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Thread: Rectification of Judiciary - Colorado

  1. #1

    Rectification of Judiciary - Colorado

    I have been speaking to the "Omission" of the Trading with the Enemy Act from the Bankers' Code, effectively ending the 1861 War and Emergency that should have ended in 1865 except for a certain popularly known murder. And this as an accomplishment of Castle Church ordering a delegation of authority to the Triumvirate to honor the 70th Jubilee since the invasion of Canaan.

    Olympia Ordeal
    Certificate of Service

    To quite literally end war, at least within the excuse that was extended through 1917 and 1933 is a major step toward Rectification of Judiciary. At one time, in Colorado I was unable to find any judge with a proper oath of office, who also had a witness. The Form of Oath in Colorado was actually composed of two witnesses -

    • the ever-living God
    • the Witness at the bottom of the oath

    I have convincingly tied the deviations beginning around Mr. David A. GILBERT to be related to my Patriot antics in the mid-'90's. And one is behooved to recall my recitations of Colorado history and fiat currency with the Territory - 1861 issuance of Union notes to pay the soldiers in Colorado, a Union state.

    As the Rectification of Judiciary develops we have found that Brett Mitchell KAVANAUGH has signed an oath of office that is in complete verbatim compliance with 1789 law. As a direct result TRUMP silently declared a bankruptcy for the United States corporation and went into immediate restructure. And logically so.

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    Before moving on to recent innovations to the Colorado oaths of office, I would like to stimulate your imaginations with the eye in the center of the triangle that has always been in GILPIN's Great Seal of Authority. Meaning a proposed seizure of the Auraria and Central City gold fields was always in play. Just like the Golden Calf being theft of Joseph's extorted gold in Egypt and FDR's use of the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1933 for a gold theft.

    We find alchemy today is sputtering copper in high energy argon plasma to freeze the valence properties and resultant copper properties with the electron density of gold. Now we have replaced gold with copper for microelectronics...

    Just setting up some interesting discussion.

  2. #2

    Colorado - recent innovations

    As a result of the statute shown above the Secretary of State described the oath by Form:

    Note the Rectification of Judiciary, during the latter half of 2018.

    Summarizing the attached legislation:

    Name:  Oath Rectification in Colorado_Page_02.jpg
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    And let's look at a 2015 oath of office.

    Name:  Julie Kunce FIELD Colorado.jpg
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    As I have described things on the other thread, it is the deviation that counts. This is not about God or religion. One must conform to the Form of Oath. For example FIELDS was not in conformity with the General Assembly in 2015 and therefore her office is vacant.

    So let's pretend FIELDS signs an identical oath now, so that she is in conformity with the general assembly now. Now she is bound by constitution and law to recognize that her past acts are fraud, if properly called upon it in a court of record. The Albany Remand is a court of record.

  3. #3
    While looking at the new oath page, it says …, the constitution of the State of Colorado, and the laws of the state of Colorado... So my question is why is state capitalized when speaking of the state constitution and NOT capitalized when speaking of the state laws???
    One of the suitors on the brain trust visited this Thread.

    Notice I am okay with capitalizing the Noun in Specific - Thread. But it is redundant since I have prefixed "this" meaning that this thread is already specified. "This thread" not "the thread" and the only reason "The" is not "the" is that it is the first word in this sentence, or the Sentence under observation. Now by familiarity "the thread" is plainly this thread here. From now on I can refer to "the thread" and you will know I am talking about this one. - Noun in specific. But the parenthesis can mean between you and me. Also italics may refer to a foreign word adopted to English - verbatim but that should be deja vu here on StSC. I have pointed out many times...

    In context of a legal dictionary "Name" obviously means full or legal name. Not the Christian or family name or names.

    I will push the envelope from a book about how to pronounce the Name of God YHVH:

    Before your head stops spinning grasp how the constitution mentioned is specifically for the State of Colorado while the laws are from the general assembly, more specifically the General Assembly. I think they must be getting tired of the attorneys in black robes looking like they could never have gotten through law school without paying attention to junior high school grammar?

    There is an imaginary place with geophysical boundaries south of the State of Wyoming, and there is the general condition of mind where we consider laws. Dr Richard RESTAK (Optimizing Brain Fitness) would likely categorize general memory from functional memory brain functions. Like in the brain trust where a superior intellect spotted the capitalization and inquired. Thinking about the place is one thing, thinking about the laws within that one thing is two things - like the M+ Key on a calculator.

    What occurs twice in a moment;
    Once in a minute,
    and never in a billion years?
    Answer: The letter "m".

    Then open the attachment above and examine you while in the General Assembly the attorneys parsed out any changes and the new CODE in ALL UPPER CASE before decryption back to plain English for the layman. I will grab my High Five from you when we meet face-to-face, okay?

  4. #4
    And to keep your head spinning...

    I bet we know the reason.

    Name:  Oaths Colorado Attorney none prior to #10806.jpg
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    The date described with no oaths for attorneys are prior to January 23, 1983 to the 1973 incorporation of the State Supreme Court as the State of Colorado Bar Association.

  5. #5
    The FAMILY NAME holds the office and the official performance bond because its been registered and what they designated as you is titled . Who holds my estate and gives me office Its evident holding office without oath is at verbatim I haven't sworn . rejoinder oaths oh we know you bye NAME. I cant help myself from holding that office or its BC its DL or the summons and the fines Bondage brings .If i haven't standing my Family NAME has plenty

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Had a Hickenlooper once - got stuck in a tree.

    The green pouch holds ... your ink pad?

    So the Colorado General Assembly enacts a new uniform oath requirement with three options. It appears the oath strikeouts are text to be deleted and the capitonyms are the additions? The four-year old FIELD oath looks very close to meeting the requirements of the new act; other than some additional adjectives "solemnly swear" and "knowledge and ability." And of course "Laws of the State of Colorado" is different than "Laws of the state of Colorado" but I'm not sure I follow your point here. That's a difference that makes no difference, or a new law boundary?

    David, thanks for your work on this and wishing for more success!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    The FAMILY NAME holds the office and the official performance bond because its been registered and what they designated as you is titled . Who holds my estate and gives me office Its evident holding office without oath is at verbatim I haven't sworn . rejoinder oaths oh we know you bye NAME. I cant help myself from holding that office or its BC its DL or the summons and the fines Bondage brings .If i haven't standing my Family NAME has plenty
    This is agreeable. You cannot partake of the benefits of the Constitution unless you are a party to the contract. Without a signature bond (oath) you are not a party but a beneficiary of the State that has Ratified the contract.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    Had a Hickenlooper once - got stuck in a tree.

    The green pouch holds ... your ink pad?

    So the Colorado General Assembly enacts a new uniform oath requirement with three options. It appears the oath strikeouts are text to be deleted and the capitonyms are the additions? The four-year old FIELD oath looks very close to meeting the requirements of the new act; other than some additional adjectives "solemnly swear" and "knowledge and ability." And of course "Laws of the State of Colorado" is different than "Laws of the state of Colorado" but I'm not sure I follow your point here. That's a difference that makes no difference, or a new law boundary?

    David, thanks for your work on this and wishing for more success!
    That is correct - the red ink pad for the Great Seal is in the green bag. Governor HICKENLOOPER sounds like a Whamo boomerang.

    I am not exactly sure how the general assembly utilizes the CAPITONYMS in the linked pdf. In mesne CODE? I think it shows CHANGES.

    I spot some conditioning - FIELDS' oath must comply with the Form of Oath statute at the time of signing. At least I believe this is a correct interpretation of law. The general assembly cannot validate her office ex post facto (after the fact) by changing the Form of Oath statute to conform to her oath in 2015. With that cleared up, I think you might get my point.

    The Form of Oath is utmost sacred. It does not matter so much that it is correct to tradition - that God be a witness or that a competent co-signing human witness be on the voucher. Once settled, the Form of Oath cannot be deviant. Changing it slightly only amplifies the fraud.

    Here is another example on the FIELDS oath. Bond-dodging is executed by the Secretary of State. Look over the dates. She signs on the 13th. It gets to the SoS on the 20th - fine. But the time required by law in the statutes is 30-days. Albeit that is not specified as such and just adds to the racketeering operations. It was not published until the 23rd of the next month. So the time required by law has expired before the SoS published the oath. Racketeering.

    Good work people. It becomes pretty convincing that PACER offers a court of record. This Rectification of Judiciary is very clever. Through server functions (servitude) we are very productive. PACER as well as the creative interactions on this website.

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