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Thread: Get Your Taxes Won

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Finally ... enjoy your Lawful Money tax refund.

    Name:  IRSrefund.jpg
Views: 1219
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  3. #23
    Remember the Donate Button at the top...

    Name:  Doc 3 Certificate of Mailing Memorandum_Page_28.jpg
Views: 1372
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-19-18 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Yes. Consider ... would you even have the refund without David Merrill and the Saving To Suitors Club?

    Name:  CastleChurchDonation.jpg
Views: 1277
Size:  33.8 KB

  5. #25
    Did you get an IRS tax receipt for your donation?
    Oh wait. Taxes. We don't pay no stinking taxes.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    Yes. Consider ... would you even have the refund without David Merrill and the Saving To Suitors Club?

    Name:  CastleChurchDonation.jpg
Views: 1277
Size:  33.8 KB

    Nice!! Thank you Lorne!

    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Did you get an IRS tax receipt for your donation?
    Oh wait. Taxes. We don't pay no stinking taxes.
    This is becoming so much fun! I just found a book describing the land claim to North America with the Knights Templar! - A hundred years before COLUMBUS! This might explain George's "So help me God." on the Mason bible in 1789 being enforced.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 06-01-18 at 10:46 AM.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    6) Attachments. I will attach a sampling of redeemed lawful money (per 12 USC 411) check deposits made during the year (2017). One, two or three examples typically.
    Out of curiosity, do you redact your account number(s) on the check/deposit copies you provide? I imagine it's not difficult for the determined agent to obtain if they really wanted to, but I don't necessarily see a reason to openly hand them the info to pull money out of your account at their whims.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    No, the frontside of checks have the account numbers of those paying me, not mine. And backside reveals the demand for lawful money; nontaxable income.

    So yes, this naturally presents a problem for the IRS; even the determined agent. There's nothing the agent can do to stop it, legally. Their only hope is through various social engineering techniques designed to keep others from repeating our success. And those fear & propaganda campaigns are easily spotted. In fact the determined agent might actually find out the truth - that the Federal income tax is an excise on FRNs; those endorsing private credit of the Federal Reserve - and you can easily avoid it by redeeming lawful money instead. And all its ramifications. They may go on to discover ... most federal judges have invalid oaths. I mean who are we actually governed by?

    Thanks for bumping the thread!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by lorne; 10-28-18 at 06:56 PM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    And backside reveals the demand for lawful money; nontaxable income.
    Well when I was first introduced to LM, the stamp listed the account number. e.g. "Credited to account XXX Redeemed Lawful Money 12 USC 411", so it was more regarding that. If that's not needed, then I'll adjust, but that leaves me wondering what to do for the previous scans when submitting them.

    Thank you for the reply!
    Last edited by Sabo; 10-28-18 at 09:31 PM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Louie was way behind on his taxes...

    Louie was way behind on his taxes...

    I hadn't paid my taxes in 8 years. I was trying to take on the IRS by myself. They gave me no option, there, they'd speak in tax terms of which I didn't know anything about. We're gonna, you know, take your house, put a lien on your bank account, garnish your pay. They don't care, they're gonna take your paycheck. I was getting these letters, constant letters here & there.

    And then Louie discovered David Merrill and LAWFUL MONEY. He learned the Income Tax was optional! actually a use fee on Federal Reserve credit that we're not required to use. That the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) is dual capacity - private credit vs lawful money. FRNs vs U.S. notes. We can demand lawful money by law and opt-out (see Title 12 USC 411) with a simple demand backside of our paychecks.

    Srsly? It seemed too easy at first. But it really works. I don't owe the IRS anymore. I'm able to live a comfortable life, a lot better life without supporting the international banking cartel. It's because of lawful money. It's great!

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