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Thread: On the Nature of Commercial Priestcraft

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    On the Nature of Commercial Priestcraft

    Keep in mind that Jesus was anointed by a woman.

    Looking into Omri, Ahab's father who fell in love with a Phoenician priestess, Jezebel:

    Finkelstein notes that these accounts are "obviously influenced by the theology of the seventh century BCE writers"
    I want to get you to my point succinctly, and this will be most offensive to many of you. None of the Masoretic Text, the Hebrew Bible, was written before the time of Nebuchadnezzar and it is plain that the conquest of mind was well into the gene pool. The Hebrew boys in Nebuchadnezzar's palace, none of them have any descendants. Easily assumed then is that all the male Israelites were faced with castration and prima nochte (first night access) was for Nebuchadnezzar. The captured Israelite women were his harem and he brood a Jewish population to return to Jerusalem seventy years later.

    The Babylonian Jew.

    This rendition is groomed out for the purpose of among other NEPHALIM, George Herbert Walker's (and Son) deleting the evidence in Mesopotamia. Remember that BUSH Sr. was Director of the CIA in the mid-'70's. Note the author:

    According to Israel Finkelstein, the marriage of King Ahab to the daughter of the ruler of the Phoenician empire was a sign of the power and prestige of Ahab and the northern Kingdom of Israel. He termed it a "brilliant stroke of international diplomacy.

    I blew up the Key:

    Name:  Uncorrected Proofs Simon & Shuster.jpg
Views: 231
Size:  266.7 KB

    The tale of how these Keys fall into my palm though, that would blow your mind. It helps to consider the parallel between FDR's 1933 gold seizure to war on the Great Depression and Joseph's extortion of gold from the entire Mesopotamian culture during a famine. Then the 1933 seizure and the Golden Calf being ground into powder (alchemy) makes more sense. When you get started in this higher thinking, it accesses the Holy Spirit - mental power of remote viewing and tribal recall greater than individual pyramidal neuron architecture.

    Recall the aboriginal Australians were controlling the entire continent's climate with broad wildfire technology for 15,000 years. They would lay down in the dirt up to their nostrils for three or four days for teleconferencing.

    Jezebel's religion is called in derogatorily - Golden Calf Cult.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-24-19 at 04:02 PM.

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