Hello Again,

The second thing I researched is the true definition of a motor vehicle as it is not truly defined by my state statutes under definitions. However, I did find the definition in Title 18 Chapter 2 subsection 31 Definitions. Read Definition 6 and then definition 10. Link provided from GPO website https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE...hap2-sec31.pdf and it is Positive Law which is nice. This creates two criteria to meet in order for any vehicle to be classified as a motor vehicle and must be registered. If either fail, then it's not a motor vehicle. Even the Federal Motor Carrier Satefy Administration states in there FAQ that if a CMV is being used for personal use only, there regulations do not apply to the user or the vehicle itself as it's not used for Gain. Link provided read question 5 and guidance that follows. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulation.../section/390.5

Thanks and God Bless.