This form is used to request suppression of personal information in the driver/identification, vehicle, and vessel records that you identify below. Please note that this form and the corresponding privacy protection applies only to law enforcement officers, certain other public officials (active or former), and their spouses and children, who are eligible for such protection under Section 119.071(4) (d), Florida Statutes.
See second page for list of those who are eligible.
I know in the state language what that means and who is eligible and who is exempt.
Vessel defined in the Bible: God says I prepare vessels for glory, but vessels are prepared for destruction, Romans 9:22
I just don’t get why this was put in the
Financial Institution Letter FIL-96-2008
September 23, 2008 Additionally, blocked vessels are being segregated into a separate section on the
Master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. Banks are now instructed to reject any funds transfer referencing a blocked vessel and must notify OFAC.
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