29:30 minute mark
Michael Pento
President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies
His web site:http://www.pentoport.com/
I think this guy nailed it on the head with what is happening with cryptos.
Its a Big Brother scam to get rid of cash so no one can hold it and store it out of a Bank.
Its at the high now and everyone is talking about it and buying in.
When in fact you should be selling high and buying low.
The sheeple only buy high and lose because of their limited brain trust.
Once these cryptos have been absorbed by the people then the gov comes in and does the conversion to their own coin making all others illegal.
Then they have total control on the currency with no one holding any other then the bank.
So its used to buy and sell but you can't store it out side of the bank.
Every single transaction made then is on file.
Total control of the money even more so then now because they don't have to go looking under your mattress.
Its the only theory that makes sense to me.
What do you all think?