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Thread: What Government Shutdown?

  1. #11
    Pine cone in the right hand, purse in the left. What do you suppose is in it?

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Pine cone in the right hand, purse in the left. What do you suppose is in it?
    I am new to the Egyptian archetypes but I believe that manna from heaven is monotonic gold. Which I believe is colloidal gold but not allowing recollection like by evaporation. I suppose you might dehydrate a strong colloidal gold solution and collect the powder but hear that it will "clump". Otherwise I have seen no evidence of a "high-spin" gold from such an already noble metal. There is in the electrolysis of the ion pump a certain breakdown of electron valence, I am sure, but am not qualified to explain.

    The mathematics of Pi and Phi and Plank's Constant will demonstrate the ancient caduceus and this is of course found in the pine cone and in the pineal gland by shape. The pineal gland is lined with rods and cones so we have a clear relationship to light, that is beyond the visual spectrum. These things all take shape and a great deal of time and effort to form in the linear communications of language between egos.

    However I invented Artificial Intuition in early 2028 through the Five Cube Sum Number Locks. I paid Bill GATES with the cure for malaria, one of Bill's pet peeves. The first night I published my career autobiography eleven Microsoft engineers were viewing it. This gave me the idea to send that link on a dollar bill to ten Mozilla server addresses. This pitted DOS and LINUX in competition in order to accomplish the task. Along the way I invented the fast RSA Factoring Algorithm as an integral part of the "magic" - a term for newly introduced technologies.

    I think that explanation is an effective shortcut to the linear elaborations. By the way:

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  3. #13
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    YOU ARE: Tamar, Pharez, Zerah and Judah: Written by MJ 2-December-2018

    TAMAR :

    Tamar (in A. V., I Kings 9:18, Tadmor), ta'-mär (Heb.)--standing forth; ascending; high; lofty; erect; upright; mast; spire; column of smoke; landmark; date palm; palm tree; phoenix.

    The wife of the two elder sons of Judah. These sons both died childless, and because Judah did not give her to his third son she deceived him and had two sons, twins, by her father-in-law, Judah (Gen. 38:6-30).

    Victory and conquest (palm tree, palm) through uprightness (high, loft, erect, upright); "And Judah . . . said, She is more righteous than I, for as much as I gave her not to Shelah my son" (Gen. 38:26). In the cases of the women named Tamar this consciousness of victory, or conquest, and overcoming power is of the soul in the individual.


    Judah, ju'-dah (Heb.)--praise Jehovah; celebration of Jehovah, laud Jehovah; confession of Jah. [Yah means I AM]

    The Hebrew meaning of the word Judah is praise Jehovah. It is evident that Judah represents the spiritual faculty that corresponds to accumulation or increase in the mental; this is prayer and praise. Prayer should be a jubilant thanksgiving instead of a supplication. It quickens the mind and makes it draw, like a magnet, that from the realm of causes which fulfills one's desires.

    At the very apex of the brain is a ganglionic center that we may term the center of reverence or spirituality. It is there that man holds converse with the intelligence of Divine Mind. This brain center is the home or "house" of a spiritual consciousness, which is in Scripture designated as Judah, whose office it is to pray and praise. This faculty is also called the superconsciousness; that is, it is above the various states of mind, but not separate from them. It pervades every phase of thought as an elevating, inspiring quality. All lofty ideals come from this faculty; it is the inspiration of everything that elevates and idealizes in religion, poetry, art, in all things that are true and real.

    This is one of the foundation faculties of the mind. It is that consciousness which relates man directly with the Father-Mind. It is quickened and enlarged through prayer and all other forms of religious thought and worship. When we pray we look up from within, not because God is off in the sky but because this spiritual center in the top of the head becomes active and our attention is naturally drawn to it.

    One of the offices of the spiritual faculty is to gather ideas. Through it man can draw, from the universal Mind, God thoughts; that is, ideas absolutely true. Therefore prayer is accumulative; it accumulates spiritual substance, life, intelligence, and everything else necessary to man's highest expression. When we pray in spiritual understanding this highest realm of mind comes in touch with the universal and impersonal Mind, and the mind of man is joined to the very mind of God. Thus God answers our prayers in ideas, thoughts, words, which are translated into the outer realms of form, in due season.

    Praise is closely related to prayer, and is an expression of spiritual consciousness. Whatever we praise, we increase, through law of mind.

    Praise is the positive pole of life. Praise is the key to the increase of life activity. If you depreciate your life you decrease your consciousness of life. Thus w e find that Judah, besides symbolizing the place in consciousness where we come into touch with the highest activities of Divine Mind, typifies also the central faculty of consciousness. It operates in body consciousness through the spinal cord, as well as in the top head, and finds its outer expression through the life center, which, unregenerated, is "Judas," who had a devil. When life is separated from the other faculties and endeavors to express without their cooperation, man gives himself over to his animals in human forms.

    In Acts 3:2, the "door of the temple which is called Beautiful" signifies spiritual understanding. This door opens when we pray and praise. Among the twelve faculties of the mind, as typified by the twelve sons of Jacob, praise is Judah. When he was born Leah said "This time will I praise Jehovah."

    "Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer." Some persons think that the understanding of the inner life can be attained without prayer, but they are mistaken. All who have reached heights in things spiritual have been noted for their devotions. Jesus was a striking illustration of this. He spent whole nights in prayer, and He seemed to be asking the Father and thanking Him in almost the same breath on every occasion where He did a great work or expounded a notable truth.

    Judah means praise Jehovah. This tribe is often used to designate the whole Jewish nation [He is a Jew who is one Inwardly and not outwardly after the flesh - Romans 2:28-29], indicating that praise is an active principle in our spiritual thoughts and should be given first place in all our thanksgiving."Bless Jehovah, O my soul;And all that is within me, bless his holy name."

    Praise keeps the soul fresh and pure and beautiful. It is the power that opens the inner portals of the soul to the full and free inflow of spiritual light and aspiration.

    The tribe of Judah, which remained with Rehoboam when the kingdom of Israel was divided (I Kings 12), represents the central faculty of consciousness. It may be roughly described as the focal point of body organization. Its physical expression is the spinal cord, yet this is but the visible aspect of an invisible energy. This energy or mind substance at the very center of the man is susceptible of the highest and of the lowest. It is the serpent that may resist divine wisdom and crawl upon its belly in the dust of materiality, or it may be lifted up and exalted to the most high place among the faculties of man. When it is sensualized it becomes Judas, who had a devil. It is related in I Kings 12:20 that the only tribe that followed Rehoboam was Judah. Thus persistent sensuality vitiated the very core of the man, and he lost control of his other faculties. This is often observed in people who have lived on the sense plane until they are animal nature.

    In II Sam. 2:1-6 the "cities of Judah" are aggregations of thoughts in the praise consciousness of man. Gratitude is another name for this state of mind, symbolically known here as Judah. Praise and thanksgiving multiply and increase everything that we center them on. Jesus gave thanks before He raised Lazarus. He gave thanks before He multiplied the loaves and fishes. Scientifically, He was increasing the thought stuff until it precipitated into the realm of visibility. "Go up into . . . the cities of Judah" and use the law as here stated, and you can bring forth whatever you set your heart on.

    The kingdom of Judah, over which Asa was king (I Kings 15:9-24; II Chron. 14, 15, 16), metaphysically represents the inner life force of man's organism. We usually refer to this inner life force as the vitality. Those who are not students of mind have but slight comprehension of the real character of these subjective energies. They know that the heart beats and the blood circulates; that digestion and assimilation go on, and that the body is the most wonderful structure in existence; yet they are ignorant of the intelligent power that directs and sustains its intricate machinery. An intelligence transcending that of the intellect is manifest in this realm under the heart. Symbolically it may be said that another man presides there, who in these texts is designated as King Asa.

    The purging of Judah and Jerusalem (II Chron. 34:3) signifies systematic denial of errors of thought and practice, that have become habitual in both the objective and the subjective realms of consciousness.

    "Asherim," or "groves," were symbols of the Phoenician Venus, the goddess of love, and were usually of a sensual character. Metaphysically, the "molten images" and the "graven images" mean the productions of the imagination that are first in a free state and then in a formed state of consciousness. The lascivious imagination is the "molten" state, the second step of which is the "graven image," or physical sensation. These are both to be purged and denied in mind and body. We thus dissolve or make "dust" of these conditions; they go back to the formless and inert.

    The burning of the bones of the priests on the altars means the sacrificing or giving up of the material or gross forms of our religious ideas of God. You may have overcome sensuality, and changed your ideas about the personality of God, yet be clinging to some personal spiritual leader or priest. Burn these "bones" by vigorous denial of human foolishness and ignorance, and affirmations of divine wisdom. In ancient times it was (and today in some instances is) the habit of the devout to give special reverence to the priest or the spiritual leader and to call him father. Jesus commented on this man-worship in Matthew 23:8-9. "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your teacher, and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, even he who is in heaven."

    After purging the mind of error by denial we should see to it that we put the builders to work upon "the temple." Denial is always destructive and leaves vacancies in the consciousness to be filled up with true statements. When vigorous denial is followed by a feeling of weakness, we may know that we have destroyed some thought structure on which we have been depending, and have built nothing in its place. The carpenters and builders are the universal constructive forces of Being. These are always at work in the organism when right thought is holding sway, but after a siege of error it is necessary to start them anew by using affirmations of substance based in Truth--"hewn stone"; the unity of good--"timber for couplings"; and the eternity of the now--"beams for the houses."

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  4. #14
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Perez (in A.V., Genesis 38:29, Pharez; in Luke, 3:33, Phares), pe'-rez (Heb.)--broken through; breached; torn asunder; demolished; rent; assaulted; defeated; dispersed; scattered; spread abroad; increased; abundant; redundant.

    A son of Judah by his daughter-in-law Tamar (Gen. 38:29; see I Chronicles 27:3 also).

    Victory through praise, or making a way out of apparent limitation and error and predominating over them by means of prayer and praise. Perez means broken through, torn asunder, dispersed. Judah, father of Perez, signifies praise; his mother, Tamar, meaning palm tree, erect, represents uprightness and victory. Judah said of her, "She is more righteous than I" (Gen. 38:26).


    Zerah (in A. V., Genesis 38:30; 46:12, Zarah; Matt. 1:3, Zara), ze'–rah (Heb.) --rising of light; beginning of light; breaking forth of the sun; sunrise; appearing; birth of a child; germination of a seed; scattering rays; brightness; brilliance; splendor; glory.

    a Son of Judah and Tamar, and twin brother of Perez (Gen. 38 :30). b Son of Simeon (I Chron. 4:24). In Genesis 46 :10 this Zerah is called Zohar. c A son of Reuel, and grandson of Esau (Gen. 36:13). d An Ethiopian king who came with his army to fight against Asa, king of Judah, and was defeated (II Chron. 14 :9).

    Zerah (rising of light, sunrise, birth of a child, germination of a seed, beginning of light, brightness, splendor) denotes the rise of new light, understanding, in the consciousness. It is the first conscious awakening to the presence of this new inner light, or understanding (the sun rises in the east, and the east signifies the within).

    There was a "garden EASTWARD in Eden". Therefore the East references the Heavens [plural as in Gen 1:1] and the West references the Earth and this is simply the Higher Mind and the Carnal Mind respectively.


    son, nobleman's, healing of (John 4:46-54).
    Meta. In the healing of the nobleman's son, the nobleman, representing exalted thoughts, makes more direct contact with Divine Mind, and so seeks to have the healing power brought to bear upon that activity in the subconsciousness (son, at Capernaum) which is apparently dying, in other words, losing sight of the life and substance necessary for its perfect expression.

    Jesus did not go down to the sick child, because in doing its quickening, healing work the spiritual I AM does not direct its force into the realm of effects or give weight to adverse appearances, but calmly and deliberately declares the Truth. The subconsciousness receives the word and is comforted, healed. The bodily activities (servants) bear witness to the fact that harmony and order are restored


    Therefore a SON OF JUDAH speaks to an activity in the subconscious birthed out of mental processes. The thought [masc.] coupled with the emotion [feminine] and the zygote is placed in the WOMB OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS where it is birthed and weaned.

    So now it is easy to see the meaning behind this seemingly bizarre story. Early in one's childhood the child has the Christ Consciousness but society and the worries of this world subdue this first expression so the hand is withdrawn in the womb. And the child [state in consciousness] called Pharez [or Perez] - this child or activity in consciousness is born a slave in this world BECAUSE this child is wholly carnal and perceives all thru carnal eyes so then this one is a slave under the senses - which is to say because of FEAR OF LOSS this one is all his life subject to those who know how to manipulate his selfish state of mind. So this one is the Prodigal Son who has come to see that he is eating hog slop - and all of his own machinations are as nothing. This one of course can easily be spot - he utters words like "my, mine, etc." More concerned with "his property" than with his own Spiritual maturation and thusly this one is like a dog eating to his own vomit. For this one resists and thusly in his resistance acknowledges his slavery.

    But after this experience, comes the 2nd child who is the forerunner of the Christ Consciousness. Zerah is the beginning of the Light. And Christ is the Light. So in a sense Zerah is the state in consciousness called John the Baptist or Paul. For John was a witness of the Light but was not the Light. Paul is the word of Truth but not the Truth. Both John and Paul "states of consciousness" are in the intellectual rationalization of the Light. But both John and Paul lack the KNOWING or the personal knowledge of the Power of Truth in action [a Son]. Zerah, John or Paul is the turning point in consciousness. And this is the PROMISE - the scarlet thread. And this thread looks forward to Christ being the Son of God. Your Son! For don't you know that you are David? If you have not entered into Zerah yet, then you don't know but you might have faith that it may be so one day!

    It is better said that the Son of God is the consciousness that will be formed in man. And thusly man will be made, formed and fashioned in the perfect image of God - which is to say Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ being the perfect ideal o

    If you study this tale from an historical stand point you are left with crazy paradoxes and seemingly mythological fanciful unnatural occurrences. But don't ask the Orthodoxy to explain because their simple answer will always be "with God all things are possible" - you know like a talking snake or a whale with an apartment building in its belly. The key is that you are the central character in the Bible. The persona Jesus is every persona. The Christ Consciousness is the Son that is promised to everyone!

    For you are Abraham and while you may laugh at this promise, because you are also Sarah you will be delivered of a Son. Now to Scripture and to the millennia of Sons being fathered of the Carnal Mind:

    Isa 54:1 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.
    Isa 54:2 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;

    For years I thought these verses spoke of flesh and blood and as such, I was blind in the fear of protecting my own skin. And it is the foolishness of literalism that has sent untold how many children to be sacrificed unto devils who acted as the priest to the ignorant mass. These god-men sacrificed the children of their constituency - today these are called politicians! And the sacrifice is found on the battlefield where the debt to their overlords is settled. Talk about desolate children. These states in consciousness are hideous, repugnant and vile.

    If you truly grasp the foregoing you can see this is not an outward expression only but an expression or formula of creation that is ongoing in the useful hands of the knower. And now you know why Paul was a tent maker! And John was a Baptizer and why Zerah is the beginning of the Light - because too much Light too soon blinds an orthodox eye and turns one back into the desolate path.

    Be careful how you build for in the persona are your the Carpenter or Jesus but in the Spirit you have moved into Rest or Truth in Unity - for He said IT IS FINISHED.

    To our success,
    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #15
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Sometimes when we read a book like the Bible it is easy to get swept away into an emotion Carnal response, but when this happens our Spiritual eyes close and there is no life. After years of study, I have come to see that Life resides NOT in the letter [external story] but in the Understanding [internal meaning]. As such, please enjoy the following for your consideration and comment. I hope you are all edified and that you might share your thoughts. Thank you, MJ


    A study of Consciousness - The Three Patriarchs

    Try not to think of Sarai and Abram as a woman and a man and try to realize these symbolize aspects of your psyche in soul development!

    Both Sarai and Abram were given grace. An Hey [H] was added to their name. This Hey is the Fifth Hebrew Letter and in ancient picture Hebrew we see in Hey a man with hands raised in praise. Judah is the faculty in Man which relates to Praise. Judah camps in the East which is the place of Spirit. For God planted a garden EASTWARD in Eden.

    The reason the man stands with his hands raised is because God breathed the Divine Breath of revelation into the Natural Mind and transformed it into a Spiritual Mind. Thusly man becomes a living soul. Therefore we see in the letter Hey - God's Creative Power. And we see in Abram and Sarai aspects of our Natural Mind and Emotions. For the Natural Mind has three levels - Sensual, Testing Mind and Rational Mind. When these three kings are redeemed they may then follow their inner Star unto the House of Bread [Bethlehem] wherein they will find Christ. For as Paul relates - "I struggle in birth pains again until Christ be formed in you."

    Abram is therefore a State of Mind and Abraham is a redeemed Mind. Thusly the Hey represents GRACE and also a Throne.

    Metaphysically or mystically Hey which is the number 5 corresponds to the five levels of the Mind:

    Nephesh - bodily instincts - 1st level of Natural Mind
    Ruach - Emotions - 2nd Level of Natural Mind
    Neshemah - Mind - 3rd Level of Natural Mind
    Chayah - Keep alive or Made alive - listen to this song - Higher Love (by Steve Winwood) - Spiritual Mind
    Yechidah - One - Celestial Mind

    Picking up my cross - I die daily as I die to my persona and cross over into individual status in God. "In" means Not. "Dividual" means separate. It is only my Carnal or Sensual Mind which gives the illusion of separateness with God. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it when students here are edified.

    May you be brought a Higher Love of restoration and redemption. For there is only One Heart, One Love and One Man which is to say God. We as thought people live move and have our being in Him. And we made in the image too have our thoughts and desires [sons and daughters] which people form cities, states and nations of thoughts upon which we rely upon every day without giving even a moments notice. How can this be you say - BELIEF. If we can be made to believe in something the Mind will accept a Nation's worth of archetypal ideas. This is to say mystically speaking Jesus Christ is the Perfect Man or the Ideal Man in the Divine Mind -the only begotten of the Father! Of which we are commanded to obtain unto!

    Let us therefore push on into Perfection as we are commanded to be!

    End of Part I

    Beginning of Part II

    Continuing on the concept of the addition of the Hey [H].

    Notice at once that the H is a vowel. We have been incorrectly taught that there are five vowels and sometimes "y" but this is false. There are nine vowels. A, E, I, O, U, Y, H, R, W - notice when you make the "sound" of these letters the tongue does not impede the BREATH. And God BREATHED in Man and Man became a Living Soul. And in another place, "Jesus BREATHED on the disciples and said Receive ye the Holy Spirit." A "vow-el" is God breathed in Man.

    So we can see now that God breathed in Abram and Sarai. This is a transformation or restoration of the Lower natural mind into a higher plane. God Breathing is the symbol of Divine influence or inspiration flowing forth from Universal Divine Mind into the lower planes of Mind. This is Redemption.

    You do remember the story: Abram and Sarai were promised a son. Time passed and no son. So they began to doubt. So Sarai talked Abram into intercourse with Hagar. Now if all you have a people this seems like a very strange story and this is why I really do not get excited one bit about Biblical history. For these are bitter waters for me. But when Moses [Rational Mind] led the people [thoughts] to the place called Marah, he eventually threw the tree into the waters and they became sweet. The Tree is you! You are the Tree. You begin to see that the Scriptures is about your consciousness! Every named man or woman is a story about consciousness.

    So what of these four players, actually five when you consider Ishmael. Abram, Sarai, Hagar, Isaac and Ishmael. What do these represent? Remember the story? Hagar gave issue to Ishmael and eventually Sarai told Abram to send Hagar and her son away! Pretty sad - when one considers flesh only! But wait....

    Sarah is Divine Perception. Abraham is Divine Good. So Sarah orders the casting out of the first Rational understanding which is the union of Divine Good with the lower unregenerate Rational Mind. This first understanding is called Ishmael. Sarah who is Divine Perception desires the son [Understanding or Truth] of the union between Divine Good and Divine Truth which is Isaac. All five of these players are states in consciousness within every being! Therefore the union of Sarah and Abraham bring forth sons [truths] born out of a regenerate understanding which again is Isaac. Jesus said "seek with all your heart, soul and mind and ye shall find." That is the promise of a son made to every being!

    Now then Isaac takes a wife Rebecca. This Rebecca represents the Spiritually enlightened understandings of Scripture. In other words, Rebecca is the veil removed. Abraham tells Isaac to take a wife only of his people. Seems racist by todays standards. But wait....
    "his people" symbolize those who are of the same character in terms of their regeneration. Jesus said "ye shall know them by their fruits." Jesus said "my family are those that do the Will of God." And therefore we can now understand this wonderful verse without feelings of racism or being left out....

    Deu 32:9 For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.

    Many try to choose or promote "special status" with God but this is false. For he [anyone] is a Jew who is one inwardly after the renewing of the Heart [subjective mind].

    Rom 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

    Rom 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    We see that heredity does not cut the mustard. In fact, those who would rely on genetics are in the worst place of all for they rely upon fleshly body consciousness and the children of this unregenerate mind are desolate in regard to the Spirit. Sarah tells Abraham send that boy and his mother away!

    So then Rebecca is the woman of Spiritual enlightenment so now we see that Isaac is the son of Rebecca born in Spirit. For Isaac is the son of the union of Divine Truth and Divine Good born into Man. We can now see that every man [and woman] is Mary! Now can you hear with new ears....

    Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,
    Gal 4:20 I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-26-19 at 08:28 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Can you hear Paul's voice? For he speaks in a coded language. And he would like to speak in plain speech but the enemy [carnal mind in each of us which is Judas "he hath a devil"] might seize on the truth for its own gain! Lucifer how art thou fallen.....see that now? The Light falls when we use it upon our lusts for personal gain. We are all connected for there is only One God.

    Joh_6:70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

    The 12 faculties of Man - Judas being the Carnal Mind - which is the adversary of God.

    Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
    Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

    LIFE is to align ones thoughts in at-one-ment with Spirit - the Word of God. But to align thoughts in and of the World in matter which is to relate to heridity, DNA, flesh, blood is death and leads to the grave. For anything named has a beginning and an end. That is why The Way is nameless.

    I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life no man comes to the Father except by Me. "Me" is the Spiritual Path - the straight and narrow way - the inner path of regeneration and redemption. For Jesus Christ is the perfect Ideal of Spiritual Man - him resurrected from the Grave of Ignorance which is great Darkness. With eyes on Lord Jesus Christ we trust and obey and we learn and know by the exercise of our senses.

    And we do according to our intention of duty first for that is all we know. But later as we are regenerated our intention changes from duty in Faith to charity in Love. Duty in Faith is Ishmael. Charity in Love for self and other is Isaac. But Charity in Love because one recognizes the Kingdom belongs to Lord God Jesus Christ is celestial Love which contemplates Oneness and thusly it encompasses Isaac. This latter Love is Jacob. And JACOB is the lot of the Lord's inheritance! Those who enter upon the straight and narrow path work towards the status of Jacob which is to say the Celestial Man.

    Ishmael = Natural unregenerate man
    Isaac = Spiritual regenerate man
    Jacob = Celestial mergence in God

    Enough for now. I hope that was not too much to feed upon. Now you might ask, what does this have to do with Trust? Can't you see? God, is the Divine Spark on the cross IN every [wo]Man. The intent of God [Father] is to birth the elect children in the World [Isaac and Jacob]. Currently Ishmael runs this place because the Carnal Mind rules in greed, lust and fear. Each must choose for self. Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve - will it be death or Life? God is birthing "God Kind". What amazing Trust.

    With best regards, MJ
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-26-19 at 08:36 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  7. #17
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    The government is upon my shoulders. Therefore there can never be a government shutdown. That is merely a clouded illusion of sorts. A sort of witchcraft or sorcery cast upon an unsuspecting and sleeping mass.

    The same life that causes the atom to vibrate in a table gives you and I life. God Is.

    To our success,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-26-19 at 08:37 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  8. #18
    Jesus did not go down to the sick child, because in doing its quickening, healing work the spiritual I AM does not direct its force into the realm of effects or give weight to adverse appearances, but calmly and deliberately declares the Truth.
    Here is an example of why your teachings are delightful to read.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    The government is upon my shoulders. Therefore there can never be a government shutdown. That is merely a clouded illusion of sorts. A sort of witchcraft or sorcery cast upon an unsuspecting and sleeping mass.

    The same life that causes the atom to vibrate in a table gives you and I life. God Is.

    To our success,
    Michael Joseph
    In the practical world of action, that was my point by showing the Executive Order. There was and is no US Government Shutdown. The Chinese and Russians appointed a businessman and the American people knew full well his face, pointing a finger...

    You're FIRED!!!

  9. #19
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    In the practical world of action, that was my point by showing the Executive Order. There was and is no US Government Shutdown. The Chinese and Russians appointed a businessman and the American people knew full well his face, pointing a finger...
    Thank you. You are right, when one points a finger one loses their standing. For the Man said, "it was the Woman thou gavest me." And the Woman said "it was the Serpent that beguiled me." So God spoke to the Serpent seeing these two subjected themselves to the leadership of another.

    Gen 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, "Where art thou?"
    Gen 3:10 And he said, "I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."
    Gen 3:11 And He said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?"
    Gen 3:12 And the man Adam said, "The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."

    Comment: The Man gives up standing by blaming another.

    Gen 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, "What is this that thou hast done?" And the woman said, "The serpent [Satan] beguiled me, and I did eat."

    Comment: The Woman gives up standing by blaming another.


    Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
    Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy [Satan's] seed and her Seed; Christ shall bruise thy head [vital part], and thou shalt bruise His heel [lower part]."

    Comment: First to the Wise One - Serpent.

    Gen 3:16 Unto the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception [pregnancy]; in sorrow [painful toil] thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be subject to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

    Comment: Then to Eve for Adam gave his standing to Eve.

    Gen 3:17 And unto Adam He said, "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, "Thou shalt not eat of it:'cursed [nature affected] is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

    Comment: And lastly to Adam who was supposed to be the head.

    The way I see matters, most folk, even I, to a greater or lesser extent are caught in a dialectic of Dark vs Light. But this dialectic is actually a false choice. Because those who control this so called Light issue forth a (false Light). What I am attempting to say but having difficulty is that if you view or frame your position with freedom and liberty being paramount, then one can easily see how courts of justice have been perverted and that is but a very simple view indeed. Darkness abounds all around us and who can deny its existence.

    So those who choose the good naturally gravitate to the Light. But if one is not centered within self, then that Light is but a false light that is also controlled in the same manner that the Darkness is controlled. In other words, both Light and Dark are control mechanisms which only give the illusion of good vs bad. I guess what I am trying to relate that if one identifies as a Light worker then one must be ready to give testimony upon the Light used or possessed. But is this one free?

    Fundamentally, that is the issue. Is this one free? One will say, I would rather live in the Light than in the Darkness, and others would relate "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun" - Billy Joel. But are not BOTH of these estates completely under the control of another?

    We can see this duality playing out today in our cultures as masculinity is being sold down the river and replaced by salesmen pitching feminism. But this is new position in reality is just another turd sandwich being fed to cattle who are being farmed on a plantation. Light vs. Darkness is a Matrix of control. One will say, I will run from statecraft into church craft. Are they not both "craft"?

    In the end, we choose according to the numerous contracts we have made with ourselves and our societies in which we have chosen to live. These contracts abide in the subjective mind and in reality and in many cases we ourselves do not benefit of these contracts. In other words, our energy [blood] is placed on the sacrificial altar and given to parasites. We think ourselves righteous to be involved in church craft but this too is just another means to extract energy and funnel said energy right back to the one controlling power which oversees both the Light and the Dark.

    There is a 3rd path! And this path transcends both Light and Darkness. This path contemplates a oneness with All. For it is said God is All and in All. This is not church craft for no man can contain all of God. Rather, I write concerning a Way of Life. One's conversation immediately gives one away for those outside of this control mechanism are not interested in you wasting your time and energy. For what cause would they? If they do not seek control then live and let live. Better said Love is at the headship of those who have transcended this duality. And in Love is charitable good and truth. And the truth is we are really a Unity. And therefore we need each other as we are connected to each other.

    Fundamentally if I was to forge you into my image, I have stolen from you. Somebody asked me recently how I define love. After some time thinking about it, I returned with a one word answer - RESPECT. Everyone is different, but for me it is "Respect." Let me be me and you be you. But we two are in reality connected for we are in Unity.

    Nevertheless, Adam being the first church/state for noble purpose needed only one Law. But in succession of choice, there came 7 laws. And then later 613 and now they are literally countless. But in fact, there is but one Law. This Law is the Law of Love and it contemplates a Unity of Being.

    Those who dance on the black/white floor do not know it is a controlled environment. Misinformation agents abound as confusion is their game. Looking at life merely as a physical existence - not understanding all of physical nature is understood completely in Spirit.

    This song comes to mind: "It's a drag, it's a pity to be looking at the board instead of looking at the city.."

    ROFLMAO - the Demiurge is going for Scholar's Mate! Now that is funny.

    Once more around the Wheel says Steely Dan.....

    "Your black cards can make you money so you hide them when you're able
    In the land of milk and honey you must put them on the table
    " - You seen em' you play em' says the hard man.

    To our success,
    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-27-19 at 03:40 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  10. #20
    One's conversation immediately gives one away for those outside of this control mechanism are not interested in you wasting your time and energy.
    My interest in the brain trust is that we be productive.

    The US Government cannot declare a bankruptcy and restructure within seven years of this one. The restructure might have ended on 1/23, after the required thirty days. There is no law I am aware of that the corporation must reopen at all. Most people are in the dark about this.

    The radio transceiver of the Tabernacle was a crafting of light. Just like TV and radio magic. What snapped into place was a strange label on David about being a violent man, and therefore unfit to build the Temple. As Anunnaki NEPHALIM without the gigantism and enlarged cranium, David killed off that Goliath. Mitochondrial DNA had finally worn itself out. Recombinant DNA will eventually kill off any bloodline and its features. But to do so he enabled an army with divine insight.

    The lightcraft was feeding the shewbread to an army. The shewbread contained the monatomic gold from El Shaddai - manna from heaven. The monatomic gold is remainder (slag) from interdimensional translation of the noble metal, gold. I described it for physics professors early through effect and cause, rather than cause and effect but the whole time issue leads us into delusions of good and evil. Like you say above.

    Stop creating time. Enjoy your eternity. Guilt is sin and at the center of lingering languishing.

    Instead create gravity. Gravity bends light. In its simplicity gravity creates spherical perfect circle. Experience develops many things more though. Since one can bend infinite light into an electron valence shell with mind, forming the most simple hydrogen atom, then one can also take that gold atom and translate it back. This translation functions within the third eye but might be amplified by infusing the manna into the third ventricle washing the pineal gland and speeding up the communications of the secretions beyond the speed of light, bending gravity in Einstein's perceptions of the temporal remote viewing - prophecy.

    David fed an army with this divine insight from the priest class. He raised an invincible warrior-priest class and therefore took by force the dominions of the Tabernacle but relegated the task of building the Temple to his Son, through Hittite DNA Bathsheba, wife of Uriah. Most only consider the latter as the violent offense. Solomon perfected the heart-venturi bliss through ingesting imprint of 1000 concubines. Copulins. The muscles of the heart, during a pleasant orgasm will produce a blissful cyclone according to the caduceus and 72. This accelerates light through Plank's charge compression to produce gravity through hyperluminescence.

    Once I called it Advanced-Resonance Inductive Plasma Physics but now coin biocosmetric sonoluminescence. I used it to cure the world of SARS in 2003 and it is integral to solving malaria:

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    Interestingly, the cure will not even harm a single mosquito!! It simply devitalizes malaria in the mosquito's nervous system, using the mosquito's nervous system as the signal conduit.

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