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Thread: revival of the Starfire

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Chairman says he expects the recipe-holder to testify ‘very soon’

    The Antiquities Intelligence Committee Chairman on Sunday said that he expects the recipe-holder at the heart of Starfire controversy to testify ‘‘very soon.’’

    ‘‘All that needs to be done, at this point, is to make sure that the attorneys that represent the recipe-holder get the clearances they need to be able to accompany the recipe-holder to testimony,’’ said D-Calif., ‘‘and that we figure out the logistics to make sure that we protect the identity of the recipe-holder.’’

    Since it's discovery in the desert, proponents of the biblical so-called manna/mfkt say it provides users the light of knowledge. "After a few days we realized we were using debt notes of a private corp as money, crazy. And paying taxes because of it too." Critics claim it's nothing but talcum powder surrounded by hype and pseudoscience.

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    The Chairman said he had earlier personally sampled some of the white powder, saying "that is some good schiff." He was earlier seen walking out of his office saying, "I see men as trees... walking" he said, staring off into the distance. "I mean, it's not even money."

    The former security adviser said, "C'mon we have more important things to look at, we need to investigate the family of Joe Biden, the former hair-sniffer who is seeking office, not 50 tons of medicated powder in the desert."
    Last edited by lorne; 09-30-19 at 03:47 PM.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    The Antiquities Intelligence Committee Chairman on Sunday said that he expects the recipe-holder at the heart of Starfire controversy to testify ‘‘very soon.’’

    ‘‘All that needs to be done, at this point, is to make sure that the attorneys that represent the recipe-holder get the clearances they need to be able to accompany the recipe-holder to testimony,’’ said D-Calif., ‘‘and that we figure out the logistics to make sure that we protect the identity of the recipe-holder.’’

    Since it's discovery in the desert, proponents of the biblical so-called manna/mfkt say it provides users the light of knowledge. "After a few days we realized we were using debt notes of a private corp as money, crazy. And paying taxes because of it too." Critics claim it's nothing but talcum powder surrounded by hype and pseudoscience.

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    The Chairman said he had earlier personally sampled some of the white powder, saying "that is some good schiff." He was earlier seen walking out of his office saying, "I see men as trees... walking" he said, staring off into the distance. "I mean, it's not even money."

    The former security adviser said, "C'mon we have more important things to look at, we need to investigate the family of Joe Biden, the former hair-sniffer who is seeking office, not 50 tons of medicated powder in the desert."
    Thank you! I wish I could get that belly laugh three times a day!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Seven years of feast, and seven years of famine to extort the gold to convert to highward spin starfire (dissolved Golden Calf) to feed to the cultivated family Isrealite instilling ESP in the warrior priests - Invincible!
    It's very difficult to dissolve gold. Gold doesn't break down or oxide if left out in the weather like most metals. Aqua regia (King's water), a mixture of two strong acids, will do it. Although that leaves you with chloroauric acid - destructive to human tissue. The first mention of it is in the works of Islamic alchemists such as Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (854-925) but is there any evidence it was used back then on those mountaintop temples?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    It's very difficult to dissolve gold. Gold doesn't break down or oxide if left out in the weather like most metals. Aqua regia (King's water), a mixture of two strong acids, will do it. Although that leaves you with chloroauric acid - destructive to human tissue. The first mention of it is in the works of Islamic alchemists such as Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (854-925) but is there any evidence it was used back then on those mountaintop temples?
    The evidence is destroyed, according to Sir Laurence GARDNER. However extensive tests were done on the powder derived from David HUDSON's productive cotton farm. GARDNER also quotes two of the more popular alchemists both independently saying in dying breath that the Philosopher's Stone is gold, pure gold in powder form. Both mountains have severely scorched stone - in Arabia, granite and I suppose in Sinai, limestone. It is rare to find enough firewood for that kind of heat in the desert. Sulfur burns hot. And I believe that Sodom and Gomorrah were built from sulfur bricks and that was a tough lesson. The fumes allegedly could petrify people into a pillar of salt. So instead of thinking smokestack, burning of sulfur was moved to mountaintops.

    My convictions lie greatly on experience in geology. Entropy - presuming the earth was entirely molten at one time it is unlikely that there will be any veins of any of the noble transition metals - osmium, ruthenium, iridium, platinum, rhodium, palladium, gold and silver by descending boiling point temperatures. HUDSON found after consulting experts we have no way to detect gold once in the highward spin state except to arc it to the boiling temperature to observe a non-consequential flash of light. His soil, I believe laced from the crater there exhibited all the noble metals once they could keep the powder crucible under electrical arc for five minutes.

    My point was supposed to be that any veins of metal extant on earth are from meteorites.

    I have some manna in glass form. It is called moldevite. Let me explain:

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    Fifteen million years ago a large meteorite struck southern Germany, I presume in the center of an old growth pine forest. Note the color of the moldevite. Coincidence? The molten metal ball splashed a six mile diameter crater toward Czechoslovakia with drops of molten material cooling in the air, to glass tektite silicate shards and glass drops.

    I sense that since all we have is entropy, life is extraterrestrial. These metals have certain characteristics of stacking in ratcheted dodecahedron columns that fit the exact geometry of the DNA double helix. My postulations include that with iridium for example this ratcheting perfection will be disturbed at locations corresponding to the activated regions of the human DNA corresponding with the celiac, solar plexus and digestive organs in the belly.

    If you look at the moon you can grasp how much starfire material we are talking about over geologic time. The meteors are the source of all negative entropy - negentropy. Life. Most of it just falls from shooting stars. There is a definite strata layer of it from the meteorite hitting Iceland seventy-five million years ago that clouded up the atmosphere enough to drive the dinosaurs extinct. So this might actually be a way to resonate around the world like Nikola TESLA fantasized.

    The moldevite is manna in the sense that frankincense and myrrh are both pine resin like the old German forest. The gold is gold vapor - the powder, among the other noble metals. They mixed together with the topsoil and bedrock and were heated into liquid, mixing together and cooling into glass. Tektite moldevite.

    I have worked out some of the mathematics and statistics attached.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-12-19 at 08:27 AM.

  5. #45
    The Imperial Court of the Dragon Sovereignty was the world's first and now, most ancient scientific mystery school.

    I reveal a few things in the download if you click this picture:

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-14-19 at 08:34 AM.

  6. #46
    I recall that within the Golden Rectangle on Colorado Springs, near the Cornerstone NE corner, where I was born is the church where my parents were married. The larger spire is to the NE.

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-14-19 at 04:18 PM.

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