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Thread: Man Turns Into An Animal In Church

  1. #1

    Man Turns Into An Animal In Church

    IMHO, this is worth watching from end to end. It might seem super outlandish and nonsensical but the explanation comes around 36 minute point ("Testimony Time"). If one must, one can skip ahead to the 12:45 mark or even the 36:00 point ("Testimony Time") --his story is a long story but it resonates with truth. It might seem outlandish but it is very revealing how Dark Side occultists operate. As I watched, I recalled and was reminded of females sent after orthodox believers who commented about "the barrier" around them that they could not get through. Witches and warlocks who have converted to Christianity in the USA/North America have said basically the same things. Consider also that there are Christian books written on generational curses and how to break them.

    Last edited by allodial; 11-08-16 at 01:04 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #2
    Pretty clever sales tactics for little bottles of "holy" water.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Pretty clever sales tactics for little bottles of "holy" water.
    Attachment 4715

    Yeah, I noticed that oh-so-'convenient' plug (advertising) for the 'Anointing Water' around 34:05. Of course came to mind the prospect of them hoaxing people by mixing truth with lies (typical methodology) and having an entire family (or pretend family) in on the game. The beginning of his testimony about the 'upside down' world (the underworld?) seemed quite bizarre and contrived, I found it a challenge to believe unless he was relating an 'acid trip' experience. However, the methods used by dark side occultists to attack orthodox Christians and others are what ring true. Whether a hoax or not, the guy's backstory is carefully fielded from open source information (perhaps to bolster credibility) but perhaps rewoven into an outlandish rehash--encryption decrypted and then encrypted again (if their Sunday sessions scripted, the writers are carefully crafting). Santeria, chicken blood, magickal entities (Facebook link above), rapport (Facebook link above) reptilians, mermaids, etc. Entertaining (distraction?) at the least.

    Cain settled in Nod (Ondo) and one of his descendants, Tubal-Cain is known to the Yoruba as Ogun.
    According to more than one source, Ogun is also known as idigun and relates to Vulcan and Tubal-Cain and perhaps directly to Cain (as author Modupe Oduyoye suggests in the work The Sons of the Gods and the Daughters of Men). Encounters with Idigun and the "Queen of the Coast" seem to be recurring with SCOAN/TB Joshua organization. Nigeria?

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    Queen of the Coast? Merovee?

    Delta Igbo
    Queen of the Coast (mermaids?)

    On a related note...

    ...there is a new Netflix-exclusive show called Stranger Things that started airing in Spring 2016. In that show's storyline there is is a parallel world or universe called "the Upside Down". The EBOKA video is from 2013. The show, though 80s retro, has a Montauk Project, CERN theme running through it.

    If this hasn't been entertaining, perhaps you might find this entertaining.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-08-16 at 08:45 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #4
    It is no ordinary (conscious) hoax - I have been there, done that.

    Part of the cleverness though, is the foreign/Haitian voodoo culture. The Western Pauline heresy draws upon the Futurism is so intact, upon blind faith that such gymnastics on the border if idea/mind would not be possible. The electromagnetic field at the brink of idea, where it converges with actual cellular ideology for chemical transfer of the potassium and oxygen meets those particular muscle cells' activated quickening in the actual symphony, off the end of the DNA where we observe the dodecahedron vibrating, and see the actual muscle movement spend some chemistry...

    Mysteries of Genesis - bottom of Page 43 and top of Page 44 tells me something:

    It says Jesus was telling white sepulcres (ossuaries - bone boxes) that if they were trying to use the Scriptures so they could experience life after the body dies, that the Father was nowhere in them. The ego screams in fear at the thought that a good death means loss of identity.

    I like to look where people are participating from. I zoom in with the satellite image and even walk around a bit Street View. I know some of you are aware, that what I Created, I can surely take away...

    The marriage of charismatic voodoo with Christian Qabbala in the psychotomimetic mysticism of freak literacy amongst the Patmos rye ergot infection (naturally occurring LSD) garnished with Jewish Tradition amidst the Talmudic slur, shortening YEHOSHUAH to Yeshuah, that was plagiarized off my lips by the top Administrator, after a year of picking my authority. He in turn unwittingly signed my Certificate of Baptism that I in turn utilized for NOTICE of death/into my spiritual regeneration removing my support brick from critical membranes within the highly compressed information infrastructure - allowing for the birth of Securitization in so many names (of Satan) - Bailouts, Quantitative Easing, repeated nonsensical "raising the debt ceiling"... on and on.

    What I created in the Reconstruction of the 31-Day Government Shutdown, I also can surely take away. It is done. I did it. I assure that the Trading with the Enemy Act has not been "Omitted" from the Bankers' Code recently by some freak accident. There is no mention of Redeeming Lawful Money as a frivolous argument in the recent Memorandum, simply because the IRS attorneys went to school and did their homework.

    The Grandeur is only grandiosity when there is delusion. That is why they call it delusions of grandeur. If you think there is something about the Kingdom, where the Veil is fully rent between you and the Past/Future cherubims' wings meeting in your WORD, you still entertain the delusion that there is a purpose past now.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-08-16 at 09:04 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    It is no ordinary (conscious) hoax - I have been there, done that.

    Part of the cleverness though, is the foreign/Haitian voodoo culture. The Western Pauline heresy draws upon the Futurism is so intact, upon blind faith that such gymnastics on the border if idea/mind would not be possible. The electromagnetic field at the brink of idea, where it converges with actual cellular ideology for chemical transfer of the potassium and oxygen meets those particular muscle cells' activated quickening in the actual symphony, off the end of the DNA where we observe the dodecahedron vibrating, and see the actual muscle movement spend some chemistry...
    Exactly voodoo. P. Scrivener wrote about a Voodoo related syncretism associated with Bondye. I'm not sure its fair to make such associations with Rome as he has rather than just calling it a Haitian local syncretism. Who knows? Interesting thing (on the Stranger Things/Underworld/Upside Down/CERN connection) is CERN's peculiar location in (of all places) France (at 2:59)

    Folks are blaming CERN experiments for the Mandella Effect. Interestingly, Star Labs of the Flash TV series (at times) smells of crosstalk pertaining to CERN.

    Fictional "Star Labs" set in the backdrop of the Vancouver, British Columbia. Vancouver itself seems to mean "of the place where the cows (cattle?) ford [cross (or arrive at port)?] the river" (points to a Dutch town called Coevorden). Well, at least, the exterior establishing shot is located at Portland, Oregon next to the Trimet (Tilikum) Bridge.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Mysteries of Genesis - bottom of Page 43 and top of Page 44 tells me something:

    It says Jesus was telling white sepulcres (ossuaries - bone boxes) that if they were trying to use the Scriptures so they could experience life after the body dies, that the Father was nowhere in them. The ego screams in fear at the thought that a good death means loss of identity.
    Very interesting take on that. Perhaps he was seeing them as like 'reapers' or skeletons (rather than leafy trees, bare bones trees) walking.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-08-16 at 09:32 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #6
    Thank you for the CERN video...

    That was an interesting excursion into the holographic nature of Creation. The ladies at the Messianic Jewish synagogue gather once a week to pray for Israel. I was attending for a few weeks. They were rather conCERNed if I may... LoL.

    Needless to say, without my saying a word I was asked to not attend. I guess I was not showing the proper level of fear? They said when more men attend, I may return. Interesting about yin and yang maybe...
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-08-16 at 04:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you for the CERN video...

    That was an interesting excursion into the holographic nature of Creation. The ladies at the Messianic Jewish synagogue gather once a week to pray for Israel. I was attending for a few weeks. They were rather conCERNed if I may... LoL.

    Needless to say, without my saying a word I was asked to not attend. I guess I was not showing the proper level of fear? They said when more men attend, I may return. Interesting about yin and yang maybe...
    This is a better relation of the idea of "the Upside Down" in the new TV series Stranger Things:

    The CERN connection, in particular at 2:00. Regarding SCOAN/TB Joshua, what I've yet to reveal is this. When he visited "State of Israel", Bethlehem and Greece: "surprise", his first point was a Roman Catholic point of interest. Now speaking of 'crosstalk', the first place he visited (or at least what was shown in the video) was the Church of the Nativity which was commissioned after 300AD by CONSTANTINE himself!

    In August 2016, Prophet T.B. Joshua visited the land of the Bible - Israel, Bethlehem and Greece! He was invited to Israel by ZAKA, an international humanitarian organisation who recognised the charitable work undertaken by Emmanuel TV Partners worldwide.

    During his journey, he had the opportunity to meet:
    1. Mrs Vera Baboun, the Mayor of Bethlehem
    2. Mr Ayoob Kara, the Deputy-Minister of Regional Co-operation, Israel
    3. Rabbi Yehuda Meshi Zahav, the Founder of ZAKA
    4. Ambassador Ran Ichay, Senior Deputy Director to Israeli Prime Minister
    5. Mr Rafi Eitan, Former Mossad Intelligence Officer

    Thereafter, T.B. Joshua visited the city of Philippi in Greece, specifically to the site where Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Acts 16. He shares a short message and prays for viewers worldwide at this historic biblical monument.
    #1 Church of the Nativity ("designed like a typical Roman basillica" according to the narrator; note the same kind of pots hanging as alleged to be in the Kabaa in Mecca)
    #2 Tree of Jesse (same location, chapel)
    #3 Ornate sculpture (Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus)
    #4 Meeting with Mayor of Municipality of Bethlehem (she says something like "our medical facilities need your help")
    #5 Huda Al Masri (hospital in Bethlehem) What? No healings!?!?
    #6 Meets with Rafi Eitan, former Intel Officer
    #7 Greece at Philippi, site of Paul's imprisonment, etc.
    #8 At the OCTOGON (Philippi, Greece) [Paul's place of burial?; Dedicated to Paul]

    A day or two ago, TB Joshua 'prophesied' Clinton would become president of the United States. Back in mid 1990 a vision was related in closed circles that when the USA started truly decline, Trump would run for president and win and that PTB would go out of their way to stop him but fail. The same vision was related to someone 'high up' in a German secret society and he was disturbed because the one who had the vision was right about everything else to that date. We'll see, wont we.

    But it all makes sense, if TB Joshua is hoaxing people and is an insider with adequate support ..well.. you know.

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    Rome..Islam... hmmm...the solid scripting make sense, especially if his writers were getting support from Insiders...maybe even from Rome.

    The Tricks Behind TB Joshua's Prophecies: REVEALED!
    Last edited by allodial; 11-09-16 at 12:44 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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