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Thread: 4th of July; an interior meaning - Party to the Contract

  1. #1

    4th of July; an interior meaning - Party to the Contract

    We hear of the 55 Signers on July 4th and seldom find explanation why there are actually 56 Signatures.

    The story goes that Matthew, a favored statesman returned to the Continental Congress assembled in October. By early November he had the permission to add his signature in Approbation and so he did. This is confirmed in the Notes at the bottom of the Page:

    This is not just the honor of being able to bond my Life, Estate and Sacred Honor - it also grants me the entitlements of being Party to the Contract, the contract being the Constitution of the United States and also any subsequently formed trusts like state constitutions.

    The only other way I know of to become party to the contract, so long after-the-fact is to sign a binding fidelity bond.

    Name:  Padelford Savannah Party to the Contract Constitution.jpg
Views: 864
Size:  170.4 KB

    Sometimes I think that one must have some training at trust law to grasp my signature as First Redeemer on certain documents. I strongly suggest you download this Interlocutory Appeal for study.

    Happy Fourth of July!! I hope you have a quiet one, like I enjoy.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by David Merrill; 07-11-19 at 07:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Please post here if you are having troubles reading Doc 63. I will investigate the trouble.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    The only other way I know of to become party to the contract,
    The other way is to click your heels 3 times and believe

    BTW may need new email system

    Name:  link.JPG
Views: 461
Size:  34.6 KB

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by heraldharbinger View Post
    BTW may need new email system
    Just tried the Contact Us link at the bottom; seems to be working.

    You can also buy Declaration of Independence from the US Mint

  5. #5
    Nice Find!

    I believe that there is plenty of good reason that central banking interests would like to deter and divert people from reading Doc 63.

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