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Thread: The Realm of the Serpent

  1. #11
    If there were mischaracterizing the gospel, why aren't they also mischaracterizing history?
    It simply makes no sense to do anything by way of defense of even preaching to convince. I simply know things and express them. Demonstrations ensue that are quite convincing. One of the more convincing items though was to run mitochondrial DNA on the bone fragments of Jesus and Mariamne found in the Jesus family tomb (1980). The conclusive results are that these two people were not siblings and therefore only belonged in the family tomb together if they were married.

    Click Here for video snippet.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    It simply makes no sense to do anything by way of defense of even preaching to convince. I simply know things and express them. Demonstrations ensue that are quite convincing. One of the more convincing items though was to run mitochondrial DNA on the bone fragments of Jesus and Mariamne found in the Jesus family tomb (1980). The conclusive results are that these two people were not siblings and therefore only belonged in the family tomb together if they were married.

    Click Here for video snippet.
    Fair enough. No offense intended. Everyone has their opinions, views, perspectives, preferences, etc. My hope was for was sincere open discussion and analysis. However, I (MYSELF) most certainly wouldn't trust James Cameron master of Hollywood illlusionary and deceptive arts--the evidence tends to show that he has a vested interest to attack that which as been long established. It all just seems very PSYOPS-ish, first 'shock the world' with the idea of "Jesus" being married to Mary Magdeline and then (and then 'gradualism technique' ) -> #2 'find his grave' *gasp* who would have saw that coming--anyone with their eyes opened knew they would eventually try to sell that kind of thing: its been foretold for a long time. Their methodology is textbook Soviet/MKULTRA/Mind Control/Undermine-Destroy technique: double-bind on top of a double-bind with the hidden 'third leg' (true objective): now "what do we fill this void with" jingles--oh wait what a coincidence they have an entire doctrine just waiting to fill the void. But thing is, if the Bible can't be trusted then why can anything else? Wouldn't it come down to believe what you want and deal with the consequences rather then "everyone has to believe this and this alone or be burned at the stake"?

    TBH, before I ever heard of Ron Wyatt, I heard of a kid who had a very vivid dream or vision (in response to a prayer or inquiry about the mechanics of the crucifixion where he was looking to harmonize the crucifixion with 'methodology' described in the OT) where he saw that the Ark of the Covenant had been placed right under tunnels in Golgotha during the actual, real crucifixion ... and whatcha I came to hear about Ron Wyatt's find years later. The kid wasn't out to make any money and what he described in his vision/dream was exactly what Ron Wyatt claimed and AFAIK they didn't know each other. Who knows, maybe Ron Wyatt got wind of the story as it circulated around certain circles and maybe the Most High led him to go on an archeological dig.

    During Lent of 2007, movie director James Cameron released a documentary on the Discovery Channel claiming to have evidence of a Jerusalem tomb that allegedly houses the remains of Jesus and his family. Working with Cameron was Dr. Charles Pellegrino, who co-authored a book on the subject with Simcha Jacobovici, The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery, the Investigation, and the Evidence That Could Change History. Bill Donohue debated Cameron and Jacobovici on “Larry King Live” and confronted Pellegrino on the “Today Show.” He argued that the entire story was a “Titanic Fraud.”

    News reports recently confirmed that Henry Holt & Company has halted printing of The Last Train from Hiroshima by Pellegrino. The publisher stated that one of the key sources the author relied on was a fraud (not disputed by Pellegrino). Also questioned was the existence of two priests mentioned in the book (the author conceded that there is no such person as Father John MacQuitty, but that a pseudonym was used which he “forgot to disclose in the book’s acknowledgments”). Finally, Victoria University said he was never awarded a Ph.D.

    “I knew these guys were blowing smoke,” commented Donohue, “After all, Israeli archaeologists were quick to dismiss their claims, as were professors from the Biblical Archaeology Society.” Here is what Donohue told Pellegrino on the “Today Show” in 2007 about the book he co-authored: “There’s not one citation in the book, there’s not one footnote, there’s not one endnote. Both of us have doctorates. We know the way science proceeds. You go through a peer review or you present your findings in a scientific journal.” Now we know his Ph.D. is a fraud. Just like the entire caper.

    The larger issue is why many in the media were so willing to swallow the Jesus-tomb moonshine in the first place. We have a hunch, and it’s unsettling. (source)
    Even from a neutral observer perspective, its plain to see that various Gnostics sects or cliques did lots of things, had their own ideas and histories and mystery cult methodologies. Fair enough. However, its a bit sketchy that so many booksellers try sell the lie of the very folks who were with great hostility against orthodox Christianity being authentic, orthodox Christians when they were not. The world is led to believe the lie of de jure Christians being behind the world's problems when in fact that is far from the truth.

    The thing is, there were and are still lots of "Jesus"s and "Mary"s and Miriams--thousands if not millions of them. Not to mention, the intel industry has long ago realized how useful special effects and actors can be in real world politics. I find the topics that those like James Cameron bring forward to be interesting though the hoax and PSYOPS factor seems all too obvious off the scale especially since PSYOPS, deception and illusion are part and parcel of James Cameron's lucrative profession: I don't meant hat in a bad way but you know motion pictures is about the fake being made to have the appearance of real to life (ala suspension of belief). Come to think of it, back in the day, I learned how to make fake looking stones and relics for movie/theatrical sets out of foam, plaster, etc. I was amazed at how easy it was to do once you learned a few tricks. Considering James Cameron has billions of $$ to play with, just imagine what he could do.

    By 21 March 2012 Ben Hammott confessed and apologised on Podcast interview (using his real name Bill Wilkinson) that everything to do with the tomb and related artifacts was a hoax; revealing that the actual tomb was now destroyed, being part of a full sized set located in a warehouse in England.
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    IMHO, Foucalt's Pendulum pwns the Davinci Code. Even insiders agree.

    Last edited by allodial; 11-21-16 at 09:13 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #13
    Thank you for the reality check Allodial. By accepting the time-space continuum as the highest spiritual experience possible, and that the simple Separation is supernatural, with unity with God being natural, I have simplified a lot of things. One of which is anthropomorphism of the Godhead and especially assigning personality and intent to what appears to be evil.

    This leads to some articulations that depend on the right-brain to comprehend; intuition and emotion. The parallel processing reveals communication and creation on heightened levels.

    Watching carefully note that I have taken up sungazing, or suneating. I have always been drawn to the human retinal photosynthesis but I want the readers to observe Galaxy. You can tell by my chuckling that we have a bond. She says, Remember me? You gave me a bath! I had Dawn dish soap in my bill. I chuckle and say, "Of course I remember you! Who could ever forget somebody like you." Then she gets excited we have this chat and flaps her wings, Gotta go, see you later!

    Dirty Duck gets a bath.

  4. #14
    The lyric has always haunted me until I can to understand the Spiritual path from Aleph to Tav and specifically what each letter represented in that path.
    This rendition caught my eye...

  5. #15
    on the bone fragments of Jesus and Mariamne or Madeleine found in the Jesus family tomb (1980).If the Talpiyot tomb is indeed the tomb of Jesus and his family, we would expect at least some of the ossuary inscriptions to reflect their Galilean origins, by reading, for example, Jesus [son of Joseph] of Nazareth (or Jesus the Nazarene), Mary of Magdala, and so on. However, the inscriptions provide no indication that this is the tomb of a Galilean family and instead point to a Judean family. Fixation on the dead Mariamne I (died 29 BCE), also called Mariamne the Hasmonean, was a Hasmonean princess and the second wife of Herod the Great. Find out where this bitch is buried and she know doubt is Herods sister The Roman Eagle is the OIL wash with a little Dawn

    King of the Jews Herod
    About two thousand years ago, when the state of Judea was under the heel of Roman rule, and was divided into five provinces with Jewish control of “home affairs” only, there was a great deal of unrest and political intrigue going on in this war-torn little state.

    The lovely heroine of our story, the princess Mariamne, was an innocent victim of this sad state of affairs. She was one of the last members of the royal family of the Hasmoneans, and her mother, Queen (Salome) Alexandra, and her grandfather, Hyrcanus, used her in an attempt to keep the power of the country in the hands of the Hasmoneans.

    At that time, Herod, the governor of Galilee, had courted favor with the Roman emperor and was crowned by him, in Rome, as king of Judea. Herod returned to Judea at the head of a Roman army, to destroy Antigonos, the Hasmonean heir to the throne.Jerusalem 's tombs, the deceased's place of origin was noted when someone from outside Jerusalem was interred in a local tomb." On ossuaries in rock-cut tombs that belonged to Judean families, it was customary to indicate the ancestry or lineage of the deceased by naming the father, as, for example, Judah son of John (Yohanan); Honya son of Alexa; and Martha daughter of Hananya. But in rock-cut tombs owned by non-Judean families (or which contained the remains of relatives from outside Judea ), it was customary to indicate the deceased's place of origin, as, for example, Simon of Ptolemais; Papias the Bethshanite (of Beth Shean); and Gaios son of Artemon from Berenike. Our historical and literary sources (such as the Gospels, Flavius Josephus, among others) often make the same distinctions between Judeans and non-Judeans (for example, Galileans, Idumaeans, Saul of Tarsus, Simon of Cyrene, and so on).Christ having a Jesus family tomb in judea is like denying the rooster 3 times .Cant find any tyrants to dig up for DNA lets make one the Eagle outside 2nd temple or the dome of the rock all Roman control. Does Christ matter less or more with history or prophecy . Why wasn't he buried or why was he buried .

  6. #16
    Talpiot is an Israeli neighborhood in southeast Jerusalem, established in 1922 by Zionist pioneers. Besides neighborhood pioneers what else might a Zionist be pioneering hey dig up shit on anybody ZOROASTRIAN Zones .

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    This rendition caught my eye...

    If it means anything, I had Tool's album long before they were popular. While they are very talented musically, what they are singing about isn't what most people think. They're demo released in 1991 is named 72826.

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    No doubt, they're lyrics aren't designed to lead people out of darkness. Once I got the gist of the lyrics, sounded like they were channeling an angry dragon cast out of heaven or perhaps a very unrepentant and bitter criminal. P.S. SATAN on a telephone keypad would work out as: 72862. John 3:19. Guilt isn't something that rules or laws creates. In fact IRL, isn't repeated disregard for law what leads to guilt?

    P.S. When I first heard the song Sober, to me it (no offense to anyone) sounded like he said with "I am just a worthless lawyer..."
    Last edited by allodial; 11-23-16 at 08:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #18
    Continuing to cling to this farce in light of painfully obvious deceptions, and outright hoaxing, is a voluntary trip into delusion. The more it happens, the more the truth is revealed. No other figure in history has even a fraction of the time and energy spent attempting to discredit, defame, disparage and discard the truth of Jesus The Christ, our LORD and Savior.

    All the intellect and fancy words in the world cannot hide what is true. You would think by now those who continue would see the futility in their efforts. The humanistic intellectual mind squeezes out age old wisdom and biblical truth to the point of lunacy.

    The Realm of the Serpent indeed.

  9. #19
    on the bone fragments of Jesus and Mariamne or Madeleine found in the Jesus family tomb (1980).If the Talpiyot tomb is indeed the tomb of Jesus and his family, we would expect at least some of the ossuary inscriptions to reflect their Galilean origins, by reading, for example, Jesus [son of Joseph] of Nazareth (or Jesus the Nazarene), Mary of Magdala, and so on.
    Not me. NATZAR is BRANCH, and the 1611 Scottish Rite translation (see Epistle Dedicatory) meaning the coronation name of David. This is completely coherent with the Gospel of Pragmatism. And this also agrees with the Bible history that the Jews were the occupation on the Temple Mount during Jesus' historical life.

    Fair enough. No offense intended. Everyone has their opinions, views, perspectives, preferences, etc. My hope was for was sincere open discussion and analysis. However, I (MYSELF) most certainly wouldn't trust James Cameron master of Hollywood illlusionary and deceptive arts--the evidence tends to show that he has a vested interest to attack that which as been long established.
    My impression was much more along the line, What motivation would James CAMERON have to falsify in a full length documentary. - And more importantly, if he did falsify it then why is he doing nothing to defend it? When I would present this in Q&A at the end of some Passages lectures a few years back I was met with some very interesting reactions - denial! Well, I started looking around at videos that debunked the accounts in the movie and only found religious leaders saying things that were apparently based only in what other religious leaders were saying about the movie. I was convinced that some of the comments were from "experts" that had never even watched the movie!

    Continuing to cling to this farce in light of painfully obvious deceptions, and outright hoaxing, is a voluntary trip into delusion. The more it happens, the more the truth is revealed. No other figure in history has even a fraction of the time and energy spent attempting to discredit, defame, disparage and discard the truth of Jesus The Christ, our LORD and Savior.

    All the intellect and fancy words in the world cannot hide what is true. You would think by now those who continue would see the futility in their efforts. The humanistic intellectual mind squeezes out age old wisdom and biblical truth to the point of lunacy.

    The Realm of the Serpent indeed.
    And I top that off with duck whispering!

    The Gospel of Pragmatism should be downloaded to disk today. Get over there and explore the origins of CASTLE CHURCH TRUST too. Even if you are correct, you are watching history in the making. Lawful Money Trust dot COM is where you can find the lessons about trust law and redeeming lawful money cultivated into concise and practical execution.

    The realm of the Serpent indeed is replicated in the human body. The substrate of Israel is guilt and guilty of incest, depending upon anthropomorphism (creating God in Man's image) through teaching that the RUACH is the essence of the Breath of God that was breathed into Adam. And so there you have it:

    MOSES - Medulla Oblongata Spiritually Entwined Spine

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    Align the colors with the numbers...

    Attachment 4761

    The TRUTH of which you speak is so subjective and depends upon such a leap of faith compared to my pragmatic interpretation of the Book of Mark published by the US on PACER. And the objective to end war sounds delusional in its grandeur, even grandiose. But then, that was the War by Propaganda that Paul inflicted... As I have pointed out though. This man's unbridled imagination could only be curbed by the most powerful of psychotropic pharmaceuticals.

    The lofty objective is to end war. And as you all know, the Trading with the Enemy Act, 153 years and Seventieth Jubilee later is "Omitted" from the Bankers' Code.

    What you accuse God of doing is quite unnatural, in my opinion. To bring the dead back to life after days in cold decay and atrophy is something I can comfortably say, you have never seen first hand or even meeting rules of evidence.

    In my opinion, Tool boldly went for commercial success on what is mild religious abuse. I doubt Maynard James has ever seen the inside of any prison but maybe a holding cell awaiting an attorney to pay up bail, if anything at all. This allows him the freedom of an alter ego that goes beyond Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and its inherent hit - Money. In just the one song Sober, we recognize a triple signature reverse heartbeat for the baseline. Paraphrasing the author David GILMOUR the album is about what drives people crazy. And I think it is quite likely that exploring the shadow material is healthy while retaliating in anger at the commercial priestcraft is not.

    In fact IRL, isn't repeated disregard for law what leads to guilt?
    Amen. It is the emotion of sin. I pinpoint a crux of the guilt to be Abraham and Sarah's incest. This came up in last Sabbath's Torah study - Genesis 20:11 - and like with Cain killing Abel, the law had not been delivered formally (Notice) so the justice system seems skewed. (God allowed Cain to live, and even protected him.) But 50% recombinant DNA is never good, illegal or not. So I appreciate you hearing "worthless lawyer" instead of "liar".
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-23-16 at 11:30 AM.

  10. #20
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    Clearly God would never command a father to murder his own son. This is a model usurped into commercial priestcraft that the Blood of the Lamb is a sacrifice, rather than an OWTH. The Hebrew word is ZAWBACH, which properly translated to slaughter, not sacrifice.

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    Specifically what this means is that whenever a pastor tells you that Jesus died on the Cross for your sins, so that there has been the ultimate Sacrifice of God the Father, sacrificing his Son so that you might be saved, the pastor is after your wallet.

    However, recognizing that the Passover Lamb was to be slaughtered, and the blood was to be painted on the doorposts of the house we find that the Blood of Jesus can much more productively considered a mark of life like with Cain or the Israelites at Exodus 13:16:

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    This verse is in fact cited in every Libel of Review as Law of the Flag.

    You might accept this as a sign of hope - even if you believe in the rapture eschaton. At least now you might feel that you have properly identified the antichrist. The chevron is specified as part of my family crest:

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    This is the bookmark in one of my favorite bibles.

    Attachment 4765

    Sale Documents.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-23-16 at 05:24 PM.

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