Redeeming lawful money by demand insists upon Special Deposit. Which literally takes the paper out of circulation. It sets in the vault and this is like a temporary cancellation of the paper. If the OCC equity derivatives clearing organization and the foundation for secure markets. requires actual special deposit set aside in the vault as no abandonment issues are present . When the redeemed man or woman gets their special deposit out of the vault then it is "uncancelled" and back in circulation and the quadary/conundrum of the Treasury acting for Congress in 1971 becomes a big problem. Uncancelling the currency should mean that as it is being passed, it becomes an unclaimed insurance policy (again) - re-endorsing the insurance policy.
Since The People determine that US notes will have the same value as Fed notes, redemption demands with current notes of equal face value ... the Treasury is justified by an end-run around the Congress. The parataxic distortion become genuinely hallucinogenic. And everybody knows there is no such thing as a real hallucination! 1953: "This note is a legal tender AT ITS FACE VALUE for all debts public and private."1995: "This note IS legal tender for all debts public and private."Bill 1995 is post Bretton Woods collapse and backed only by fiat. The "Dollar" therefore is more or less the paper receipt, but properly it's simply backed by agreement. Bill 1953 would be backed by gold or silver as per Bretton Woods agreement, or in other words the bill is a receipt. The "Dollar" therefore is not the paper receipt but a quantity of precious metal.The key difference is that one is a United States Note and the other is a Federal Reserve Note. (Vintage Merrill)
Therefore the moment you redeem lawful money and get the cash in your hand you are holding US notes and preserving the Spot value at $42.22/fine troy ounce of domestic gold. IMF at face valued cash Glittering Currency Omissions
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reported a slight improvement in the performance of first-lien mortgages in the federal banking system during the fourth quarter of 2018.
The OCC Mortgage Metrics Report, Fourth Quarter 2018, showed 95.8 percent of mortgages included in the report were current and performing at the end of the quarter, compared to 94.5 percent a year earlier.
The report also showed that servicers initiated 29,515 new foreclosures during the fourth quarter of 2018*, a 3.5 percent increase from the previous quarter and a 14.5 percent decrease from a year ago. Servicers completed 20,256 mortgage modifications in the fourth quarter of 2018, and 73.2 percent of the modifications reduced borrowers’ monthly payments.
The first-lien mortgages included in the OCC’s quarterly report comprise 31 percent of all residential mortgages outstanding in the United States or approximately 16.9 million loans totaling $3.22 trillion in principal balances. This report provides information on mortgage performance through December 31, 2018, and it can be downloaded from the OCC’s website,
$3.22 trillion in principal (theory) electronically secularized securities the industry balances Lord Lifting lawful dying F**k but parataxic distortion become genuinely hallucinogenic. And everybody knows there is no such thing as a real hallucination! until its monetized . Its physically impossible to loan 16 million folks 3 trillion in cash every private loan needs a taxpayer therefore its equity in the note thats “burlesque” loan distortion . So its painfully evident a bank run is hallucinogenic The implication is that the Fed created the reserves so the banks could lend them to borrowers and thereby stimulate the economy. However, it is not true that banks can lend excess reserves. Only the Fed can reduce the reserves in the system. When a bank makes a loan, it creates a deposit in the name of the borrower? Deposit my Loan created in lawful money isn't possible The seller can demand his sale your deposit be made in lawful money.As David says Special Deposit takes some paper out of circulation non fractional note perhaps . But banks cannot lend out reserves. Only the Fed can create or destroy reserves.Only the Fed can reduce the reserves in the system. When a bank makes a loan, it creates a deposit in the name of the borrower? Money is just evidence of debt and just like Wages owed payday promise when money is borrowed into existence, it makes all money “loan principal”.
ASK your Banker to accept your own lawful money Promissory Note / "§ 3-603. TENDER OF PAYMENT."
See here, how it says: "... (b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, ... ."?
See that?
See here how it says:
"(a) If a person against whom a claim is asserted proves that (i) that person in good faith tendered an instrument to the claimant as full satisfaction of the claim, (ii) ... and (iii) ..., the following subsections apply. (b) ..., the claim is discharged if the person against whom the claim is asserted proves that the instrument or an accompanying written communication contained a conspicuous statement to the effect that the instrument was tendered as full satisfaction of the claim."
This means, that, if one of these instruments is properly delivered, that "There Is Discharge" of the out-standing debt, for the amount of money that the tendered credit/debt instrument bears on its face.
"Holder In Due Course" status. It is purposefully worded obscurely, to confuse people about how to legitimately invoke its power.
But; if you read closely & carefully, you can see where the power is.
The key-point to that horse-power, is that one with proper standing/status, can, fully & lawfully, "Discharge Debts".
The only other part you really need, is, a good basic comprehension that "Holder in Due Course" Status, is, the "Highest Status" you can have under the UCC.
Once you obtain thaty status, you can lawfully "Discharge Debts", in the manner that demand lawful money is trying to do.
Some links showing the Importance & Power in this "HDC-Status", are as follows: Its your Signature