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Thread: Letter 105C - 2019

  1. #1

    Letter 105C - 2019

    Hi Everybody;

    The IRS has revised the Letter this year.

    Name:  Letter 105C_Page_1.jpg
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    What the heck. Never seen the like. Without seeing the corresponding Form 1040 filed it's hard to know just what's going on but, based on this:

    "information claiming only part of your wages paid as taxable income"

    I'd say this was an employee who didn't list all their W-2 Box 1 income. The amount of "demand for lawful money" would normally be entered on Schedule 1, Line 21 Other Income as a negative.

    "Son, I say boy, ya goin' about it all wrong, son" - Foghorn Leghorn
    Last edited by lorne; 04-29-19 at 10:46 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    What the heck. Never seen the like. Without seeing the corresponding Form 1040 filed it's hard to know just what's going on but, based on this:

    "information claiming only part of your wages paid as taxable income"

    I'd say this was an employee who didn't list all their W-2 Box 1 income. The amount of "demand for lawful money" would normally be entered on Schedule 1, Line 21 Other Income as a negative.

    "Son, I say boy, ya goin' about it all wrong, son" - Foghorn Leghorn
    It is likely this letter is designed to fit the new 1040 Form legally. If you see anything let me know please.

    Name:  1040 Form 2018_Page_1.jpg
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    Name:  1040 Form 2018_Page_2.jpg
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    For example, if I made $50k in the year and the entire 50K was paid
    • Line 6 is my Demand for Lawful Money Reduction in negative numbers (all of my gross income received none of which was withheld)
    • Line 7 is the negative amount from the line above. This is the AGI and my understanding is this should never be $0 (this invites a Friv Pen)
    • Line 8 - I am not even playing their lame gymnastics on deductions.
    • What happens on line 19, 20a? This is for what was overpaid and the amount refunded back, I suspect this should be $0.
    • Line 22 I suppose should be $0 since we don't owe anything back.
    • Of course we need to identify how much was withheld for SS and medicare as part of schedule 1?
    What is obvious to me, that has been redacted from the 105C Letter is the citations of IRS memorandums and the Frivolous Arguments document. Now the redeemed can no longer write back,

    I have looked at the documents you have cited and do not find that any of those arguments apply to my tax return or refund.
    This is quite an advancement by Christine DAVIS against a sturdy rebuttal in the clerk instruction of the Refusal for Cause. This however does not weaken R4C in any way. Click Here. - Cheap theatrics and carnival sideshow applied and practical psychology, nothing more.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-30-19 at 03:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Wait, this is for Tax Year 2017 according to the letter. Before the Form 1040 was redesigned.

    If you're quoting from the filer, I see problems with the filer's process. The filer states: if I made $50k in the year and the entire 50K was paid only happens with non-employees; people paid outright. The letter refers to "WAGES" which is IRS terminology for employee income. Filer later states: Of course we need to identify how much was withheld for SS and medicare as part of schedule 1? and that indicates filer really was an employee with deductions taken from pay. Employees don't get a check for their full gross income (to demand in lawful money).

    It's possible the filer is just a gamester playing tricks with us.
    Last edited by lorne; 04-30-19 at 01:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    Wait, this is for Tax Year 2017 according to the letter. Before the Form 1040 was redesigned.

    If you're quoting from the filer, I see problems with the filer's process. The filer states: if I made $50k in the year and the entire 50K was paid only happens with non-employees; people paid outright. The letter refers to "WAGES" which is IRS terminology for employee income. Filer later states: Of course we need to identify how much was withheld for SS and medicare as part of schedule 1? and that indicates filer really was an employee with deductions taken from pay. Employees don't get a check for their full gross income (to demand in lawful money).

    It's possible the filer is just a gamester playing tricks with us.
    The "filer" was speaking hypothetically.

    Wait, this is for Tax Year 2017 according to the letter. Before the Form 1040 was redesigned.
    Thanks. That is why I was showing it without careful inspection. So people might point things out.

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