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Thread: Did Big Brother create Bitcoin?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra

    Did Big Brother create Bitcoin?

    29:30 minute mark
    Michael Pento
    President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies
    His web site:

    I think this guy nailed it on the head with what is happening with cryptos.
    Its a Big Brother scam to get rid of cash so no one can hold it and store it out of a Bank.
    Its at the high now and everyone is talking about it and buying in.
    When in fact you should be selling high and buying low.
    The sheeple only buy high and lose because of their limited brain trust.
    Once these cryptos have been absorbed by the people then the gov comes in and does the conversion to their own coin making all others illegal.
    Then they have total control on the currency with no one holding any other then the bank.
    So its used to buy and sell but you can't store it out side of the bank.
    Every single transaction made then is on file.
    Total control of the money even more so then now because they don't have to go looking under your mattress.
    Its the only theory that makes sense to me.
    What do you all think?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    How come I can't edit the spelling mistake in the title?
    I can edit all the content but not the title.
    Is there a way?
    I don't trust bitcoin. I have been very vocal about it but I would never judge another for investing in bitcoin. Live and let live. Thank you for the link. My own opinion is that this cryptocurrency is an early form of the synthesis - digital currency. But first the mass must be sufficiently placed in a state of fear so that the government run digital currency can be established.

    I believe that I heard that Korea stopped all trade in bitcoin. Any government has that power. Let the wise consider. But too let us find mutually beneficial means to cause a reciprocal increase. Zero Sum games always contemplate a loser. Anyways you know these things. Thanks for the post.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Walter, as a Canadian suffering with your central banks' fractional reserve Dominion note way longer than we have with our Federal Reserve note and all that goes with it (income tax), I can understand your interest in a digital commodity (bitcoin) that operates outside banks and government altogether. No need for Canadians to worry though, the Bank of Canada Act provides the same remedy as our Title 12 U.S.C. §411.

    Although this begs the question, do they have a choice if they're not aware they have a choice?

    Attachment 5019

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    Walter, as a Canadian suffering with your central banks' fractional reserve Dominion note way longer than we have with our Federal Reserve note and all that goes with it (income tax), I can understand your interest in a digital commodity (bitcoin) that operates outside banks and government altogether. No need for Canadians to worry though, the Bank of Canada Act provides the same remedy as our Title 12 U.S.C. §411.

    Although this begs the question, do they have a choice if they're not aware they have a choice?

    Attachment 5019

    It might have been started in Canada but the Bank of Canada was printing interest free money till the mid seventy's when Pierre Elliott Trudeau signed the right away to the International Branksters.

    I remember it well. Interest rates going through the roof and none stop Bank forced farm auctions.
    It was sad times. Now his illegitimate son (Justme Truedope) is burning the place down.

    I am not buying into Bitcoin. But I am being hounded to by friends.
    I will not play into the game of kill the cash.

    "Although this begs the question, do they have a choice if they're not aware they have a choice"

    You hit the nail on the head there.

    I can't remember how many times I told people that I know of a way where they will pay zero income tax but not one took me up on the offer. Some has said I will get back to you on that but never have.

  5. #5
    A reminder here that when we say Canadian, we really mean French.

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    The bottom of Page 4 tells how the Minutes of the meeting still remain secret! From Public Law 94-564 Senate Report.

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    You might have adopted the bastard, but did you do it for the right reasons?
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-19-18 at 03:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Makes sense. If you intend to extract the wealth of the citizens via central bank currency, you'd want to keep the minutes of the meeting where the methodology of that robbery was decided ... a secret.

    Bitcoin, in contrast, is open-source software where we can all view the inner workings to see any shenanigans. One caveat: be careful to document the purchase of bitcoin with lawful money (US notes) as using central bank currency would allow Treasury first lien or residual ownership of those coins, or anything bought with them.

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  7. #7
    Is that your bitcoin wallet, i can see what you spent on Christmas last year. And how can the banksters send you 1099s for those anonymous transactions? C'mon that's just not fair.

    Just how does a Canadian make a special deposit/ redeem lawful money? Also, that currency isn't paper but plastic. Seems like if you stamped or marked the notes it would wash or rub off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Yes, anonymous transactions in my wallet with no reporting. Never received Form 1099 or other IRS form on my bitcoin trading and of course no taxes paid.

    Not sure how a Canadian redeems lawful money or marks those polymer notes. Suppose you could ask the token Canadian here... presuming he's really Canadian, and, willing to help.

  9. #9
    I asked the agent, sent Walter a pm weeks ago and received no reply.

    What are the chances he's busy up in British Columbia mining bitcoin with cheap hydro?

    4 cents a kilowatt hour!

  10. #10
    FYI, i did finally hear from Walter and admitted he didn't know how a Canadian redeems lawful money.

    Now i wonder if he moved to Northern NY to redeem lawful money in the US and mine crypto with cheap hydro. Double bonus!

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