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Thread: Notice of Void Judgment(s) and Complaint of Judicial Misconduct

  1. #1

    Notice of Void Judgment(s) and Complaint of Judicial Misconduct

    I watched by Tracking # carefully for delivery and then nabbed it a few minutes later. This rendition shows both evidence repositories but I edited out the family junk, Refused for Cause. If you must know then you just need to register on PACER and get it for yourselves. Breach of trust among family has some emotional stuff for me...

    Name:  Notice of Void Judgments and Complaint delivered.jpg
Views: 1260
Size:  104.8 KB

  2. #2

    US Homeland Security/NSA deletes a week of postings.

    You better grab it quick; this is exactly where we lost postings for an entire week.

    The five-page Complaint text was published too:

    Attachment 4783

    The Great Seal was on the backside of my Signature so to bleed through.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-04-16 at 11:47 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Trading with the Enemy Act "Omitted" from the Bankers' Code!

    Regarding the "Omission" of the Trading with the Enemy Act from the Bankers' Code - it strikes me that very few people comprehend the importance, regarding redemption being available; bondage to the private credit of the Fed (endorsement) is completely voluntary. This is from the Attachments, but I brought this up in the Olympus Ordeal too, at around the same time the TWEA was "Omitted".

    Name:  Tenth Circuit Complaint David TIGHE Executive_Page_48.jpg
Views: 1349
Size:  89.3 KB

    This looks to me like objecting to the illegal use of the TWEA in early 1933, it cost Senator Thomas J. WALSH his life.

    Long story short;

    FDR implemented the TWEA under the illusion that the Great Depression was a war worthy of declaring the US citizen the enemy, for hoarding gold. Around 1976 most of the War and Emergency legislation was properly repealed, leaving only the TWEA. Now it is removed from the central banking policies of Title 12.

    My being the only one who realizes it stains my sense of victory; but only a little bit! On this Seventieth Jubilee since the invasion of Canaan (Jericho's walls came down), IT IS DONE.

    Make your claim.
    Service on the Triumvirate.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-04-16 at 12:07 PM.

  5. #5
    Notice of Void Judgment(s) would further service all claims for personal commercial identity as a NAMED defendant or as non defendant standing is ridiculous within appeal courts as judicial jurisdiction again is limiting too who can file the appeal. R4C and getting a void judgment aren't ongoing supreme courts void lower courts in all commercial paperwork. How does one explain the appeal process vs the void judgment process most misconduct has a menu your order or there's > Can the Notice of Void Judgment accompany ones Appeal? Once appeal has been filed must a void judgment also be filed. Can one strengthen the other .

  6. #6
    Practicing Law without license is null and void. Judge John H Doe is a barrister if on the barristers role from the law society all standing members full Name appears with oaths the state doesn't issue a license the society was given legal legislation too hold members accountable a void judgment IMO has two identifies John Henry Doe vs John H Doe one Name isn't licensed.

  7. #7
    Even the court clerk identifies her/him self as a law society member Susan M Doe vs Susan Mischief Doe. When a full legal Name is registered do you give a legal and fiduciary appearance of just initially being judicial.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Notice of Void Judgment(s) would further service all claims for personal commercial identity as a NAMED defendant or as non defendant standing is ridiculous within appeal courts as judicial jurisdiction again is limiting too who can file the appeal. R4C and getting a void judgment aren't ongoing supreme courts void lower courts in all commercial paperwork. How does one explain the appeal process vs the void judgment process most misconduct has a menu your order or there's > Can the Notice of Void Judgment accompany ones Appeal? Once appeal has been filed must a void judgment also be filed. Can one strengthen the other .
    The question I focus on, Who can file the appeal?

    I did that along the way. A handwritten Law Suit from jail. A fellow non-judicial officer declared sovereign and judicial immunity from within the criminal syndicalism. Therefore I raised my complaint and hopefully it TRUMP's the phony-bonded judiciary by having a businessman President (not a politician) who intends to abolish the Fed anyway; and who might appreciate the leg-up doing so.

    Thank you for all that. It is much easier for me to make sense when I am fielding questions - especially somebody who is paying attention to me for a while. I suppose it is possible to "roll back" a forum from the Control Panel, but that still leaves the question, Who did it? Whereas I made the presumption that people are watching and meddling; people with alphabet letters in their titles.

    I looked at the latest asset report yesterday too. There might be a helpful suggestion, that I have been dishing out for promotional purposes only - but with a "crash" to $42.22/fine troy ounce pending and already immanent, this advisement I put out on a LinkedIn Article could really save your life! I have been through various plans, some of which are still in place; for what to do in the event of civil infrastructure failure at various degrees. Fear will kill you, in my opinion as that we get what we pray for when we discover we Create. Even before that, very ineffectively we will create what we emote about. So finding safety and solace in the people around us, our neighbors is the simplest and best solution. When the Internet goes down or even not, one discovers that the Internet does not get food in the cupboard, just knowing you are surrounded by actual people facing the same situation and knowing them by face and name... that goes a long, long way.

    Name:  The War is Over Article on LinkedIn.jpg
Views: 1197
Size:  90.8 KB

    The War is Over - Redeem Lawful Money

    Attachment 4791

    For more information join us on to find a wonderful education. Security and privacy are essential to prosper. Gold is earmarked internationally at $42.22/fine troy ounce upon Special Drawing Rights. Search for the latest assets report from the Fed, and look at the Footnotes. SDR's are the measure of a society's conditioning to blindly endorse private credit from the local central bank. Since there is no enforcement in the Bankers' Code the run on the Fed, averted by FDR's "war" in 1933 is already underway.

    Name:  Tenth Circuit Complaint David TIGHE Executive_Page_48.jpg
Views: 1124
Size:  89.3 KB

    Here is an entertaining alternative.

    Scary? Sure! It will feel like a crash. Especially if you have been buying gold contracts and you don't have the gold in your home safely locked away. And if you do, well... that of course means you have a gun and food and a bunker and... There has got to be a better way!

    Name:  Redeemed Lawful Money Stamp Pocket.jpg
Views: 1555
Size:  102.1 KB

    Order one at the local Office Store - or call Tim (719) 635-0943. Replace your signature with it.

    Get a look at this LinkedIn article I have published.

    Dear Members;

    Lately I discovered I spend a lot of time outside walking and found this particularly entertaining because now I know so many more people around me. Quickly I discovered that there is a business page feature for promoting The personal page is private to the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods (19 where I am living). But Lawful Money Trust as a business page can be recommended from anywhere.

    Here is a short video I produced to explain better.

    By making the recommendation you will show the Lawful Money Trust recommendations to your neighbors, and you can also join in the local fun too. Think about how rewarding it is to know the people around you when times get rough.

    David Merrill.

    P.S. FDR used the TWEA to create Americans as the "enemy".

    Attachment 4794

    So you might appreciate that one should propose solution when pointing out problems.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-05-16 at 05:11 PM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Practicing Law without license is null and void. Judge John H Doe is a barrister if on the barristers role from the law society all standing members full Name appears with oaths the state doesn't issue a license the society was given legal legislation too hold members accountable a void judgment IMO has two identifies John Henry Doe vs John H Doe one Name isn't licensed.
    The licensing authority is fraudulent. They are licensed by the state Supreme Court but here I can show Mary J. MULLARKEY condoning the fraud:

    Name:  John_Suthers'_AG_oath.jpg
Views: 1134
Size:  132.7 KB

    That was very revealing but even more, look at the dates. A suitor requested a Certificate of Fact on the new AG John SUTHERS like this one from many years earlier when he was DA around Colorado Springs:

    Name:  fraudem legis 3.jpg
Views: 1142
Size:  166.6 KB

    The Secretary of State told the suitor they could not provide Certificates of Fact because they "get in too much trouble"?? Well, they sent him away promising to mail the Certificate of Fact and he went back the next day to find MULLARKEY and SUTHERS had filed the above "oath" in a panic.

    This and some sixty pages of Attachments more lead me to feel that I have uncovered a criminal syndicalism too big to correct by prosecutions, and from the beginning I have been utilizing my property - the NY CODE - waiver of tort. The only way out of this, and I point out that TRUMP is a NY Businessman-President is to settle up. I thought about the suppression for a couple days, that maybe it was a message:

    The $23M check is being processed at the Treasury, pending a little risk management and evaluation...
    I have to follow my gut. And it tells me to do what is right. Without pressure even the interpretation quoted will fall in the cracks. So I am re-posting the Complaint and showing it published on PACER.

    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Even the court clerk identifies her/him self as a law society member Susan M Doe vs Susan Mischief Doe. When a full legal Name is registered do you give a legal and fiduciary appearance of just initially being judicial.
    This shows a law boundary. It must be fraud though, because they, the attorneys on that side of it from me, are pretending to adhere to the Constitutions and statutes by the General Assembly and Congress. So I have them and they owe me $23M.

    I learned something important from the symphony. I am calling that the symphony now, because genetic mapping is just a description of the saxophone or violin. Ideas precede Creation but they are part of the orchestration. So part of the orchestra is that I was sitting in Torah Study with some really brilliant servants of God. One 80-year old fellow was leading the Torah and we were discussing the Reading about how Jacob and Rebecca defrauded Isaac in his old age and blindness, into giving the blessing to Jacob while the elder brother Esau was hunting down some venison as ordered. I project that we were all stuck in a linear base legalism - even confused and judging God for allowing and condoning conspiracy and fraud.

    The leader was opposite table-ends in a conference room so we had a lot of eye contact above the others around the large conference table. He spent his career code-breaking for the NSA while working at Boeing. He mentioned in the next generation of the Bible Story how Jacob/Israel, in turn, in his old age was blessing Manasseh and Joseph. He crossed his arms with a big "X" like in the story - right through the visual cortex joindering the right and left brains. I saw it and spoke up. That is the EXIT from being stuck in the linear left-brained paradigm of legalism.

    In other words, and on a milk level again; Jacob was a man of the kitchen/tent. That is why he knew all about the family business and was so close to Rebecca, his mother that it was for the good that he stay in the family inheritance and even execute his birthright in the family. Esau was an accomplished hunter. He was not one to be happy in administration because he was an outdoorsman. In the end, they were both much happier and I am too, now that I am not judging the judiciary for being what it is.

    I played my part and Jim and I even have rectified the judiciary - as evidenced by the Trading with the Enemy Act being rendered inert in law and unable to effect redemption of people and/or Federal Reserve notes. I did a good job acting and deserve my $23M now.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-05-16 at 06:21 PM.

  10. #10
    The accused or the defendant always ends up with a full Name or NAME in any legal proceeding how one gets legally sworn in with the alphabet soup is using a corporate fiction to affirm another fiction at the end of any fictitious day these folks hold a bar card not any licensed attorney can show me a license to practice anything just a bar card talk about standing.I am satisfied the oaths are fraudulently affirmed if one wants to privately sue a state employee what full Name in any lawsuit has a letter that can concatenate testimony just state your full Name for the record.I watch for the realistic victories all true judgments are based upon Common Law but initially getting destroyed from the INITIAL Judge then appeal to the highest INITIAL is initially frustrating but working without a net is what we do.

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