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Thread: Notification regarding Risk Assessment

  1. #1

    Notification regarding Risk Assessment

    You can't make this stuff up!

    Greetings central banks;

    In the legal sense the US Government Shutdown never happened. All Mr. TRUMP did was to give federal employees Christmas Eve off work and allow the Department Heads to decide who would need to work, and who would be paid.

    The fact that Congress allowed him to shut down the US Government without any Executive Order to do so proves that this action is restructure in bankruptcy. So that part is over as of 1/23/19.

    You might recall the trigger for the restructure was garnishment on Mr. Steven Terner MNUCHIN as the US Governor for the International Monetary Fund.

    Opening Post continued...

  2. #2
    The corruption (racketeering) of deviant oaths of office is operating on a state level too, affecting collections operations on the national debt. This has a distinct negative impact on the confidence and security measures behind Special Drawing Rights (SDR's) backing the Federal Reserve. Blind endorsement is coming to an end. The Albany Remand (Doc 43 also reveals):

    Name:  Doc 43 Page 2 of 14 SPENCER 1 17 no oath.jpg
Views: 3914
Size:  255.1 KB

    Please notice that Patrick Neill paid a follow-up visit to the Secretary of State on January 17th, and that "Commissioner" SPENCER scrambled to publish her oath of office the very next day.

    Name:  Oath Barbara Louise SPENCER Arizona.jpg
Views: 2011
Size:  131.1 KB

    It is very disturbing that Patrick Neill is in custody on an emergency Extradition Order allegedly signed by Arizona Governor Douglas Anthony DUCEY and Secretary of State Kathleen M. HOBBS. However the Colorado district court will not provide that document, even to Patrick as yet. I will keep you posted and show you, if the court produces this document. But that the court will not produce it should be a very telling default about the collections process in America.
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