Concord hired a Washington DC attorney. "GH" or "SH"? I can't make it out or match it up to the Concord attorneys on the docket report.
Thanks for the "Wow!" I appreciate how rare it is to realize we are looking at a Refusal for Cause on a criminal indictment that stopped the Department of Justice cold. And how the media is in a twirl about impeaching a man who is not the President:
There is a lot of benefit to reverse engineering this kind of planned diversion of productive attention.
I noted Dr. Richard RESTAK listing Inattentional Blindness Failures. Attentional Control Systems:
- alerting system - (frontal parietal) dopamine
- orienting system (frontal temporal/parietal junction) acetylcholine
- executive system - (frontal) dopamine
Enhanced attention improves a "purpose-driven" brain; along with;
- frontal lobe functioning
- IQ
- sequencing
- context
- drive
- executive control
Considering all that, and even putting all that to memory like me, one can see how easily the News falls into competition with social media to grab attention. The Key is also given by the good Dr.:
What could be more important than your ability to re-establish contact with your emotional memory?
That divine feminine is the Key. The balance is the anointing. Remember that Jesus was anointed by a woman.
Wine is strong
The king is stronger
Woman is the Strongest
Above All is Truth.