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Thread: Teaching Russia R4C

  1. #1

    Teaching Russia R4C

    We had a lot of fun!

    The key is Redemption. Note service of the Summons.

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    Immediately Refused for Cause:

    The Department of Justice Withdrew all claim.

    Name:  Doc 127 USA Withdraws.jpg
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    You might have seen this on the News already. Source material is so much more entertaining and edifying too!

  2. #2

    The Complaint about Russian Collusion.

    Here is Doc 1 - the Complaint.

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    Here is the full Summons Refused for Cause - both pages R4C!

    The DoJ withdrew all claims against multiple Russian "colluders".

    Attachment 5396
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-20-19 at 08:37 AM.

  3. #3

    The Great Seal of Authority

    On the backside of my Signature, bleeding through the original...

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  4. #4
    WOW. Do we know who is initialing the refusal there?

  5. #5
    Concord hired a Washington DC attorney. "GH" or "SH"? I can't make it out or match it up to the Concord attorneys on the docket report.

    Thanks for the "Wow!" I appreciate how rare it is to realize we are looking at a Refusal for Cause on a criminal indictment that stopped the Department of Justice cold. And how the media is in a twirl about impeaching a man who is not the President:

    Name:  Doc 3 Certificate of Mailing Memorandum_Page_28.jpg
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    There is a lot of benefit to reverse engineering this kind of planned diversion of productive attention.

    I noted Dr. Richard RESTAK listing Inattentional Blindness Failures. Attentional Control Systems:

    • alerting system - (frontal parietal) dopamine
    • orienting system (frontal temporal/parietal junction) acetylcholine
    • executive system - (frontal) dopamine

    Enhanced attention improves a "purpose-driven" brain; along with;

    • frontal lobe functioning
    • IQ
    • sequencing
    • context
    • drive
    • executive control

    Considering all that, and even putting all that to memory like me, one can see how easily the News falls into competition with social media to grab attention. The Key is also given by the good Dr.:

    What could be more important than your ability to re-establish contact with your emotional memory?

    That divine feminine is the Key. The balance is the anointing. Remember that Jesus was anointed by a woman.

    Wine is strong
    The king is stronger
    Woman is the Strongest
    Above All is Truth.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-20-19 at 03:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Well, now we know how to quash a criminal complaint.

    Not to nitpick but your recusal was for Daniel L. FRIEDRICK and the assigned judge was Dabney L. FRIEDRICH. No matter, it seems you got your point across.

  7. #7
    FOIAONLINE provides quick oaths, in many instances. Let's document more attempts to see John Glover ROBERTS' oath! That is very entertaining.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Not so fast anymore. At least not for me. This one is a month overdue. It's like the DOJ got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and doesn't know what to do.

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  9. #9

    The DoJ likes to cite some Act by Congress that says the DoJ can answer a FOIA request, or not, depending on whether the DoJ thinks disclosing the information will risk security and confidence-building measures (actuary) for the Bank and Fund (Club of Paris).

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    I notice that I have been using the redacted Amicus Curiae. Here is the full title - David Merrill BELOVED TEACHER OF GOD; and VAN PELT - SON OF THE PATROON. Confluence of two Patroon families DNA.

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    This does not mean I claim to be NEPHALIM of Genesis 6 who obviously survived the Flood Numbers 13:33.

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    Wonderful if you recall the Delegation of Authority on the Release Jubilee, to the Pope.

    The Key is understanding the red thread tied to Serack's wrist and how he was supplanted as first-born by Perez - meaning "breach" (of trust). I am still finding this difficult to explain. The Bloodline and DNA work more in parallel and I am reduced not only to language but having to tap these keys in a certain sequence...

    The Story is about what Arthur KOESTLER called, The Thirteenth Tribe (Khazarian/Hungarian Jews) and the Port being the Netherlands. Now we get back to the filing office - Budapest, Hungary. Expressing these circles as linear with language will drive most readers into cognitive dissonance. DNA works more in parallel than linear logic. A suitor was asking, How do I bring this family tree forward?

    Answer: Become aware that your ancestry is who you are, now.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-21-19 at 10:33 AM.

  10. #10
    Remember that a supply of manna is in the Ark, to supply the shewbread for the mysticomimetic neuropsychopharmacology of the priest class and that Jesse and his real sons (Judah) tried hiding David from Samuel, who had been raised inside the Tabernacle breathing the QETORET and eating the shewbread, but was the Judge class, Dan and "Judah" - as in Idumean/Canaanite. Judah weakened by the incest and supplanted as described above. Some allegorical, some literal.

    Attachment 5408

    The 42x2 tribal mentality enabled the Aboriginal Australians to manage the climate herbalist trade routes by wildfire technology for 15,000 years. This was for the entire continent. They would hold tribal counsel elder meetings by burying themselves in dirt up to their nostrils for three or four days, suspended animation. ESP can be enhanced and the LORD said, I have brought you out of Egypt for one purpose; to build me a Tabernacle where I will dwell with you. So this is a communications transceiver because El Shaddai said clearly he would not be going along with the Israelites, that he would remain at Mt Horeb, but he would stay in touch.

    Attachment 5409

    Treat your body like a Temple.

    Attachment 5410

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