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Thread: USA v Internet Research Agency

  1. #1

    USA v Internet Research Agency

    This case caught my eye within hours of filing. What has come of it is a great treatise from the attorneys at CONCORD MANAGEMENT about the freedom of speech on the Internet. Note on the Docket Report that Docs 5 & 6 are Writs of Mandamus that are sealed and denied filing at all.

    Those showed up immediately after I filed an amicus curiae brief:

    Attachment 5159

    Name:  Amicus Curiae Brief_Page_02.jpg
Views: 683
Size:  142.4 KB

    So have some fun with the docket report attached. See how nothing has actually happened yet? Just a bunch of delays and complications and most interestingly, the clerk is spending more time correcting the record than anything, seems to me. I have an additional docket report for Aleksandra KRYLOVA attached and notice the missing Docs. It looks like the Case stalled out for a while and then was revived.

    So the amicus curiae brief was very effective in my opinion. Hillary can't cry in her sour grapes because of course its her coinage - It takes a Village! At least that is why I did it.

    The interesting defense arguments are very large so I put them up on a cloud.

    Doc 46 Motion to Dismiss
    Doc 47 Response by the DoJ
    Doc 48 Response in Support

    It is funny to think any saber rattling is for show, when behind closed doors TRUMP is thanking PUTIN for getting him the Oval Office; while PUTIN is reminding TRUMP that is a favor not soon forgotten.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    This case caught my eye It is funny to think any saber rattling is for show, when behind closed doors TRUMP is thanking PUTIN for getting him the Oval Office; while PUTIN is reminding TRUMP that is a favor not soon forgotten.
    I don’t know the inside scoop of trump and putin, it’s all hearsay as far as I'm concerned what matters to me is the economy.

    The experience economy it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is the experience you provide for your customers ultimately defines the heart and soul of your brand.

    As Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

    Ask yourself: what do you want people to say about you?

    Article 75

    1. The monetary unit in the Russian Federation shall be the rouble. Money issue shall be carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Introduction and issue of other currencies in Russia shall not be allowed.

    Putin’s Banning of Rothschild Banks resulted in Russian Economy Booming and Foreign Debt Reduction by 75%.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

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