reiterate: JOHN DOE is, at the least, a symbol. If you look at history of the late artist formerly known as Prince, he managed to escape the terms of a unsightly contract by changing to a different symbol.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I refer to the political climate of Israel. There was a Babylonian occupation all along, since Nehemiah, chapter 10. The people seeking deliverance for Israel were that party, the People. They wanted the Temple Mount back from the Jews.

    Dr. Grattam GUINNESS I recall is quoted to have said, "If you don't know the difference between Israel and the Jews, then you are still in your prophetic infancy."
    It is important to note that because of the distinctions between Judah and Israel, separate "curse clocks" and "judgment-clocks" came to exist for Israel and for Judah respectively. The term rendered "Jew" in the KJV and other translations was originally "Judean". However, the term "Jew" has taken a on a variety of meanings these days. That Judah was only part of Israel is an all too obvious fact that may seem to fail to grasp.

    Re: John Hyrcanus
    It is suggested that as a result of John Hyrcanus' doings (against the prohibition against merging with the Edomites) the curses of Edom fell upon Judah: i.e. that the curse clocks and judgment clocks of Edom became merged with the curse clocks and judgment clocks of Judah up through 70 A.D.. However, there are many who suggest that Edom was out to exterminate Judah and take over Judah so that only Edom would remain. To top that off, the scriptural record of merger of Edomites, Ishmaelites and Canaanites. That Edom helped lay siege to Jerusalem in 70 A.D. is a matter of record.

    re: Israel
    The foreignness of the several states and their distinction from the United States just might be a safety measure built in to thwart the curses/judgements against the United States (singularity) from from spilling over on the citizens or nationals of the several states of America. That is, the U.S. is forever required to remain within its territorial limits.
    Last edited by allodial; 10-20-16 at 10:16 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #24
    This form is used to request suppression of personal information in the driver/identification, vehicle, and vessel records that you identify below. Please note that this form and the corresponding privacy protection applies only to law enforcement officers, certain other public officials (active or former), and their spouses and children, who are eligible for such protection under Section 119.071(4) (d), Florida Statutes. See second page for list of those who are eligible.

    I know in the state language what that means and who is eligible and who is exempt.

    Vessel defined in the Bible: God says I prepare vessels for glory, but vessels are prepared for destruction, Romans 9:22

    I just don’t get why this was put in the Financial Institution Letter FIL-96-2008

    September 23, 2008 Additionally, blocked vessels are being segregated into a separate section on the Master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. Banks are now instructed to reject any funds transfer referencing a blocked vessel and must notify OFAC.

    In reply to
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  5. #25
    Thank you for sharing that link. This looks like what I would call an embargo, against Iran. FDIC is alerting all clients not to do any business with vessels from Iran.

    This is the first time I have seen how it is done. Thank you.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post
    This form is used to request suppression of personal information in the driver/identification, vehicle, and vessel records that you identify below. Please note that this form and the corresponding privacy protection applies only to law enforcement officers, certain other public officials (active or former), and their spouses and children, who are eligible for such protection under Section 119.071(4) (d), Florida Statutes. See second page for list of those who are eligible.

    I know in the state language what that means and who is eligible and who is exempt.

    Vessel defined in the Bible: God says I prepare vessels for glory, but vessels are prepared for destruction, Romans 9:22

    I just don’t get why this was put in the Financial Institution Letter FIL-96-2008

    September 23, 2008 Additionally, blocked vessels are being segregated into a separate section on the Master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. Banks are now instructed to reject any funds transfer referencing a blocked vessel and must notify OFAC.

    In reply to
    Comprehend: personification of vessels, deodands, 14th amendment allows for treating corporations/dead (personified objects) as natural persons.

    As I have expounded many times and in rich detail, passports were originally requests to allow VESSELS to pass with their cargo, crew, etc.

    Attachment 4623
    What is the name of the vessel? When does the vessel-person expire/die? What is the vessel hull number? Who is the commander, captain, surety or owner? If the VESSEL doesn't belong to you then how can you possibly say when or when it cannot leave its 'homeland'? Is the U.S. passport held to be the property of the United States or not?

    B. 431276122
    C. The one who signed as bearer and the one whose photograph appears
    D. A U.S. vessel is property of the United States.
    E. AFAIK it is regarded to be property of the United States.

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    Technically referred to as a 'mailbox receptacle', has an owner. Real property is typically said to be situated on/in 'lots'--there just might be a connection between the words lot, lach and lake.

    Attachment 4625
    What is the vessel hull number? Who is the commander, captain, surety or owner? Are CERTIFICATES (EVIDENCES) OF (DIVIDED) TITLE typically issued to residents or non-residents? Are residents a public or private office? Typically can a lienholder be a non-resident?

    A. 16VPX122431F74332
    C. residents
    D. AFAIK evidence points to public being the correct answer
    E. AFAIK yes (based on statements made by execs at more than one DMV)
    Last edited by allodial; 10-21-16 at 08:44 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Comprehend: personification of vessels, deodands, 14th amendment allows for treating corporations/dead (personified objects) as natural persons.

    As I have expounded many times and in rich detail, passports were originally requests to allow VESSELS to pass with their cargo, crew, etc.

    Attachment 4623
    What is the name of the vessel? When does the vessel-person expire/die? What is the vessel hull number? Who is the commander, captain, surety or owner? If the VESSEL doesn't belong to you then how can you possibly say when or when it cannot leave its 'homeland'? Is the U.S. passport held to be the property of the United States or not?

    B. 431276122
    C. The one who signed as bearer and the one whose photograph appears
    D. A U.S. vessel is property of the United States.
    E. AFAIK it is regarded to be property of the United States.
    Dave, the attorney at WSA plans to fix that Surname/Given Names field on the WSA passports but needs to spend the stack on hand first.

  8. #28
    Continuing proceedings

    (3) Where an accused is put to his election pursuant to subsection (2), the following provisions apply, namely,
    (a) if the accused elects to be tried by a judge without a jury or a court composed of a judge and jury
    ?[?or does not elect when put to his or her election,?] ? the provincial court judge shall continue the proceedings as a preliminary inquiry under Part XVIII and,?ONLY? if the provincial court judge orders the accused to stand trial, he or she shall endorse on the information a record of the election; and
    (b) if the accused elects to be tried by a provincial court judge, the provincial court judge shall endorse on the information a record of the election and continue with the trial.Where a defence election exists, and the accused refuses to enter an election, the judge may deem the election as electing to be tried by judge and jury with a preliminary inquiry.
    A refusal to hire a lawyer [NO DEFENSE] My refusal to accept discovery package not defending. Entering my
    paperwork it hasn't been filed or received for consideration and now in open court the judge refused it pushing for this election.ALL CAPS INDICTMENT

  9. #29
    The all Caps Complaint sending the CHIEF JUDGE the dead guys complaint who can here a dead guy all the effectiveness of a legal title to a Name or a NAME is in the complaint who gets to complain and who legally has to act on a complaint i have a real situation where a judge is refusing to receive my answer to charges corruption aside the court just ploughs ahead becoming the all cap NAME entering election and plea .Then the all cap application and appeal after found guilty.The lower court is administrative what is the appeals court but the same administrator.Getting a administrative court to register or file a fraud upon there court is impossible but withdrawing the charges once u point out the fraudulent nature needs a complaint.Any private advice or experience my mailbox would welcome as the open forum i respect must remain generic and David has the lesson plan very effective for administrative relief but in my case Judicial Review hammers the lesson plan home.PS the lesson plan is how one knows the CAPS are staying on or coming off .Who leaves the battlefield or who is a prisoner of that war.depends on who is more pissed off the COURT for being exposed or Me for trying to expose the court its catch 22 they know u know but can ignore any and all paperwork .This is not a complaint arising from the lesson plan its a testimony to how effective the plan is at pissing people off thats worth 5 bens knowing the difference of why there pissed.

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