Originally Posted by
Michael Joseph
Comes now Michael Joseph a regenerate man speaking for his estate in the office of Trustee - upon the dominions of Michael Joseph, as Trustee per Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 the original trust agreement; and, recognizing the foreign State, United States as a concurrent jurisdiction and separate overlay upon the land - created and belonging to Yehovah - "go forth and take dominion" and placed into Trust - Yehovah Saves - in Yehoshuah the head of the Commonwealth of Yisra'el - Election of Yehovah - the body Elect - Trustees speaking for the Original Estate - in accord with Laws of Nations, but absent binding; and,
Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of Trustee for the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,
Whereas, I michael joseph, am absent status of beneficiary of the United States and/or its persons (artificial or otherwise); and,
the States being held as Dependents of the United States - a sort of International Sovereign to the States; wherein the States being Domestic Sovereigns according to their surveys and boundaries - wherein; said States agreed to the Compact in silence as clearly recognized at Padelford AND the 1st Judiciary Act as the United States tells said States what they can and will do; and said Persons under the shadow of the United States being subject to the :1) Laws of the United States 2) International Treaties and 3)Constitution made by the United States for the United States of America; and,
Whereas, I michael joseph wishing to exercise my right of self determination as codified in the Holy Scriptures AND Laws of Nations form a union with my family; whereupon I exercise rights of Trustee as High Priest and Husbandman in Yisra'el; a member of the Body acting in the Name of Yehoshuah my Sovereign; speaking with the Power [Dynamite] of the Word of Yehovah - Who shall lay any charge upon Yehovah's Elect?; it is Yehovah the justifieth; and, recognizing the trust relationships that exist today in Cestui Que Vie Trust; held in Trust by Military as Trustee AND Civil Government as Trustee in one man - President and Commander in Chief; not wishing to Trespass and sin upon those offices I remain without by CHOICE; a man seeking peace - foraging in the field performing husbandry for my family - speaking in the Name of Yehoshuah ben Yehovah, I remain the loyal servant of my Sovereign.
According to the United States - that trust is a Testamentary Trust as the Grantors are all dead. The original Settlors [the true Sovereigns] are all dead but the Posterity [and Ourselves] are for whom that trust was made; and, as such, I will not Trespass their Survey.
1. Survey
2. Claim of Use - based on Survey
3. Put Claim of Use into Trust as Trust Corpus = Trust Property; wherein Property = Right of Use
4. Split the Use - Legal manages the Use; Equitable has the Right of Use
But I am Not Trustee or Beneficiary. Now let us go to Charge. Whoever issues a charge must discharge the charge upon His own estate. Laws of Contracts. Who holds the Estate in Trust? - Trustee! Can a Trustee be beneficiary at same time? Absolutely, if there are other beneficiaries at the same time. Therefore Officer is Trustee and Officer issued the Charge based on his Dominions - HIS SURVEY.
Now, therefore the Earth belongs to Yehovah and all that is in it. Man surveys the Earth and places certain Uses into Trust, based on Said Survey, to Control. The TRUST PROPERTY is the USE. Who has the Right of Use? Well that depends on what Survey you are upon?
Now the question remains - how will we keep the peace? By Agreement! Laws of Nations seems like a good agreement. Moral Person only takes two - Husband and Wife. The Two become ONE.
One says, but you use our Intangible Money; you use the gas provided by our Corporations - Blah, blah, blah....what you now make a claim on God?
Comes now Michael Joseph, as Priest speaking in the Name of Yehoshauh my Savior in whom I trust; absent intent to trespass but to live in peace, if possible, with my neighbor; respecting other venues and jurisdictions but living according to the law of necessity - absent claim upon any Legal Name or Cestui Que Trust within another venue, jurisdiction, overlay or district; and, with full faith and full liability assumed before Yehovah my Elohiym.
What you gonna put you Intangible Money on Me? You gonna now trespass my Estate? Let Yehovah judge this day between me and thee. For Dan-i-el - Yehovah is my Judge.
What shall we do about this? Shall I go and register my Trust at the UN and beg for their justification and recognition? Shall I create my own Intangible Property based on my own Survey [dominion] and await a Soul to "sign up" for benefits handed down by King Michael Joseph?
Believe me I have in me the power in words and knowledge to Settle such a Trust [new State] and I could noticed the OAS and the UN and international banking and then according to established Law [who settled that Law], I could follow the protocols and await the six months so that other States might have a chance to review and comment on my Survey and Claim; perhaps they remain silent and I get agreement or perhaps not.
The CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST [w/ssn] has been made available for one to come aboard and dock to the STATE. TRUST and TRUST. The framers knowing not to commit Adultery; yet man[kind] today is dumb as a box of rocks doing it every day -" that ain't me". Open thou mouth o' fool - and argue against the Trustee - Trustee de son Tort is a sin most times not forgiven.
Yehovah = Settlor of the express Trust - Word of Yehovah
Yehoshuah = Trustee = manifestation of the Word of Yehovah in Flesh
Elect/Priest = Trustee
Yisra'el = Trustee
Commonweath of Yisra'el = Body [State if you like] - in accord with Laws of Nations - a Moral Person
Survey and Claim : Gen 1 and Gen 2
Trust Bylaws = Books of Moses and Prophets
Will you be as Eve and argue and give up your dominion? Or will you be as Yehoshuah and quote your Standing back to the Adversary? - Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Comes now Michael Joseph of the Nomen family speaking for his family and estate, a regenerate man in the faith of Yehoshua H’Mashiach and making a special visitation by absolute ministerial right making a special appearance in the Name of my Sovereign Yehoshauh:
Now, we can match like up to like: Trustee to Trustee - State to State;
Just as Yehovah expressed all into Yehoshuah; and Yehoshuah became all in all; Pharaoh expressed all into Joseph, as Trustee to run his kingdom; giving Joseph the king's Seal and announcing Joseph before the people - 'this is my Son in whom I am well pleased'.
What you think the kingdom of Yehovah is Spiritual ONLY? It is a way of life. It is the essence of life. And I for one am pleased to pick up the Trust - I believe I never dropped it - expressed in a former age - before the foundation of this Age - Who will go for us, was the call - Here am I, send me - was the response.