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Thread: I do believe the highest title is a Land Patent

  1. #1

    Lightbulb I do believe the highest title is a Land Patent

    From my research, I have come to find a land patent is the highest form of "title to land" per say. If you have a warranty deed stating the land is free and clear of all liens and debt, you can file for a land patent. It's a little bit different process then most. But from what I know, a land patent is granted by congress themselves and it supersedes state and federal government. After it has been achieved, no lien, or tax can be put on the land. No one has the right to take it away for any reason, and without your permission or the name is not on the "application", no one is allowed to come on the property. Also from my understanding, only congress can revoke it or have it changed in anyway.

    This is an informative instruction set I found which explains the process.

    If I am wrong in any of this information please correct me.
    Thoughts on the matter?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by DTBA View Post
    From my research, I have come to find a land patent is the highest form of "title to land" per say. If you have a warranty deed stating the land is free and clear of all liens and debt, you can file for a land patent. It's a little bit different process then most. But from what I know, a land patent is granted by congress themselves and it supersedes state and federal government. After it has been achieved, no lien, or tax can be put on the land. No one has the right to take it away for any reason, and without your permission or the name is not on the "application", no one is allowed to come on the property. Also from my understanding, only congress can revoke it or have it changed in anyway.

    This is an informative instruction set I found which explains the process.

    If I am wrong in any of this information please correct me.
    Thoughts on the matter?
    That looks like a quality website at first glance. Land patents are useful in gaining that "highest title" I am sure, as in recordation at a clerk and recorder. That is where the rubber meets the road really - the Torrens System. I wish I had more experience with home property ownership. As I recall most any abstract of title traces back to a land patent signed US Grant.

    I think that Internet perceptions and patriot mythology may have been distorting the precept of land patent with allodial title mixed in. Another thing is that after LINCOLN declared the April 15th (1861) Extraordinary Occasion Hiram Ulysses - later known as Ulysses S. GRANT, was signing who-knows-how-many land patents; "U.S. Grant". - A pun called "carpetbagger".

    I prefer applying my imagination before Congress by a hundred and fifty years,

    Name:  August 13 Patent 1630.jpg
Views: 1663
Size:  283.1 KB
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-31-18 at 11:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply!

    That is interesting to learn what US Grant actually means. Always thought it meant United States, not the commanding General for the Union during the civil war. Have they adopted the term to be synonymous with United States Grant?

    Your right about the patriot mind set. There hearts might be in the right place but, they do not fully understand the methods to accomplish there goal. And from what I've learned here, history is one of the best tools to learn and study to understand those methods of operation.

    Interestingly about allodial title to land. My states statutes say that all title to land within the state of Ky is allodial however, they hold right to real estate through eminent domain.

    I have read that land is granted to the people, never sold which is difficult to comprehend. Real estate is anything above the land and therefore can be purchased. If this is true, then how can we claim land without going into debt?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DTBA View Post
    Thanks for the reply!

    That is interesting to learn what US Grant actually means. Always thought it meant United States, not the commanding General for the Union during the civil war. Have they adopted the term to be synonymous with United States Grant?

    Your right about the patriot mind set. There hearts might be in the right place but, they do not fully understand the methods to accomplish there goal. And from what I've learned here, history is one of the best tools to learn and study to understand those methods of operation.

    Interestingly about allodial title to land. My states statutes say that all title to land within the state of Ky is allodial however, they hold right to real estate through eminent domain.

    I have read that land is granted to the people, never sold which is difficult to comprehend. Real estate is anything above the land and therefore can be purchased. If this is true, then how can we claim land without going into debt?
    I don't know. This is the kind of thing that jumps out at me. I look around and nobody else seems to notice or care. Like Jenny Anne GARNER would quip:

    What's in between your ears? (wallet)
    Simply put, use responsibly while comprehending relationships. Allodial title is construed in the wrong perceptions of relationship, to government. At least that is why people seem to be squabbling. If the tempers flare up then I presume insecurity. Emotional leads to actual - lack of a bond or secured party - insecurity. People strike out as individuals and think that makes them equipped to own anything.

    The redeemed own. But the redeemed are no longer in debt, and therefore are no longer individuals. There are baffling Bible verses about this - quite a few. If you die, you will live. If you give it all up, you will own it all...

    The law is always written for the individual. Amazing!!

  5. #5
    The redeemed own. But the redeemed are no longer in debt, and therefore are no longer individuals. There are baffling Bible verses about this - quite a few. If you die, you will live. If you give it all up, you will own it all...

    I just read this today and it just clicked in my mind what it meant. Thank you. People want what they want now and get private credit to have it. Issue is, they are a user and not owner. The debt for such desire to have something was never settled. To give up credit and come back to the real realm of "reality".

  6. #6
    I have been reading more about the land patent. Anyone can file for one. But I read an article that stating that it does not supersede state tax which is conflicting to the information on the land patent itself. Looking for verification on this information. Land and property, when purchased or gotten by the endorsement of private credit has to be recorded with the county recorders office and tax assessor. The land or property is then registered as residential, agricultural, or commercial. Not private as private property cannot be taxed. These three forms are all commercial in nature. The land is then used as collateral for government to give loans and then tax is collected due to these loans and private credit. Public debt is tied to the property which is the real reason for tax on that property. The only way to hold true title to it is you have to find out who owns that debt and pay it off so your property is truly free and clear. Then you can register the land as private with the county tax assessor. I will find that article and post it here. I is a interesting read.

  7. #7
    Another note. I have been reading about the MCO or Manufactures Certificate of Origin for vehicle ownership. By reading the Uniform Certificate of Title Act, link provided below. It states that if the vehicle is held under an MCO, the owner has the right to select the proper jurisdiction for any claim that comes against the owner. Ownership is transfered by the original bill of sales which is the MCO. Therefore, you can indeed own your vehicle. Also, apparently if you buy a car from a dealer, you can ask/demand for the MCO and they will give it to you for a small fee. (Have not verified this but have read if from a forum somewhere.) In Kentucky, to register a vehicle, the application for registration must come with the MCO. Link is provided.

  8. #8
    Hello All,

    I haven't been on the scene for a while but wanted to inform people of the Homestead Exemption through your local PVA office created by the Homestead Act. I'm researching more about holding property in private form which from what I have found out is just UN-recording it from the County Recorders office as that is consent for it to be assessed for taxation purposes through the Ad Valorem tax roll which is fully commercial in nature according to the Institute for Professionals in Taxation. Ad valorem Tax must pass 4 criteria through the U.S. Constitution Commerce clause to be deemed a valid tax on any commercial act. Just wanting to inform everyone of what I have found so far. Thank you and God Bless!
    Last edited by DTBA; 11-06-18 at 02:19 AM.

  9. #9
    Hello Again,

    The second thing I researched is the true definition of a motor vehicle as it is not truly defined by my state statutes under definitions. However, I did find the definition in Title 18 Chapter 2 subsection 31 Definitions. Read Definition 6 and then definition 10. Link provided from GPO website and it is Positive Law which is nice. This creates two criteria to meet in order for any vehicle to be classified as a motor vehicle and must be registered. If either fail, then it's not a motor vehicle. Even the Federal Motor Carrier Satefy Administration states in there FAQ that if a CMV is being used for personal use only, there regulations do not apply to the user or the vehicle itself as it's not used for Gain. Link provided read question 5 and guidance that follows.

    Thanks and God Bless.

  10. #10
    I recall trying that sort of thing in county court. When I resorted to law dictionaries the prosecutor objected and the "judge" upheld the objection. All the research went out the window at that point.

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