This two-page letter was hidden in my directory Provost Marshal for a few years under Page and Page 2. I think it best served with a couple articles that help supplement the content.
The spice is the way at the bottom of page 1, the case stalls out with the federal judge. That is the same situation with all the Libels of Review. There is not a taxpaying judge out there willing to step out of his Article I robe and put on a genuine Article III hat.
Several years ago I was waiting for some new suitors in the Qwest building (Wall Street Deli) across the way from the 10th Circuit Courthouse. As I passed two gentlemen having a conversation I heard enough to discern one was a federal judge so when he passed by me I asked him if he was an Article III judge? He chortled, Yeah, Hardly! Then he decided to discern a little about me before going on. Then he became a little more serious about it; Hardly ever - but I have been thinking about that lately. I watched him cross the street and enter the 10th Circuit Courthouse like he worked there alright.
As a new suitor files the LoR, at Judge Assignment I instruct him to ask, Is this an Article III judge? The clerk will generally affirm, Yes. [Recently the clerk did not know. - Same thing, incompetence.] The clerk is either misinformed or does not know. It is pretty obvious actually - if the judge is a taxpayer he has no business presiding over tax matter, for example. But more than that, if he is a taxpayer, and they all are then he is having his salary diminished then that is against the Constitutional description for any Article III judge. Either way, he is biased by the IRS and Treasury. Biased is Conflict of Interest and not equal to Judge.
But one of the more interesting typos is about Erie Doctrine - the author JK says 1933 when he meant 1938 - according to page 18 about the Secret Admiralty Jurisdiction quoting from Proctor WISWALL's Comparative Paper. 1938, not 1935! But here I found it in the 1935 Laws for Colorado - guess where? - the Mason Library.
Here it is - at the center and origin of fiat currency in America - three years prior to Federal. And I was having such difficulty finding WISWALL's original Lecture, it was being scrubbed - I was getting search engine hits but they were dead ends; that when I located WISWALL himself I had a recorder going:
Of course, she never sent the Paper. I finally tried some obscure search engines and found it.