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Thread: Get Your Taxes Won

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Well, preparing a tax return can be quite a challenge for the average American who attempts it but once a year. Then throw some lawful money into the mix, for which there's no official guidance, and they've got their hands full.

    OK. So. Once you've got everything looking good on screen, next step is to print out your return with all schedules, no e-file, and sign it. Attach your Statement and copies of redeemed LM checks (Exhibit A); we don't want to SCHLABACH it. To cover yourself for any direct deposit income, I'd attach a copy of your novated bank signature agreement or, Notice & Demand to banks.

    If you're not quite ready to tackle your taxes consider filing an extension. Filing a tax extension is quick and easy. Be advised that you'll need to pay whatever you expect to owe for TY2018 along with your extension. And if you currently owe money to the IRS, interest and fees will remain even after filing an extension.

    That may be why my dad took it so serious - he knew the International Monetary Fund's IRS was gonna take it serious. Without folks paying in the whole shebang collapses.
    Last edited by lorne; 04-13-19 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Redeemed lawful money for just a part of 2018? Here's David & Michael discussing Partial Year Filing and Building an Evidence Repository.

    Interesting side note - Dad was twice audited. Both times the IRS found nothing improper and in fact Dad found more deductions he was eligible to take. That is to say, Dad won. They left him alone after that.
    Last edited by lorne; 04-16-19 at 02:12 AM.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Reminder that lawful money tax returns are due today, April 15th, the anniversary of Lincoln's proclamation of an extraordinary occasion.

    Attachment 4657

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Anyone filing a lawful money tax return for Tax Year 2019?

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    Anyone filing a lawful money tax return for Tax Year 2019?
    I am lorne!! I just mailed mine out yesterday. My fingers are crossed. It is kind of scary and exciting at the same time as this is my first time. I sent along all my proof along with my 1040. I'm a Silver Member at LMT and now will be studying Refusal for Cause over the next few weeks just in case. If the IRS sends me a FrivPen, I want to be able to respond quickly and appropriately, although it seems kind of confusing.I'm being optimistic though!

  6. #66
    It's tax season again and the IRS is processing LM returns. Deadlines for this year (TY2022) are:

    Jan. 31, 2023 - W2s & most 1099s due to taxpayer
    Feb. 15, 2023 - brokerage account consolidated 1099s postmarked to taxpayer.
    April 17, 2023 - Form 1040 due postmarked to IRS.
    Last edited by marcel; 01-31-23 at 02:04 PM.

  7. #67
    New for this year, the question about virtual currencies is changed to "digital assets"...

    in years past we learned answering this question was optional, at least when filing on paper.

    And of course the tax tables have changed:

    Name:  TurboTax22.jpg
Views: 335
Size:  74.2 KB

  8. #68
    This just in from Testimonials on

    Praise be to God and Lawful Money Trust!

    My 2022 Federal Tax Return with Lawful Money Demand came back! All reviewed and approved! Just waiting for the State Return by mail now.

    First Last

    There are a few instances where the US Treasury is blatantly avoiding process. Dishonor. But the law has not changed.

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