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Thread: Quashing the Russian Indictment

  1. #41
    I can't get into that.

    JORDAN: . . . [W]hen the Special Counsel’s Office interviewed Mifsud, did he lie to you guys too?

    Can’t get into that.

    JORDAN: Did you interview Mifsud?

    Can’t get into that.

    JORDAN: Is Mifsud Western intelligence or Russian intelligence?

    Can’t get into that.

    What did you have for breakfast?

    That's covered in the report.

    It's now clear Mueller didn't write the Mueller Report.

  2. #42
    It is complicated, yet so simple. Maybe we are conditioned to expect complicated? So we fail to see how simple it really is - Redemption.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    I can't get into that.

    JORDAN: . . . [W]hen the Special Counsel’s Office interviewed Mifsud, did he lie to you guys too?

    Can’t get into that.

    JORDAN: Did you interview Mifsud?

    Can’t get into that.

    JORDAN: Is Mifsud Western intelligence or Russian intelligence?

    Can’t get into that.

    What did you have for breakfast?

    That's covered in the report.

    It's now clear Mueller didn't write the Mueller Report.
    This is delightful! Thank you for sharing or I might get into that. Once you buy into illusion you might spend a lifetime wandering through Fable, Myth, Legend, Parable and Hallucination. I might start calling these The Five Foibles.

  4. #44
    Some things are very revealing about Russia, TRUMP and Hunter BIDEN.

    I get it about diversity. Saving to suitors' is all about that. What mystifies me is how Hunter could just drop off a laptop at a computer store, to recover data from his drive - to begin with? Much less that he would refuse to pick it up when it was done?

    It makes me think that his business dealings with Russia and accomplishments in the Ukraine were meant to become public as counterintelligence.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #45
    It gets saucy though. Better stuff than the Internet Research Agency above, with GUILLIANI as TRUMP's personal attorney spiking the little computer shop for leaking all the abandoned gossip.

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    It makes me think that his business dealings with Russia and accomplishments in the Ukraine were meant to become public as counterintelligence.
    Political theater at its finest.

  7. #47
    Some comical moments in the thread at the beginning...

    I heard Dabney L. as Daniel and had her oath all along. So I showed the chief judge oath instead on the Amicus Curiae brief. Also I plugged a 13 instead of 18 into the search engine and found SEALED v SEALED to mean a conspiracy - as my Amicus brief was served on the clerk of court.

    No mistakes - no accidents. If I had ended the melodrama that fast, then the Hunter debacle would probably have missed my attention altogether.

    I might spend some time reading through this thread and so digest exactly what is happening with my real time geopolitical social engineering platform; and how this Saving to Suitors' consulate works in embassy. Clubs and Associations are high on the political home rule municipal jurisdiction court of record authority. We have known that for a long time. Real people in Russia register here all day long. I can see when they sleep and when they are up working. I see them using TOR browsers...

    What was GUILLIANI doing? Why make such a fuss over Hunter's promises to Russia? And his commitments to projects underway in the Ukraine?

    Combined with dropping off, and then leaving his disk for recovery until it was abandoned tells me we have two Russian puppets under one Russian puppeteer.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Thomas View Post

    This is interesting.. Representative ARMSTRONG speaks of "Federal Recusal". I'm guessing within this tornado of confusion behind MUELLER and this collusion mumbo...
    I don't pay to much attention to all this "drama"
    but am I wrong about this...? if, presidential candidates try to influence American's to vote for them and "President's" deal with other foreign powers than why wouldn't other foreign powers want to or not do business with a certain presidential candidate? surely, business with other countries will have positive or negative effects on this nation so...What I am basically asking is.., What is the problem? I mean TRUMP was saying things about U.K. Prime minister before he was a prime minister so TRUMP tried to interfere? I don't see the issue.
    Does not the same go for the Puppeteer?

    [The geopolitical social engineer?]

    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post

    And did you see the indictment accuses Concord of paying a troll farm $1.2 million a month for fake personas, false Twitter accounts, Faceberg ads, etc.

    Question is, how much are they spending on STSC ?

    Attachment 5290
    It’s not Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and now President Trump‘s ubiquitous defender, or any of cable TV’s prosecutors-turned-pundits.

    He is Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field.
    This is how I quashed it after a few years, anyway. I emailed the Amicus brief with Dabney's oath to several attorneys at Reed Smith.

    Name:  Email to REEDSMITH Defense Attorneys What I Would Do on 3 2 20.jpg
Views: 497
Size:  229.2 KB

    See how her oath changes "So help me God." to "SO HELP ME GOD"?

    Name:  Oath Dabney (3).jpg
Views: 488
Size:  124.6 KB
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-01-21 at 12:19 AM.

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